Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 89 The witch clan already has a way to die

"What did Brother Tianyuan do?" Hongyun was depressed looking at the two figures behind him.

He just called out "Brother Tianyuan" a few times on Mount Buzhou, but Gonggong and Zhurong were so murderous.

Zhenyuanzi was also full of doubts. Even if the ancestor witch had a grudge against Tianyuan, it was unreasonable for him to vent his anger on the two.

He could clearly feel the anger of the two ancestor witches, which made Zhenyuanzi give up the idea of ​​fighting.

Although the ancestor witches were extraordinary, they were also not ordinary people. They just didn't want to suffer this unprovoked disaster.

Only Gonggong and Zhurong were chasing them. If they fought, the rest of the ancestor witches would come, which would be a headache.

These guys are thick-skinned and hard to be hurt by their magical powers and spiritual treasures. They are definitely the most difficult opponents in the world.

Zhenyuanzi, with a depressed look on his face, immediately shouted loudly: "Two Taoist friends, I have some friendship with the ancestor witch Houtu. Why is this happening?"

He and Hongyun also like to make friends, and many of the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace are familiar with them.

As soon as he spoke, he was responded by two earth-shaking roars, and the murderous intent from behind him was even stronger.

Zhen Yuanzi's face was stunned, and he was extremely confused.

"Zhen Yuanzi, why do they feel more angry?" Hong Yun beside him stared at him.

"I don't know!" Zhen Yuanzi shook his head.

Thousands of years have passed, why does Tianyuan have such a big grudge with the witch clan.

And when it comes to Hou Tu, Gonggong and Zhurong are even more irritable. Is there something going on between the ancestor witches?

Glancing at the Buzhou Mountain below, Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly said: "Let's go back to Wuzhuang Temple first, and come to see Brother Tianyuan next time."

Gonggong and Zhurong are chasing closely, and the remaining ancestor witches are at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

If you want to see Tianyuan, you can only go before the third sermon.

Although Hong Yun was depressed, he could only nod in agreement.

After a fight, he had a general understanding of the strength of the ancestor witches. Without a powerful spiritual treasure to protect himself, it is not an ordinary trouble.

After saying that, a yellowish-brown gas suddenly emerged, wrapped around the two people and instantly fled underground, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Roar!" Such a familiar way of escaping made Gonggong even more manic.

These two guys really have a close relationship with the stone man, and their ways of doing things are very similar.

Gonggong and Zhurong roared angrily, but they did not rush to the Wuzhuang Temple where Zhenyuanzi was.

The anger was entirely because of the stone man of Tianyuan.

Looking at the direction of Wanshou Mountain with hatred, Gonggong and Zhurong quickly rushed to the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

At this moment, three rays of light passed through the sky in the east and fell towards Kunlun Mountain.

The three pure ones, who were originally happy when they approached, frowned at the same time and appeared on the top of the mountain in an instant.

The formation in the mountain was destroyed, and it was in a mess all around, and many spiritual roots were sluggish.

Yuanshi Tianzun had a gloomy face, and anger was clearly visible in his eyes. "Who is so bold as to break into our temple!"

In the prehistoric land, who doesn't know that Kunlun Mountain is the temple of the Three Pure Ones?

They went to Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings, but someone came here to make trouble.

Tongtian didn't say anything, but there was a hint of sword in his eyes. Breaking into the temple privately was a provocation to the Three Pure Ones.

Laozi's face was gloomy, and he waved his right hand in the air, and suddenly saw several figures falling from the air.

"Tong'er, what happened?"

They were the first group of innate gods in the world that were transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit. Laozi really couldn't figure out who was so bold.

The Taoist children who showed up knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Report to the three masters, a thousand years ago, a big monster broke into the fairy mountain, and Tong'er was defeated." The Taoist child knelt on the ground and pressed his body tightly on the ground.

The formation was easily torn apart, and they were pressed on the ground and couldn't move at all, and they didn't see the person coming at all.

The faces of the Three Pure Ones who heard it sank, and someone really dared to break into Kunlun Mountain.

Laozi waved his hand, and magic power surged out, weaving a mirror image in the air.

"Zu Wu Di Jiang!"

Yuanshi Tianzun recognized the other party at a glance because of the rolling evil spirit and the appearance that was not concealed at all.

Zu Wu had some origins with them, so how could he force his way into Kunlun Mountain.

Tongtian took a closer look and said in a deep voice: "This Di Jiang seems to be looking for something?"

In the mirror image, Di Jiang tore the formation apart with his hands, strolled around Kunlun Mountain and escaped directly.

The mountain was in such a mess, which was completely caused by the bloody evil spirit that the other party vented.

"Humph! Finding something in our Kunlun Mountain, it's really presumptuous!" Although he said so, Yuanshi Tianzun was obviously not as angry as before.

Other innate gods are fine, but Zu Wu has a strong body and is very difficult to deal with. What's more, the other party has more brothers than him.

Laozi raised his eyes slightly, and said indifferently: "If you don't know the destiny, you will eventually die in the world!"

Although he had the merit and virtue treasure, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, to protect him, Laozi didn't think about getting back at him.

The guy who crossed the chaos in his physical body, the merit and virtue treasure would be hard to hurt, and he would be the one who was embarrassed.

Putting away the aerial mirror and sending away the Taoist boy, the Three Pure Ones didn't talk about the ancestor witch anymore.

They benefited a lot from the second lecture in Zixiao Palace, and it was important to retreat and practice.

Entering the quasi-saint realm is their primary task.

A figure passed through the prehistoric starry sky, and they all landed in the thirty-third heaven. They were the demon emperor of the demon court and a group of demon saints.

Di Jun and Tai Fang just appeared, and they were overjoyed.

It has only been a few thousand years, and the fortune of the demon court has exploded, which is somewhat beyond their expectations.

There are figures rushing in the distance. They are several demon saints who stayed in the demon court, and there are many big demons behind them.

Scanning those figures, Di Jun's divine sense quickly enveloped the demon court, and his eyes lit up again.

During the time he was away, not only did many great monsters come to join him, but the number of monsters doubled.

"Congratulations to the Monster King. The Monster Court is so prosperous that it will soon be able to rule all the tribes in the wilderness!" Fuxi obviously noticed the changes in the Monster Court and was very happy.

Bai Ze and others who accompanied him also congratulated loudly, and they were all beaming with joy.

They had already gone to Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings. Now the Monster Court is even more prosperous, which means that the fortune surrounding them has also skyrocketed.

With the increase of fortune, cultivation will be twice as effective with half the effort. How can people not be happy and excited?

They are all full of hope for the future of the Monster Court.

"Greetings to the Monster King!" The Monster Saint who came here greeted him respectfully.

"Good, good, good!" Di Jun laughed up to the sky, and then said loudly: "Return to the palace to discuss matters!"

Taiyi, who was next to him, nodded slightly to Di Jun, Fuxi and others, and went straight to the Sun Palace.

Fuxi and others were not surprised by the departure of Donghuang.

Donghuang Taiyi likes to be quiet and has no interest in the affairs of the Demon Court, but everyone in the Demon Court knows about it.

Emperor Jun listened to the report of the demon saint below, frowned, and asked in confusion: "Di Jiang and other ancestor witches are wreaking havoc in the prehistoric land?"

Almost all the famous innate saints in the prehistoric land have gone to Zixiao Palace. Who else needs the ancestor witch to take action?

The increase in the number of demons in the Demon Court was unexpectedly due to the ancestor witch.

The demon saint below nodded, and then said: "I don't know who caused the ancestor witch to be angry. Di Jiang even broke into Kunlun Fairy Mountain and made the mountain a mess."

"Break into Kunlun Mountain?" Emperor Jun was surprised and a little unbelievable.

Kunlun is the territory of the Three Pure Ones. Although the Three Pure Ones and the ancestor witch all claim to be the authentic Pangu, they have never fought.

Why did the Three Pure Ones go to Zixiao Palace, but the ancestor witch acted like this?

Although those rough men are annoying, they are still a little arrogant and will not do such deeds.

The demon saint Chitie shook his head. He only found out about the power of the ancestor witch after he sent someone to investigate.

As if he had thought of something, Chitie said again: "Also, there is a stone man in Buzhou Mountain."

Chitie paused for a moment, with a little suspicion in his eyes.

Before the demon king went to Zixiao Palace, he sent him to pay special attention to the movements of the witch clan. Who knew that a bold person would appear on Buzhou Mountain.

He took the initiative to provoke the ancestor witch. If it weren't for the many ancestor witches gathered at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, he would have wanted to go to Buzhou Mountain in person to introduce the big demon to the demon king.

"The stone man of Buzhou Mountain?" Di Jun muttered, looking at Fuxi.

There is no doubt that the stone man Chitie mentioned must be Tianyuan.

This guy had robbed his second brother's opportunity earlier, and later rejected Fuxi's invitation to join the demon court.

Facing Dijun's gaze, Fuxi couldn't help asking, "What about the stone man?"

Nuwa, who was absent-minded in the field, also looked at Chitie at this moment.

Feeling the gazes of several demon kings, Chitie straightened his body and quickly told the stone man one by one.

Listening to Chitie's words, Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other, somewhat confused about Tianyuan's actions.

They had not been in contact with Tianyuan for a long time, but they could still roughly see each other's character.

For so many years, he has never been known to outsiders, and he has not even been to Zixiao Palace. He must be a hard-working person.

How did Tianyuan, who guarded the spiritual roots on Mount Buzhou, suddenly conflict with the Wu clan.

Dijun, who was at the top, laughed and said happily, "It seems that Emperor Xi will have to go to Mount Buzhou in a few days."

In Dijun's view, Tianyuan had a conflict with the ancestor witch, and it was only a matter of time before he surrendered to the demon court.

The demon court wanted to rule the prehistoric tribes, and the Wu clan was the first to bear the brunt. Tianyuan alone cannot resist the twelve ancestor witches, so joining the demon court is inevitable.

Fuxi nodded. He felt a little regretful that he failed to pull Tianyuan into the demon court last time. Now might be an opportunity.

At this moment, there was a faint rumbling sound from below the demon court, accompanied by a violent breath.

Emperor Jun knew that the sharp fluctuations came from the ancestor witches without sensing.

"Bai Ze, go and see what happened?"

"Yes, the demon king!"

Bai Ze turned and left, and hurried back after a while.

"Report to the demon king, it is the ancestor witch Gonggong and Zhurong who are chasing Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun." Bai Ze responded quickly with his hands clasped.

Chasing Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun?

Many people in the hall were stunned, but Emperor Jun, who was at the top, laughed up to the sky.

"The ancestor witches do not know the destiny of heaven, and they have already found a way to die!"

They ravaged the prehistoric land, broke into Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and now they are chasing Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi. With enemies everywhere, the Wu Clan seems to have reached the end.

Touching his chin, Di Jun was thinking whether he could also take Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun into the Demon Court.

Earlier, he had made friends with the two in Zixiao Palace, but unfortunately, each of the innate gods was of noble status and arrogant.

Thinking of this, Di Jun's eyes unconsciously swept over Fuxi, and he liked him more and more in his heart.

In the prehistoric world, only Emperor Xi was very pleasing to him!

"What the Demon Emperor said is very true!" Facing Di Jun's gaze, Fuxi naturally agreed loudly.

Then he stepped out, and a floating voice came: "Just now I felt something in my heart, and I got a hexagram that can make the fortune of the Demon Court rise."

Di Jun, who was already happy, had bright eyes and couldn't wait to ask: "What hexagram is Emperor Xi, tell me quickly."

Di Jun believed in Fuxi's divination skills very much.

Over the years, every suggestion of Fuxi was extremely correct.

Fuxi said with a smile: "This matter still needs the help of the two fairies Xihe and Changxi."

Xihe and Changxi, who were waiting quietly, were stunned and looked a little surprised. They didn't expect that the matter was related to them.

They were not weak in the demon court, but they could not help much.

Emperor Jun glanced at the two fairies beside him and asked curiously, "Emperor Xi, please stop asking riddles."

After saying that, Emperor Jun strode down.

Seeing this, Fuxi no longer concealed the truth and told the story.

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