Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 46 Xuanming returns, the late stage of Daluo Jinxian

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, a huge beast with bone spurs passed by.

Its strong body directly tore through the flashing chaos thunder and the endless earth, wind, water and fire.

If a faint light pierced through the surging chaos, the beast would turn into a beautiful woman, standing in the prehistoric starry sky.

"Finally back!" Looking at the familiar prehistoric world in front of her, Xuanming exhaled heavily.

Although the chaos was terrifying, as long as she avoided some extremely dangerous places, it was not a big problem for her who had the body of the ancestor witch.

Only the unchanging environment made her a little bored.

"Hey! Why are my brother and others in Buzhou Mountain?" With the echo of blood, Xuanming easily sensed the other ancestor witches.

Logically speaking, Dijiang and others should be in meditation in the temple at this moment.

Frowning, Xuanming's figure had already crossed the void and fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

Feeling the rolling might of the sky pillar, Xuanming looked happy. "The power of the Father God is getting stronger and stronger, and my Wu clan will prosper!"

The prehistoric world was created by the Father God after he created the world. Now only Buzhou Mountain still retains the breath of the Father God.

Over the years, the power of Buzhou Mountain has gradually weakened, and the will of the Father God has also weakened.

How could Xuanming not be happy when the power of the Heavenly Pillar is stronger than before.

The Wu clan should unify the prehistoric world and gather the luck of heaven and earth into one clan, perhaps awakening the consciousness of the Father God on Buzhou Mountain.

Just when they were close to Buzhou Mountain, they saw ten figures fleeing from all directions.

Di Jiang, who arrived first, glanced behind Xuanming and asked in confusion: "Big sister! Why are you back alone?"

Zhu Jiuyin and others who came one after another also looked at Xuanming in confusion.

Hou Tu and Xuanming insisted on staying in Zixiao Palace, but why is Hou Tu missing now?

"My little sister is still in Zixiao Palace. I found it boring, so I came back first." Thinking of standing stupidly in Zixiao Palace, Xuanming regretted it very much.

Hongjun's voice spread throughout the prehistoric land. She had tried her best to go there, and even waited patiently outside the Zixiao Palace for thousands of years.

But when the sermon began, others were fascinated, but she was confused and just stood there.

It was really boring to wait, so she had to leave Houtu and go back first.

After speaking, Xuanming looked at Gonggong and others strangely.

According to the personalities of the brothers, they couldn't help but laugh at her, but no one spoke.

Thinking that all the brothers were in Buzhou Mountain, Xuanming frowned and asked in a deep voice: "But something big happened in the prehistoric land?"

The saint preached in Zixiao Palace, so of course they had to seize the time to practice in silence, so how could they gather in Buzhou Mountain.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanming's heart sank even more.

All the ancestors of witches, including Dijiang, frowned, and a hint of worry could be seen.

"Gonggong! Let you speak." Dijiang looked at Gonggong behind him with a gloomy face.

The ten great witch ancestors searched for thousands of years. Although they did not search all over Buzhou Mountain, they also searched more than half of the place.

Not to mention catching the stone man, there was no trace of Kuafu and other witches.

It is not an exaggeration to hide tens of millions of witches on Buzhou Mountain, but it is very abnormal to completely isolate the witch ancestors from their investigation.

The remaining witch ancestors did not say anything, and they stepped aside one by one, revealing Gonggong behind them.

Gonggong looked a little bad, and walked forward anxiously.

Among the twelve witch ancestors, except for the eldest brother Dijiang, Gonggong was most afraid of Xuanming.

Although Xuanming was a girl, her strength was one of the best among the witch ancestors, and her strength was not inferior to Dijiang.

"Speak!" Seeing Gonggong hesitating, Xuanming was a little irritable.

If she didn't feel that the matter was very serious, she would have wanted to do it directly.

Secretly swallowing a saliva, Gonggong did not dare to doubt and told the story of Houtu tribe and Xingtian one by one.

As the words were spoken one by one, the air began to become heavy, and an inexplicable depression enveloped his heart. Gonggong felt heavy.

He did not dare to look up, so he had to tell the whole story without leaving out any details.

He saw Qiangliang and other ancestor witches slowly retreating to the surroundings.

Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, he felt a cold force explode in his stomach.

With a bang, he directly showed the body of the ancestor witch, crushed a large area of ​​space, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Zhu Jiuyin and others were silent, only Dijiang walked forward and thought: "We have been searching in Buzhou Mountain for almost two thousand years, but still have nothing to find."

Gonggong would definitely not hide it because it was related to the will of the Father God, but he had not even seen the shadow of the stone man for so many years, which was really weird.

"Search! Search all over Buzhou Mountain, and find Kuafu and others!" Xuanming said, looking at the towering pillar in front of him.

In just a few thousand years, Buzhou Mountain had dozens of strange phenomena.

The will of Buzhou Mountain has increased. I originally thought it was related to the Wu Clan, but I didn't expect it to be related to a big monster.

After saying this, Xuanming fled directly to the top of Buzhou Mountain.

"I must find that stone man before my little sister comes back!" Dijiang had a gloomy face and glanced at Gonggong who was flying back in a panic in the distance.

The will of Buzhou Mountain concerns the entire Wu Clan. This is their top priority.

Zhurong and others nodded, and they were not in the mood to laugh at Gonggong. They fled to Buzhou Mountain one by one.

In the valley surrounded by clouds and mist, there was a shining white light, as dazzling as a white sun, and a tall figure could be seen faintly.

Just at this moment, the valley shook slightly, and there was a rumbling sound.

Tianyuan, who was in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes and looked down in surprise.

The pure law was accompanied by a huge spiritual energy, and then a powerful momentum emanated from the body.

Late stage of Daluo Jinxian, he successfully entered the late stage of Daluo Jinxian!

The white light faded, revealing Tianyuan's burly body.

"Good, good, good!" Feeling the surging mana in his body, Tianyuan's face was full of joy.

With a light clench of his right hand, the whole arm began to glow with white light, no longer the original earthy yellow.

After breaking through a realm, the practice of the law of force was also not left behind.

Tianyuan, who was overjoyed, disappeared in the valley and came to the consciousness space of Mount Buzhou.

He looked towards the east at the first moment.

Suddenly, he saw that there were 55 branches on the three main veins, shining brightly, covered with rich auspicious aura, and half of the 108 branches had been completely dredged.

The middle stage of Daluo Jinxian broke into the late stage, and a full 20 branches were fed back.

Tianyuan, who was happy in his heart, immediately calmed down his mind, and the will of Mount Buzhou covered the completely dredged branch.

The calamity that fell from the heaven and earth became more and more dense. It took Tianyuan a long time to divide the many witches into other branches.

Under his strong will perception, Tianyuan also noticed several stone men who manifested the law.

Including the law of force, they all broke into the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian.

It must not take long for the stone man to break through again, and he will practice these laws faster.

He sent the witch clan to dredge the earth veins and strengthen the will of Buzhou Mountain, and Buzhou Mountain directly responded with the law.


With a cry of surprise, Tianyuan disappeared in the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain.

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