Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 45 The Law of Cultivation Power

"All right!"

The majestic words of Emperor Jiang came in the rumbling sound.

Hearing the eldest brother speak, Zhu Rong and other ancestor witches all stopped their bodies with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

Gong Gong stood in the field, his nose and face swollen, and his face was full of anger.

Among the twelve witch ancestors, he was not weak, but how could he withstand the siege of so many brothers.

After being knocked away by Zhu Rong's punch, he was completely in a passive situation of being beaten.

He was already full of anger at the stone man, and now he was even more angry. He glanced at the green python on his shoulder and was even more angry.

The green python slumped on his shoulder, spitting bubbles from his mouth, exhausted.

The master was beaten, and it was also besieged by the pets of other ancestor witches, and it was no less miserable than Gong Gong.

Gong Gong looked up at Zhu Rong in the distance, and his teeth itched in anger.

Water and fire can't coexist. He and Zhu Rong have fought many times, but the two are equally strong, and they win and lose half and half. This time, Zhu Rong caught the opportunity.

After glancing at the other witch ancestors who were full of aftertaste, Gonggong stepped towards Dijiang.

There were not many among the twelve witch ancestors who could beat him in a single fight, so there were many opportunities to get back at him.

"Brother! That stone man is very strange, and it can communicate with the will of Buzhou Mountain." Gonggong, with a gloomy face, said the main reason for coming back.

"What? This is impossible!"

"Gonggong, do you know what you are talking about?"

As soon as the words fell, exclamations exploded in the field.

Buzhou Mountain was transformed from the spine of the Father God. They sometimes offered sacrifices, but there was no response. How could a mere demon communicate with Buzhou Mountain?

This is a blasphemy against the Father God! ! !

The angry Zhurong wanted to move forward, but was stopped by Dijiang.

He let many brothers fight because he felt that Kuafu and Houyi were safe, but he didn't want to hear such things from Gonggong.

"Tell you more on the way!"

After saying this, Dijiang flew towards Buzhou Mountain.

Gonggong did not hesitate and quickly followed, and the other ancestor witches did not lag behind.

In Buzhou Mountain, in the deep valley of the Xiantian gourd vine, Tianyuan opened his eyes and his eyes were shining.

Ever since he began to capture the witch clan, he has been running back and forth in the eastern land and has never practiced at all.

Now that he has calmed down and practiced again, he can truly feel the changes in Buzhou Mountain.

Laws, he can clearly feel many laws, not just the four laws manifested in the consciousness space.

"Let's start with the law of force!" No need to consider, Pangu's law of force is definitely his first choice.

Constantly tempering his body with the law of force, perhaps in the future his body will not be weaker than that of the ancestor witch.

Closing his eyes and meditating, a faint white light suddenly emerged from under his body and spread around him.

This is the law of force carried by Buzhou Mountain itself, and he can just mobilize it slightly.

With such a straightforward law in front of him, he can slowly master any difficult law.

The gourd vine swayed slightly not far away. Seeing the white light on Tianyuan, he was secretly surprised.

During this period, he could see the changes of Tianzhu clearly, and the breath of Fushan became more and more strong.

"I will work hard to practice and transform as soon as possible!" The gourd vine thought in his heart.

The rosy clouds enveloped the valley, and the rich Tao rhyme echoed in the valley.

And the several ancestors who came out of the temple had already arrived at Buzhou Mountain.

Looking at the familiar environment in front of him, Gonggong frowned and said: "Brother, the stone man disappeared here and disappeared in an instant."

As soon as the words fell, figures jumped out of the bodies of several ancestors.

There were fire snakes, green snakes, and red snakes. Without exception, they were all pets of the ancestors and companion beasts of the ancestors.

But after a while, they fled back one by one, but they did not find anything.

Facing the gazes of his brothers, Gonggong responded helplessly: "Brother! This matter concerns the will of the Father God, how could I speak nonsense?"

Qingmang had already looked for it, which was also within his expectations.

In fact, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Gonggong would also find it hard to believe.

This is the pillar of heaven, Buzhou Mountain!

Buzhou Mountain is naturally shrouded in vast power. Except for the witch clan, no creature in the entire prehistoric world can ignore it.

Now a big monster has appeared that can communicate with the will of Buzhou Mountain. How can the witches believe it?

Dijiang didn't say anything. They just went to the Houtu tribe. Just as Gonggong said, all the tribesmen above the Golden Immortal were captured.

But the bloodline echoed, including Kuafu and Houyi. Many tribesmen did not die.

"Go up the mountain! Find the stone man!" Dijiang looked up at the pillar of heaven and disappeared first.

No matter what the origin of the stone man is, everything will be clear as long as he is caught.

The ten great witches acted together, and they didn't believe that they couldn't catch a big monster.

Zhu Rong and the others did not speak, and fled to Buzhou Mountain in a fan shape, and Gonggong was no exception.

He hated the stone man more than Dijiang and the others.

He was so angry that he lost face in front of his brothers.

It was only a short while before the many ancestor witches who flew away all looked at the pillar of heaven in amazement.

With a rumbling sound, Buzhou Mountain had a vast power, and the entire mountain was also rapidly expanding.

"What happened to Buzhou Mountain?" Dijiang appeared from the air, with a thousand doubts in his heart.

When they came back from the chaos, they saw the changes in Buzhou Mountain. Later, when they were meditating in the temple, they also repeatedly felt the power of Buzhou Mountain.

At that time, they just watched from a distance and did not come to investigate.

Could it be related to the stone man?

This thought flashed through his mind without doubt, but it was instantly extinguished by Dijiang.

How could a mere stone man have such ability?

A thousand years passed in a flash. In that valley, Tian Yuan, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a figure wandering at the entrance of the valley in the distance. When he saw who was coming, he was surprised.

Walking like a yellow sac, red like cinnabar fire, with six legs and four wings, and without a face, it was Di Jiang, the leader of the twelve witch ancestors.

Tian Yuan did not move, and calmed down his mind. The scene of Buzhou Mountain was clear in his mind instantly.

Except for Hou Tu and Xuan Ming, the remaining ten great witch ancestors were all there. They were scattered all over Buzhou Mountain, obviously looking for him.

Retracting his mind, Tian Yuan did not pay attention to Di Jiang outside the valley.

This place is guarded by the innate formation. Di Jiang may have discovered something, but he cannot enter.

Fortunately, he did not rashly go down the mountain to capture the witch clan a thousand years ago, otherwise the ten great witch ancestors would take action and he would have nowhere to run.

Tian Yuan retracted his sight and began to look at his body.

A thousand years is not a long time, but he gained a lot.

White light surged under his khaki skin, and his body became more majestic.

He was originally three feet tall, and now he was ten feet taller.

The only regret was that he did not break through and was still only in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Realm.

After Dijiang left, Tianyuan closed his eyes and meditated again.

In just a thousand years, he had deeply felt the benefits brought by the law of power.

He did not enter the late stage of the Golden Immortal Realm, but his strength increased a lot, especially the strength of his physical body.

The three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were strong and weak, and the laws were also different!

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