Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 90 The First War Between Liches and Sorcerers Begins

"It seems that he really went to the netherworld!" Tian Yuan looked at the Wangchuan River across in front of him and murmured in a low voice.

When Tian Yuan planned to find Hou Tu, the first thing he thought of was the underworld.

After all, even if he hadn't intervened, Hou Tu would not have died in the catastrophe, but would have transformed into Hou Tu Niangniang and become the master of the underworld.

Although Hou Tu's transformation into reincarnation was calculated, it undoubtedly proved that the other party was indeed related to the underworld.

Perhaps it was not just Hou Tu, the twelve ancestor witches should also have a connection with the underworld.

With this thought, Tian Yuan went straight to the space under the earth veins and fled towards the netherworld.

In a familiar place, the Wangchuan River quietly spanned the void, blocking his way forward.

As long as he approached, blood would rise in the river, still corroding the will of Buzhou Mountain.

However, the creatures that he saw last time were not seen in the Wangchuan River this time.

After Tian Yuan studied it fruitlessly, he swept forward along the Wangchuan River.

After flying for a hundred years, the Wangchuan River still has no end. Just like at the beginning, it flows in the quiet void.

"It's about time, it's time to try."

Glancing at the trickling blood, Tianyuan fled towards the top of his head.

Not long after, the familiar blood mist appeared, and then gradually became thicker until it turned into a rolling blood wave.

Breaking in forcefully, Tianyuan easily felt the existence of the earth veins, and then appeared in the earlier earth veins.

Sure enough, it was the same as the sky, and it had flown along the Wangchuan River for so long.

But it flew straight up, still in the original position, the original earth veins.

There was no fluctuation of the laws of space around, which meant that it was not a folding of space.

Glancing at the top of his head, Tianyuan whispered: "It seems to be related to will!"

The will of heaven covers the prehistoric starry sky, the will of earth occupies the netherworld, and the will of humanity gathers all things and spirits on the prehistoric earth.

The three paths of heaven, earth and man in the prehistoric world should have complemented each other, but now they are inexplicably separated.

This is probably the key reason why he cannot see billions of stars and cannot find the netherworld.

However, the scene in front of him also confirmed Tianyuan's guess that Houtu probably crossed the Wangchuan River.

Tianyuan returned to the sacred mountain, glanced at the many veins in the east, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Buzhou Mountain's will has not been completely restored, let alone communicating with the heaven and earth, which is a long-term matter.

As for Houtu, we can only wait for her to come back.

Tianyuan appeared on Buzhou Mountain, and the gourd baby who was practicing in the distance woke up at the first time and ran forward immediately.

"Father Mountain!"

Tianyuan nodded, glanced at the bottom of Buzhou Mountain, and asked softly: "Is there anything happening in the prehistoric world?"

After a while, dense stone pillars were erected in the direction of Pangu Temple.

The witch tribe there is endless, and it is obvious that the ancestor witch has gathered all the witch tribes here.

"It's nothing, but some time ago two people came to Buzhou Mountain to look for their father, and were chased by Gonggong." Calabash Brother shook his head, and then remembered Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi who flashed by on Buzhou Mountain.

The second lecture of Zixiao Palace was almost over, and Tianyuan didn't expect Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi to come to him.

Hearing Gonggong's anger on Zhenyuanzi and the others, he felt depressed.

These ancestor witches are probably not just angry, but just want to dredge the earth veins.

The first battle between witches and demons is about to begin, and he needs to prepare. This is also the direct reason why Tianyuan stopped looking for Houtu.

In order to capture the ancestor witches, in addition to breaking into the Hunyuan Jinxian, it is to fish in troubled waters during the battle between witches and demons.

Whether it is the ancestor witches or the demon saints and great demons of the demon court, they will all be Tianyuan's targets.

The demon clan is a little slow in purifying and dredging the earth veins, but it can be compensated by numbers.

No matter how many witches there are, they cannot compare with the prehistoric tribes.

There are three main veins in the east, and Tianyuan left one for the demons of the prehistoric world.

The original trajectory was that the second lecture of Zixiao Palace ended, and the first war between the witches and demons broke out.

Because the demon king had not yet comprehended the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, he was defeated by the ancestor witch.

But now that Hou Tu is missing, the ancestor witch cannot condense the twelve heavenly gods and demons formation, so it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

This evenly matched situation is undoubtedly more suitable for Tianyuan to act.

At this moment, a sudden sound of "ding" came from the sky, accompanied by solemn words.

"I am the demon emperor Jun. After a hundred years, I will become a Taoist couple with the Taiyin star Changxi fairy and Xihe fairy. We will hold a heavenly wedding. All prehistoric creatures can come to congratulate!"

The voice rang three times, and echoed in the prehistoric world with the sound of bells.

Before the sound of Taoism faded, golden lotus and ceiling flowers appeared on the sky, and the fairy music floated in the sky. At the same time, a large group of golden merits fell, turned into three parts, and fell into the demon court.

"The marriage hasn't even started yet and merits have fallen." Tian Yuan muttered, his face a little strange.

A long time ago, he was also very eager for merits, but now he has no idea.

Because he doesn't know whether these merits are rewards from heaven and earth or gifts from heaven.

In the entire prehistoric world, who can compare with him in blessing heaven and earth?

He captured so many witches and dredged dozens of branches, but he didn't see any rewards. The only gain was probably that Pangu's heart recognized him.

With his peripheral vision sweeping the distant sky, Tian Yuan saw a familiar figure flying quickly.

He didn't hesitate and told Calabash Boy: "Just say I'm in seclusion for cultivation."

It was Fuxi who came, needless to say, he must be invited to the demon court to congratulate.

Tian Yuan is not interested in this kind of eating and drinking. He still likes to chew the rocks on Buzhou Mountain.

If you have this time, you might as well practice hard on Buzhou Mountain and prepare for the Lich War.

Moreover, once you go to the Demon Court, everyone will look familiar, and it will be difficult to do evil things next.

On Buzhou Mountain, as long as Tianyuan is not willing, no one can find him.

Calabash Boy nodded in agreement to Tian Yuan's instructions.

In a quiet valley, Calabash Baby then appeared and handed over a glowing invitation.

"Father Shan! Then Fuxi said that you should go to the Demon Court to congratulate you, and the Demon Court has always reserved the position of Demon Emperor for you."

Tian Yuan took the invitation and took a look at it. He immediately put it into his mouth and smashed it into pieces.

"Not bad! It's actually made of Chaos Meteor Iron. It seems that Emperor Jun has really put in the effort."

The Demon Emperor was a small mining expert prepared by him, but Tian Yuan did not have such free time.

If the two demon kings are captured by then, their arrogant little tempers will have no place to put their face.

In the thirty-third heaven, everyone in the demon court looked shocked when they saw the merits falling from the sky. Even Emperor Jun, who was shrouded in merits, was no exception.

"Huang Xi is really a great talent!" Di Jun couldn't help shouting.

Regarding the matter of heavenly marriage, I naturally followed Fuxi's advice and did not want such a shocking news.

Earlier, it was just that the demon master Kunpeng had meritorious deeds in creating demon literature. He became a Taoist couple with Xihe and Chang Xi, and everyone was congratulated by heaven and earth. It was really unexpected.

As the merits fell, luck gathered between heaven and earth again.

These changes undoubtedly strengthened what Di Jun thought in his mind, that the Demon Court should be in charge of all races and rule the ancient world.

Listening to the loud congratulations from all around, Emperor Jun looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling very high-spirited.

With this vision, many living beings are bound to come to congratulate them, and then they can recruit a group of innate saints to strengthen the demon court.

Fuxi’s suggestion really kills three birds with one stone!

Just as Di Jun thought in his mind, the innate saints who originally planned to meditate in seclusion, seeing that their merits have declined, accepted the invitations from the Demon Court, and many of them went to the thirty-third heaven to observe the heavenly wedding.

On the ancient land, rays of rays of light escaped towards the Demon Court, but the many ancestor witches of the Wu Clan were secretly angry.

"It's ridiculous to find a Taoist companion who has merit and virtue!" Zhuo Jiuyin looked up at the sky with a rather disdainful expression.

Only those who have done meritorious service in heaven and earth will be rewarded with meritorious deeds.

Last time, Kunpeng's creation of monsters was fair enough. It strengthened the monster clan and enriched the food of the witch clan, but now they can't see through it.

Zhu Rong gasped and said in a Weng voice: "If it weren't for the evil stone man, we would have beaten him to the Demon Court and disturbed his heavenly marriage."

The Demon Court recruits demons aggressively. Earlier, Emperor Jun and Taiyi were even more arrogant in their desire to dominate all races. Sooner or later, they will have a battle.

Looking at the angry brothers, Di Jiang opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Practice quietly."

Although the Demon Court is annoying, at this moment Di Jiang just wants to find that space.

The top priority is to control Buzhoushan's will and gain Buzhoushan's approval.

Di Jiang didn't even pay attention to the mere demon clan.

The prehistoric era was created by Father God, so it should be controlled by the Witch Clan, not the Demon Court, nor the Stone Man.

The ancient land has returned to peace again, only the thirty-third heaven is bustling with excitement and joy.

Time passed slowly, Tian Yuan sat quietly in Buzhou Mountain, his whole body shrouded in dazzling white light.


A loud noise woke Tian Yuan up from his training.

Tian Yuan opened his eyes, his expression was overjoyed and his eyes were full of expectation.

The calabash boy next to him, who was also woken up, shouted angrily: "What the hell is this demon court doing? It rings the bell all day long and doesn't allow people to meditate."

But before he finished speaking, Calabash Boy opened his eyes wide and looked at the sky in surprise.

"The ancestral witches do not know the laws of heaven and do not know God's will. The witch clan is wreaking havoc on the ancient land and devouring all races at will. Cholera has caused cholera in the world, and the whole world is angry. Today, my emperor will lead all the tribes of Demon Court to attack it to eliminate the great wilderness!"

The sound shook the wild and reverberated throughout the ancient world, shocking the hearts of countless creatures.

The first war between the lich and the lich has finally begun, and the best time has come to capture the ancestral witch and the demon saint.

Listening to the rolling sound in his ears, a strange look flashed across Tianyuan's face.

It turns out that even in the world of cultivating immortals, you need to find a reason for war.

The moment the sound almost rang out, several roars exploded from the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and violent auras surged up into the sky.

"Fu Shan! We can do it secretly!" Calabash Boy stood up, with excitement in his eyes.

Calabash Wa has always been obsessed with capturing the Wu Clan and unblocking the earth's veins, and now she finally has the opportunity.

Tianyuan nodded and said softly: "The demon clan of Daluo Jinxian cannot be left behind."

The manifestation of the Three Thousand Laws is also the goal that Tianyuan has been pursuing.

Last time, many great witches were captured, and dozens of laws were manifested in them, but it was not enough.

In Tianyuan's sight, there was a scorching sun, heading straight for the ancient land.

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