Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 86 The decision of the ancient witches

Tian Yuan disappeared, and slowly sank into Mount Buzhou, and no trace of breath could be felt anymore.

At this moment, many ancestor witches finally understood why they had not been able to find each other earlier.

Gong Gong also knew why Qing Mang said that Mount Buzhou was full of the breath of stone men.

Tian Yuan, the stone man, could actually merge with Mount Buzhou.

The spirit of Mount Buzhou? Mount Buzhou took shape? Or something else of the Father God?

The ancestor witches standing there in a daze, many thoughts turned in their minds, and finally only Tian Yuan's will of the Father God that was gathered at will was left.

That was the will of the Father God, and the other party could mobilize it so easily.

It was probably because of the will of the Father God that Tian Yuan could easily take away the heart of the Father God and even train the body of the ancestor witch.

Gong Gong panted and said unwillingly: "Brother! We are the ancestor witches, and it must be Tian Yuan who stole the legacy of the Father God!"

After the creation of the world, the heart of the Father God has always been with the ancestor witches.

They were born with the bodies of the ancestor witches, and they should be in charge of the will of the Father God. They are the authentic Pangu.

The work of combing and purifying the earth veins is also done by their witch clan.

As the ancestor witches, they can lead the entire witch clan to dredge the earth veins, and they can also restore the will of the Father God. At that time, they can also merge with Buzhou Mountain, so why do they need a stone man.

What did the stone man do? He only captured their people everywhere.

The final work is not done by their witch clan?

"Yes! My little sister must have been deceived by this guy." Zhu Rong also roared loudly, with an extremely unsurprised look.

A big demon has mastered the body of their ancestor witch and robbed the most precious thing of the witch clan. It must not be let go.

The remaining several ancestor witches did not speak, but they were all panting and looking at Dijiang angrily.

They were very angry after suffering losses at the hands of a stone man. They should catch the stone man.

The world of the Father God, their witch clan will take care of it, and the mission left by the Father God will also be completed by them. There is no need for any stone man at all.

Dijiang's face was also not looking good. He really regretted not going to that consciousness space earlier.

If he had started studying that place a long time ago, there would be no Tianyuan.

He also hoped that Tianyuan had stolen the father's legacy, rather than the father's choice.

If it was really the father's choice, then their ancestor witch

Thinking of this, Dijiang's heart was in a panic, and the aura surrounding him became more violent.

They have always claimed to be the authentic Pangu. They do not worship the sky or the earth, and they disdain to preach in the Zixiao Palace. They stick to the father's power.

Just as they hoped, the ancestor witch is loved by the father, with a strong body and difficult to hurt spiritual treasures.

Now now

Dijiang's heart became more and more confused as he thought about it, and he didn't know what to do.

He was also very angry with Tianyuan, but he was worried that the other party was really chosen by the father.

"Brother! Gather the power of our twelve ancestor witches, maybe we can find that space." At this time, Xuanming next to him spoke, with the same violent eyes.

So many ancestor witches joined forces, but they didn't take down a single stone man. They didn't live up to the name of the ancestor witches.

Whether it was the Father God's choice or not, that was all Tian Yuan's words. If we find that space, it will be clear.

Upon hearing this, Di Jiang's eyes lit up immediately. All the roots were in that space.

The stone man was so extraordinary, probably because he got lucky in that space.

If they could go there, they could figure out everything, and then they wouldn't have to worry about whether it was the Father God's choice.

"Now that my little sister is nowhere to be found, how can we gather the power of the twelve ancestor witches?" Gong Gong had a gloomy face and was very dissatisfied with this proposal.

The stone man was too arrogant. He played with them like this and didn't take the ancestor witches seriously at all.

They should have searched every corner of Buzhou Mountain. I don't believe they can't find Tian Yuan.

Hou Tu even told outsiders about the Father God's heart. She is no longer the little sister they are familiar with.

Not to mention that they can't find her now, even if they can find Hou Tu, I'm afraid she won't help the ancestor witches.

In the past, they all loved this little sister, but she responded like this, Gonggong was very angry.

The root of all this was the hateful stone man.

Dijiang was so smart that he instantly thought of the meaning of Xuanming's words: "Are you talking about the drop of blood left by the little sister?"

Earlier, they did not listen to the little sister's advice, so Dijiang naturally understood that Houtu had her own plan.

Otherwise, why would the secret of the temple, which belonged exclusively to the ancestor witch, be told to an outsider.

Houtu was not there, but she left a drop of blood. Relying on this blood, there might be unexpected gains.

Xuanming nodded, she meant the same thing.

Tianyuan was able to provoke the ancestor witch repeatedly because of that mysterious space.

Find it there, gather the power of many ancestor witches, and then it will not be easy to capture the stone man.

They are the authentic Pangu, loved by the father god, and ignoring the power of Buzhou Mountain is the best proof.

After a moment of contemplation, Dijiang looked around at everyone in the field: "Return to the temple and find that space!"

Although Tianyuan has captured tens of millions of witches, they are all dredging and purifying the earth veins. Similarly, as long as they find that space, these witches will definitely return to the embrace of the ancestor witch.

Gonggong and his men, who had no other options for the time being, had to agree with their elder brother's opinion.

Although Gonggong had a flash of the idea of ​​smashing Buzhou Mountain to find Tianyuan, it was just a thought.

Buzhou Mountain is shrouded by the will of the Father God and still represents the faith of the witch clan.

Then many witch ancestors did not hesitate and fled to Pangu Temple.

After a few people left, Tianyuan came out from Buzhou Mountain, followed by Calabash Brothers.

Tianyuan did not leave at all. Although the witch ancestors were very angry with him, Tianyuan was still very eager for these big laborers.

After all, he persuaded the witch ancestors, and the witch tribe of the prehistoric land was at his disposal.

To his surprise, the witch ancestors did not vent their anger on Buzhou Mountain, but left calmly.

"Weird! What are these guys going to do?" Tianyuan muttered, somewhat confused about Dijiang's thoughts.

But no matter what, the move just now has already given the witch ancestors a good shock.

Of course, apart from the will of Buzhou Mountain, his strong strength should not be ignored.

He had revealed the will of Buzhou Mountain before, but the witch ancestors did not pay attention to it, and only wanted to catch him.

The witch tribe is a group of guys who advocate power supremacy. Without matching strength, how could they listen to his words?

Only after stealing Pangu's heart and mastering the body of the ancestor witches could the ancestor witches face up to his existence.

No matter where, only when they are of equal status can they have a chance to reason.

Compared to the beginning, several ancestor witches have become a little more normal.

"Fushan! You have broken through again?" The excited voice of the gourd boy came from the side.

And in the dark, he felt that Fushan seemed very different.

Touching the head of the gourd boy, Tianyuan nodded, and then said: "How did you get this trip?"

Seeing Tianyuan asked this, the gourd boy was a little annoyed and said: "There are only more than 30 million witches above the Golden Immortal. If it weren't for Gonggong's pursuit, we could have caught more."

After speaking, the gourd boy still shook the treasure gourd in his hand proudly.

Tianyuan was still very satisfied when he heard it: "Not bad! Not bad! Let those weak witches out first."

Tianyuan waved his hand, and the yellow clouds surged, and the witches below the Golden Immortal fell out one by one.

The reason why these witches were not poured out just now was to avoid irritating the ancestor witches. Now that they have all left, it doesn't matter.

Calabash Brothers also offered up their treasured gourds, and suddenly saw angry figures flying out in a panic.

In an instant, the foot of Buzhou Mountain was crowded with people, all of whom were roaring and shouting witches.

Gungun, who was waiting on the side, stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his little head still in a state of panic.

The scene just now was fleeting, but Gungun still knew that the eleven ancestors of witches had gathered at Buzhou Mountain. He didn't expect that his master was actually safe and sound.

It has only been a few years, and the master who had to run around under the hands of the great witch has become so strong.

Although Buzhou Mountain has many natural treasures, there is no need to be so abnormal in cultivation, right?

A voice in his ear interrupted Gungun's meditation.

"Little guy, take a walk on the mountain by yourself!"

Gungun came back to his senses, and Tianyuan and Calabash Brothers were no longer in front of him.

Glancing at the group of irritable witches at the foot of Mount Buzhou, Gungun rushed up the mountain without any hesitation.

With such a big commotion, the ancestor witches who left might come back again.

He had long known the mysterious secrets of the master and the young master. Now that he was back in the mountain, he wanted to lie down and rest.

The life at the foot of the mountain for thousands of years was really too scary.

Calabash Boy had just appeared in the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou, and his face was immediately surprised. The breath of the father mountain here was much stronger.

Feeling something in his heart, Calabash Boy looked up at the top of Mount Buzhou.

There, the thick Xuanhuang Qi enveloped it, and there seemed to be a faint beating sound.

"Father Mountain, what is that?" Feeling the strong breath in it, Calabash Boy was even more surprised.

It has only been a few thousand years, how could such a big change happen?

Tian Yuan did not hide anything from Calabash Brothers, and replied with a smile: "Pangu's heart!"

After not seeing each other for a while, Pangu's heart has been close to Buzhou Mountain, and now it looks like a gem growing on the top of the mountain.

Calabash Brothers was startled, his eyes full of disbelief.

As a top-grade innate spiritual root, Calabash Brothers naturally knew what this meant.

"Let's go! Go to the main vein!"

After catching so many witches at once, the dredging of the main vein will be accelerated a lot, and Tian Yuan was a little impatient.

Nodding, the two of them went down the sacred mountain and stepped into the main vein in the middle.

Compared to earlier, the main vein was bustling with people at this moment.

From a distance, the flowing golden innate spiritual energy was full of busy witch figures.

It can restore the will of Buzhou Mountain and enhance its own strength. This is an irresistible temptation for the witch clan.

As long as the ancestor witches can be brought in, Tian Yuan is not worried that they will not obey.

Without too many words, Tian Yuan offered the Nine Heavens Xirang, and Calabash Brothers threw out the treasure gourd.

Immediately, dense figures fell from the main vein, accompanied by roars one after another.

Seeing this, many witches who were purifying the earth veins did not understand what was happening.

That damn stone man went to visit their tribe again.

Although they worked very hard, it did not affect their curses on Tian Yuan at all.

The witches who fell like dumplings were also shocked by the surrounding environment. Many of them were stunned and looked surprised.

Tian Yuan was not interested in what these witches thought. After shaking out all the witches, he took Calabash Brothers to check a few innate spiritual roots.

The light curtain covered by the spiritual roots expanded a lot, and the vegetation growing in it became more lush.

Tian Yuan felt the spiritual energy in the light curtain and was very happy.

In less than 20,000 years, everything was developing in a good direction.

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