Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 75: Breakthrough due to anger

Tian Yuan glanced at the black dragon behind him, which was like chicken blood, but he didn't care.

With a leap, his huge body disappeared into the ground and quickly rushed towards the nearest witch tribe.

He was too familiar with the scene in front of him, except that it was replaced by Gong Gong instead of Kuafu.

After sweeping away all the witches in the tribe, Tian Yuan fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

He was not sure when Gong Gong would put down his face and call for help. It happened that the tribe of the ancestors of witches was on this line, so the harvest would not be small.

He controlled Gong Gong because he mastered the innate Wu Earth Divine Thunder. It would be difficult to deal with other ancestors of witches.

There were many fast ones among the remaining ancestors of witches, especially Di Jiang, the leader of the twelve ancestors of witches.

Just as the thought in his mind turned, there was a sound of splashing water behind him.

Turning around, Tian Yuan was stunned and saw surging waves in the void.

Gong Gong, who was riding on the black dragon, chased him quickly with a wave of spray.

"I almost forgot the laws that the ancestor witch was born with!" Tianyuan didn't care after just a glance.

He didn't know the specific power of the ancestor witch's body, but he was still very confident in his earth escape technique.

At least in his opinion, Gonggong would never catch up with him.

Gonggong was very angry. The witch clan advocated physical competition. Even this water control technique was used, but he still couldn't get close.

The irritable Gonggong opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of blood again, and the black dragon under his feet sucked it wildly.


The dragon roared loudly, and suddenly saw the two black dragons swinging their bodies, turning into a ray of light and escaping quickly.


A roar came with Gonggong's brutal breath.

"The blood of the ancestor witch is really a great tonic!"

Seeing Gonggong chasing him, Tianyuan opened his mouth and spit out dense innate Wu earth divine thunder.

Gonggong's face trembled slightly, and he still blasted towards Tianyuan violently.

Dense thunder traveled all over the body, and the huge body of the ancestor witch froze, but the remaining force still smashed towards Tianyuan.

After the flashing thunder, there was a huge white fist, which hit Gonggong's punch heavily.


The water waves below exploded, and dense thunder splashed. Tianyuan's figure floated away, and Gonggong's figure also exploded back.

Glancing at the law aura remaining on the fist, Gonggong's eyes were full of violent aura.

It has only been a few thousand years since we last met, how could the stone man become so much stronger.

He also cultivated the law of force to this point, Gonggong felt a sense of humiliation.

The first time they met on Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan could only flee in embarrassment under his ancestor witch body.

Outside the Pangu Temple, a punch was thrown, and the stone man fled quickly, and it was difficult to face his power.

And now, he came with a wild momentum, but he was barely fighting with the other party.

Looking at Tianyuan's leisurely appearance, his physical body is already comparable to his ancestor witch body.

This is impossible! Gonggong didn't believe it!

He is the ancestor witch, the essence of the father god, the only Pangu authentic in the prehistoric land.

Why does it appear on a stone man when it is obviously the power of the witch clan?

How can a stone man compare to the ancestor witch?


With a thunderous roar, Gonggong felt his blood boiling, and the surging blood was running under the surface of his body.

With the emergence of thunder, a strong momentum suddenly rose, and the rich blood overflowed in an instant.

The black evil spirit that was wrapped around Gonggong was instantly rendered blood red.

The two black dragons, who were a little dizzy from the attack just now, suddenly brightened their eyes and opened their mouths to swallow repeatedly.

The thick blood mist poured into the mouth, and the black dragon's body was full of dim light, accompanied by Gonggong's arrogant laughter.

"Tianyuan! Let's see where you can escape now!"

Gonggong roared, and his hands suddenly tore open the void and plunged into it.

Tian Yuan, who was flying, saw the void behind him shattered, and Gong Gong, who exuded a violent aura, punched Tian Yuan.

"Bad luck! How could he break through at this time?" Tian Yuan was extremely depressed.

But he only punched Gong Gong, but he didn't expect that this guy would break through directly.

He opened his mouth and spit out the rich innate Wu Earth God Thunder, which still escaped and rushed into the broken void.

But the next second, Tian Yuan was speechless.

The God Thunder that could paralyze the opponent just now was now all bounced away, and only the black dragon under Gong Gong was screaming.

The body of the ancestor witch is really terrifying, and it can be said that it is restrained in the same realm.

Once the realm is suppressed, there is nothing that can suppress the flesh of the ancestor witches.

With a slight surprise, Tian Yuan instantly became bright white and turned into a ten-foot-tall white stone man.

The dazzling white light bloomed, and he had already urged the law of force to the extreme.

Tian Yuan did not dare to be careless with the ancestor witch who was one realm higher.

The roar exploded, accompanied by a terrifying wave of air that spread out vertically, turning into a dark crack that split the sky and the earth in two.

Tianyuan, who was retreating explosively, shook his numb arms and fled towards Buzhou Mountain with a solemn expression.

In the direction of Pangu Temple, he had already felt several breaths fleeing.

Gonggong's breakthrough made a huge noise, and the key point was that this place was not far from Buzhou Mountain.

A huge tribe emerged in the distance, with towering stone pillars. It was the tribe of the ancestor witch Gonggong.

Yellow clouds emerged from his mouth, and his figure passed by, and the yellow clouds disappeared, leaving no living creatures behind.

There was a roar in the sky, silver light flashed around Tianyuan, and Dijiang's huge figure appeared, exuding a fierce murderous intent.

Feeling the other party's fluctuations, Tianyuan was depressed. He was another ancestor witch at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The luck of humanity has gathered, and these ancient witches have also benefited greatly.

Luck is really a good thing. No wonder the world is in chaos, and knowing that there is a great killing disaster, people still flock to it.

Just looking at Dijiang, Tianyuan smashed the space around with a punch and quickly fled to Buzhou Mountain.

This place is not far from Buzhou Mountain, but for a Daluo Jinxian, it doesn't take much time.

With a swish, a figure appeared in front. Before Dijiang had time to attack Tianyuan, he felt dense divine thunder falling on his head.

Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five original innate divine thunders fell, almost drowning him.

Although Dijiang was surprised, he didn't care. He flapped his wings on his back lightly, and all the innate five elements mixed divine thunders that appeared later were rolled away.

Tianyuan was secretly surprised when he saw this scene, and he was worthy of being the head of the ancient witch.

Then his waist tightened, and a gourd vine wrapped him tightly, accompanied by a familiar will.

Tianyuan smiled slightly, and disappeared on the spot in the eyes of Xuanming, Zhu Jiuyin, and Dijiang who appeared later.

When he appeared again, Tianyuan had returned to Buzhou Mountain.

"Father Mountain!" Huluwa saw Tianyuan appear and immediately ran forward excitedly.

Tianyuan touched Huluwa's head and was very satisfied.

Not only did he like Huluwa's cooperation, but he also liked that the other party had broken into the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Seeing the powerful auras coming from a distance, Huluwa shouted loudly: "Father Mountain, I'll go and deal with them."

As he said that, Huluwa was about to fly up.

Tianyuan glanced at the cracks on his arm and said gently: "There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

He opened his mouth and threw the witches below the Jinxian at the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Tianyuan, who was happy in his heart, immediately disappeared from the scene with Huluwa.

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