Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 76: Calamity enters the body, the Ancestral Witch behaves strangely

Emperor Jiang appeared at the foot of Mount Buzhou, and his face turned ashen as he watched his tribesmen falling from the sky.

Xuanming, Zhu Jiuyin, Gonggong and others who came later also had extremely ugly expressions.

Many ancestor witches looked up at Mount Buzhou, but there was no stone man.

They flew up, and many pets rushed out. But after a while, they all returned disappointed.

Just like before, as soon as they entered Mount Buzhou, they lost the trace of Tianyuan in an instant.

Emperor Jiang looked around, and the many divine thunders that fell from the sky just now seemed to have another figure on Mount Buzhou.

However, the other party disappeared too quickly, and Emperor Jiang didn't have time to see clearly.

But he could be sure of one thing, that someone on Mount Buzhou would meet Tianyuan.

In the prehistoric land, besides Tianyuan, who else dared to go against their witch clan?

"What's going on?" Emperor Jiang looked at Gonggong with a gloomy face.

The fluctuations emitted by the many witches were obviously from the Gonggong tribe.

After the last Hou Tu incident, Tian Yuan had not come to the Wu Clan again. They originally thought that the other party had captured enough Wu people.

Although they were angry about what Tian Yuan did and angry that he kidnapped Hou Tu, the several ancestor witches had no way to deal with it.

On Buzhou Mountain, they could not find Tian Yuan at all.

Who knew that in just three thousand years, this guy would actually capture Wu people again.

Now he even spit out so many tribesmen in front of the ancestor witches, what does this mean?

Nakedly slapping the faces of their ancestor witches?

The ancestor witches, including Xuan Ming, exuded a brutal and violent aura.

The matter of the Demon Court had already made them angry, but they did not expect Tian Yuan to jump out and provoke them at this time.

Angry! The uncontrollable anger in his chest!

Gong Gong also had a gloomy face, without any joy after the realm breakthrough.

Tian Yuan escaped from him again, which was definitely the biggest shame in his life as a witch.

Facing the eyes of many brothers, Gong Gong panted and roughly told the story.

"What? My little sister's tribe has been swept away?" Xuanming looked stunned.

Gonggong did not pause, and then he also told the situation of his tribe one by one.

The several ancestor witches who were listening could not help but look at the many witches at the foot of the mountain. There were no people from the Houtu tribe.

All the people below the Golden Immortal of Gonggong's tribe were here, so where were the people from the Houtu tribe?

"Brother, could this be my little sister?" Qiangliang exclaimed with an incredible look on his face.

In this situation, only Tianyuan took all the people from the Houtu tribe away.

But before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Dijiang: "My little sister is a member of the ancestor witches, how could she help others?"

Whether it was true or not, Dijiang did not want to know, the result would only make the brothers alienated.

The violent aura swept over the several ancestor witches in the field, and they all lowered their heads.

Gonggong opened his mouth, but still did not say anything about Tianyuan's Xiantian Wu Tu Shenlei.

The bodies of the Ancestral Witches were so powerful that almost nothing could restrain them, except for the innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder, which had some restrictions on them.

If it weren't for the Divine Thunder, how could his beloved Green Python be captured by Tian Yuan?

If it weren't for the Divine Thunder, how could Tian Yuan escape from him?

Gong Gong was very angry. He had met the stone man three times, but he had never fought a fair fight.

As one of the twelve Ancestral Witches, he had never been so frustrated!

Xuan Ming changed the subject and expressed his worries: "Brother! What if Tian Yuan comes again?"

The stone man could communicate with that space. Once he entered Mount Buzhou, he would escape directly. They had no way to deal with it.

Hou Tu hadn't appeared for so long, and it was likely that she was in that space.

Mount Buzhou was so big, and the witch tribes were all over the eastern land. Tian Yuan didn't confront them head-on, so it was useless for the Ancestral Witches to defend.

The other party was drilling around, and they could only run around.

Facing this cunning stone man, they could be said to be helpless.

Now that the demon court is gathering demons, it is obvious that they are deliberately going against the witch clan, so we must be on guard.

Dijiang was silent, and he was also angry in his heart. He was already fast enough, but who would have thought that Tianyuan would disappear in an instant.

Because of Buzhou Mountain, the stone man has mastered many ways to escape.

And compared to the last time they met, his Taoism has also deepened a lot.

"How could the Father God's will choose that cowardly person? It really puzzles me!" Gonggong roared, and stepped hard on Buzhou Mountain with his right foot.

The law of force, the law that the ancient witches dreamed of, was mastered by a stone man.

Looking at the towering Buzhou Mountain in front of him, Gonggong was so angry that he smashed the mountain again.

With a rumbling sound, the rocks exploded and rolled down the mountain.

If it weren't for Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan would have been captured and cut into pieces by their ancient witches long ago, and how could he have jumped to this point.

The remaining Zhurong and many other ancient witches also looked at Buzhou Mountain with a little anger.

They are the authentic Pangu, the children of the Father God, but they seem to be abandoned.

That abominable stone man, on the contrary, relies on Buzhou Mountain to wantonly provoke the witch clan, and his strength is still rising.

Seeing the fierce light in the eyes of many ancestor witches, Dijiang was shocked.

No matter what, Buzhou Mountain represents the will of the Father God. Since its birth, they have respected and worshipped it. How can it be now?

Even Ju Mang, who is a little smart among the ancestor witches, is looking at Buzhou Mountain a little irritably at this moment.

Those expressions seem to want to smash Buzhou Mountain!

"Is the influence of the catastrophe coming so soon?" Dijiang took a deep breath, his face a little bad.

Hou Tu had said earlier that there was a catastrophe, but Xuanming and others were all unaware of it now.

This is the scene when the catastrophe just started, and Dijiang couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The ancestor witches were already irritable, and they were naturally more crazy under the influence of the catastrophe.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound above their heads, and they saw the sacred mountain in front of them explode rapidly, accompanied by a strong will.

Gonggong and others were originally angry, and now their eyes were filled with raging anger.

Sensing the strangeness of many ancestor witches, Dijiang hurriedly shouted: "Gonggong, settle your people down the mountain, this matter needs to be considered in the long run!"

Hou Tu's proposal flashed through Dijiang's mind, but why did the arrogance of the ancestor witches succumb to a stone man.

He is an ancestor witch, he does not worship the sky or the earth, only the father god can make them bow down.

The father god opened the sky and died, and this world should be managed by the witch clan, because they are the authentic Pangu.

Tianyuan is just a hateful guy who stole the father god's ruins, he deserves to be killed!

Gonggong, whose chest was heaving violently, was obviously stunned when he heard this, but he still nodded in agreement.

Although he was furious, Gonggong still obeyed his elder brother's words very much, and walked towards the bottom of Buzhou Mountain with a rumbling step.

Invisibly, he still vented his dissatisfaction with Buzhou Mountain.

"Go down the mountain first!" Dijiang roared, and strode towards the bottom of Buzhou Mountain.

Although the remaining ancestor witches were irritable, they were not slow in their movements and followed Dijiang one by one.

But inexplicably, many ancestor witches, including Dijiang, no longer respected Buzhou Mountain as much as they did at the beginning.

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