Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 87: Gathering the Essence and Blood of the Twelve Ancestral Witches

Pangu Temple, deep in the blood pool.

Dijiang and others who were sitting in a circle woke up one by one, all with bad faces.

"Brother! The blood essence left by my younger sister is a little weak."

Xuanming looked at the dark red blood drop in the distance with a gloomy face.

After returning from Buzhou Mountain, they went directly into the depths of the blood pool.

Although the heart of the father god was gone, the blood pool was still there.

If you want to find the mysterious space, of course, the location of the father god's heart is the most suitable, after all, this place was once connected to that place.

Several anxious ancestor witches immediately started to act, but they tried continuously and got nothing.

Hou Tu's drop of blood essence is naturally not bad, but compared with these ancestor witches, there is a big gap.

Because of this kind of fault-like difference, the ancestor witches can't resonate with each other.

The remaining ancestor witches didn't speak, but became more and more irritable.

The stone man who suddenly jumped out wasted too much of their energy and made them frustrated again and again.

Dijiang waved his right hand, looked at the blood essence floating in his palm, and said in a deep voice: "So! We will create an ancestor witch."

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Rong and others, who could no longer sit still, were all stunned and looked at Dijiang in amazement.

Even Xuanming looked at him with surprise.

The ancestor witches were all transformed from the blood essence of the Father God, and they were unable to control them.

Besides, the Father God's heart was stolen by Tianyuan at the moment, so there was no such possibility.

Dijiang ignored the few people, jumped up, and fled to the top of the blood pool.

The few people in the field looked at each other, without any hesitation, and chased after Dijiang's figure.

With a clattering sound, several ancestor witches all appeared at the edge of the blood pool.

Dijiang looked at the billions of stars shining above the blood pool, and said softly: "Gather the power of our twelve witch ancestors and create a great witch comparable to the ancestor witch!"

As Dijiang said this, he opened his mouth and spit out a drop of silver-white blood falling into the air.

Xuanming and the others, who were puzzled at first, all had their eyes brightened when they heard this.

Although the essence and blood of the ancestor witches are precious, they cannot harm their origin.

If the essence and blood of the twelve ancestor witches are gathered together, perhaps a powerful great witch can be created as Dijiang said.

Let this extraordinary great witch replace Hou Tu's position, and then work together to find that consciousness space.

Moreover, the witch clan's strongest means, the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Great Array, cannot be condensed without an ancestor witch, and this great witch may also replace Hou Tu.

In any case, Dijiang's suggestion is perfect.

Gonggong and the others did not hesitate, and each of them spit out a drop of essence and blood.

In an instant, twelve drops of blood of different colors floated above the blood pool, exuding rolling power.

Then the ancestor witches all looked up and looked at the starry sky above the blood pool, which was shining with countless stars.

Most of the witches were born in the blood pool of the temple, but they did not rely solely on the power of the blood pool, but also needed the wandering souls floating in the prehistoric world.

After being condensed in the blood pool, the wandering souls turned into pure true spirits, absorbed energy and became the witches.

The true spirit is the most fundamental mark of every living being, so some of the original characteristics still remain.

This is also the direct reason why the witches look so strange, like a patchwork of various creatures.

Emperor Jiang flapped his wings, and suddenly saw that in the dazzling stars, a group of light balls emerged, they were big and small, and the light they bloomed was also different.

Regardless of size, brightness, and darkness, there was a vague figure floating in each light ball.

Without seeing how Emperor Jiang moved, the light balls that appeared faded one by one, leaving only a few of the largest and brightest ones.

They floated above the blood pool, and the wandering souls in them were clearly visible.

Although the skin color and appearance were different, without exception, the body shape was similar to that of the human race in later generations.

These are the innate sacred beings that fell in the prehistoric world. Because they are most similar to the Father God, they are all very powerful.

After a careful look, Dijiang chose a wandering soul that best fits the Father God's form.

The shape of the Father God Pangu is more likely to absorb the energy of the blood pool, and the witch clan derived from it is also more powerful.

Almost all the powerful witches in the clan are in this form.

Therefore, if you want to create a witch comparable to the ancestor witch, you must get closer to the form of the Father God.

The remaining light ball escaped back into the sky and disappeared in the bright starry sky.

Standing on the edge of the blood pool, Dijiang's wings on his back shook, and suddenly saw the twelve drops of blood floating in the air flying out and sinking into the light ball.

In an instant, the light ball was full of blood light, and then it quickly fell into the blood pool.

Just after entering it, the whole blood pool immediately boiled, and countless blood rushed towards the light ball, interweaving into a large cocoon, slowly sinking to the bottom of the pool.

Feeling the energy quickly flowing into the blood pool, a hint of sadness flashed across Dijiang's eyes.

Without the heart of the Father God, after nurturing this great witch, the energy contained in the blood pool is probably very little.

But as long as they can find that space, everything is worth it.

Dijiang now understands that the space is the greatest gift left to them by the Father God.

Dijiang retracted his gaze, looked around at the many ancestor witches, and said softly: "Now we wait for this great witch to nurture."

Whether it is the energy in the blood pool or the essence of the twelve ancestor witches, it takes time to absorb.

When the great witch is nurtured, they will have a chance to catch the stone man.

Feeling the gradually increasing breath in the blood pool, Xuanming and others are all happy.

Gonggong frowned, but said in a deep voice: "Brother, what if the stone man arrests the tribesmen everywhere again?"

If the most angry person in Tianyuan among the twelve ancestor witches is Gonggong.

Hearing Gonggong's words, everyone in the hall looked gloomy.

Tianyuan was arresting witches, although it was just to clear the earth veins and did not hurt their lives.

But if they let the stone men act recklessly, how could their ancestors of witches have the face to walk in the prehistoric land.

More importantly, as the earth veins were constantly cleared, Tianyuan's strength became stronger and stronger.

Gonggong seriously suspected that Tianyuan's strength had exploded so quickly, all thanks to the captured witches.

Without the witches combing and purifying the earth veins, Tianyuan would be an ordinary stone man.

Dijiang and others obviously thought of this, and their expressions were solemn.

Today's Tianyuan is no longer the same as before. Not only does he have the peak cultivation of Daluo Jinxian, but he also controls the body of the ancestor witch.

As ancestor witches, they are very clear about the power of the ancestor witch's body, and they are invincible.

This means that if Tianyuan really wants to arrest witches everywhere, the power of the eleven ancestor witches alone cannot stop it.

The land of the East is so vast, and the other party controls the will of Mount Buzhou, which can be said to be hard to defend.

Maybe the great witch in the blood pool has not yet been born, and Tianyuan's Taoism is far superior to them.

At that time, that hateful guy might capture them to dredge the earth veins. We must not let Tianyuan grow like this.

Glancing at the blood pool in front of him, Dijiang said calmly: "Call back all the tribesmen, gather outside the temple, and our ancestor witches will personally sit in the tribe!"

The heart of the father god is gone, and they don't need to meditate in the blood pool.

Gathering all the tribesmen is the only way Dijiang can think of.

With the eleven ancestor witches gathered, Tianyuan can only shrink on Mount Buzhou.

As long as he enters that space and controls the will of the father god, it will be easier to dominate the prehistoric land.

Although they are unwilling to retreat like this, they really have no other way.

Many ancestor witches nodded, that is, they are going to call back the tribesmen scattered in the prehistoric land.

"Xuanming, you stay here to guard, and I will take care of the affairs of your tribe!" Dijiang called Xuanming who was about to leave.

The great witch that was about to be born in the blood pool was related to the future of the entire witch clan, and Dijiang would never allow it to fail.

Xuanming stopped and nodded heavily.

Many ancestor witches left one by one, and in the entire temple, only Xuanming was left sitting quietly by the blood pool.

Tianyuan flew past a mountain range in the east, and all the witches in the tribe in front of him were swept away.

After throwing the captured witches into the earth veins with Calabash Boy, the two of them immediately embarked on the journey of capturing the witch clan again.

No matter what the ancestor witches had planned, the task of capturing the witch clan would not stop anyway.

He had already revealed his cards now, and the ancestor witches still didn't know what was good for them, so there was no need to be polite.

At this moment, Tianyuan glanced at the distance and was stunned.

A tall figure crossed the void, and it was Dijiang, the leader of the twelve ancestor witches.

In another direction, Tianyuan felt a strong momentum sweeping over, and it was also a witch who hurried away.

Looking at the figure that appeared and disappeared quickly in the distance, Tianyuan couldn't help wondering: "What are these witches doing?"

Sensing the surroundings carefully, the witches did not hide around to plot against him.

Tianyuan muttered a few times, but didn't bother to pay attention, and fled forward quickly.

A witch tribe appeared in the perception, but the next second, Tianyuan's face changed and his figure disappeared instantly.

Below was a huge valley with densely packed simple stone houses.

The architectural style was obviously a large witch tribe.

But now the whole valley was quiet, and there was no witch figure.

Tianyuan frowned slightly. When he went down the mountain, he and Calabash Brothers had divided the area, and this witch tribe had not been swept away.

With doubts, Tianyuan continued to flee forward, but the tribes he met next were all deserted.

"Damn! Didn't these witch ancestors take all their people away?" Tian Yuan exclaimed, looking a little annoyed.

This was the direction that Di Jiang had just flown in. After thinking about it, Tian Yuan understood the reason.

In order to prevent him from arresting the witches everywhere, the witch ancestors took all their people away.

Angry Tian Yuan randomly chose a direction and fled quickly.

As he thought, many of the tribes he met were silent, without a single ghost.

Tian Yuan stood in the air, his eyebrows twitching with anger.

He was not a witch, and he relied on his divine thoughts to find the tribe, but the witch ancestors were different. With the power of their bloodline, they could easily sense the location of each tribe.

If the witch ancestors really did this, he would definitely not be able to beat Di Jiang and others.

Feeling a violent wave in front of him, Tian Yuan accelerated his flight, and it was still Di Jiang's figure.

The other party fled in the void, and even if he saw Tian Yuan, he ignored it.

The four wings on his back flashed quickly, and disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, leaving only empty tribes.

Tianyuan was extremely depressed.

When did the ancestor witch become so smart that he even learned to follow other people's paths.

Looking around, Tianyuan sighed and had to turn around and rush to Buzhou Mountain.

Fortunately, he went down the mountain early and captured some witches, otherwise he would have returned empty-handed.

Tianyuan was not worried about the next scene. The ancestor witch took away the tribesmen with great magical powers, and he must have let them go.

Probably because he knew that he could not stop his actions, he wanted to gather all the tribesmen together.

But it's good this way. When he is strong, he can directly kill them all at once, saving running around and wasting time.

"Father Mountain!"

Just as we were approaching Mount Buzhou, we saw Calabash Brothers running in a hurry from a distance.

Calabash Brothers were only in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and they certainly couldn't catch up with the speed of the ancestors, so they probably got less than him.

Sure enough, Calabash Brothers, who were running over, said angrily: "Those ancestors took all the witches away by themselves, and I didn't catch many of them."

"It's okay! I already know!"

Tian Yuan touched Calabash Brothers' head, turned slowly, and looked into the distance, where a figure came across the void angrily.

He had a human body with a python head, black scales on his body, and a black dragon under his feet. He was Gonggong, the ancestor of water among the twelve ancestors.

"Tian Yuan! Come out and fight!" Gonggong roared loudly, his eyes full of violence.

Because the tribe was swept by Tian Yuan earlier, he didn't have many people under his jurisdiction, and the remaining people were almost all below the level of Jinxian.

This scene undoubtedly made Gonggong, who was full of anger, even more angry.

After taking away the tribesmen, he rushed to Buzhou Mountain as soon as possible.

Gonggong really couldn't swallow the breath in his chest for this hateful stone man.

"Not interested!" Tianyuan fled to Buzhou Mountain without looking back.

If he had an absolutely overwhelming strength, he would naturally not mind capturing Gonggong.

The two of them were about the same in strength, and there were other ancestor witches around, so there was no need to fight at all.

Once the opponent was at a disadvantage, he would have to fight a group of ancestor witches alone, which was boring.

Seeing Tianyuan disappear into Buzhou Mountain without hesitation, this act of ignoring made Gonggong's entire chest explode.

The violent body rushed fiercely and hit the place where Tianyuan disappeared.

The rocks exploded, Buzhou Mountain shook slightly, and a huge pit emerged.

Gonggong was about to vent his anger again, and the words of Dijiang came to his ears.

The raised fist stopped in the air, Gonggong roared, and ran towards the mountains under Buzhou Mountain.

Amidst the rumbling sound, his body crushed the peaks one after another, and the raised dust covered the sky.

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