Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 42 Found a Great Witch

"Another tribe, not bad!" Tian Yuan was very satisfied after putting away the Jiutian Breathing Soil.

With his current level of cultivation in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, who among the witch clan can resist him except the ancestral witch.

But the happiest thing is that decades have passed and the worried ancestral witch still hasn't appeared.

Earlier, he complained that Honghuang was too vast and that it was difficult to find the Wu tribe.

Thinking about it now, it just so happened that the world was so vast that he could not be discovered by the ancestral witch for so long.

Otherwise, how could the Wu clan still be acting recklessly for more than two thousand years? The bad-tempered ancestral witches have long been chasing him throughout the wilderness.

After glancing at the Tianzhu behind him, Tianyuan did not fly eastward, but ran southward around the Buzhou Mountain.

This was his earlier plan. Although there were fewer tribes gathered at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, it was better to be safe.

Once you find something bad, you can escape directly to Buzhou Mountain.

Tian Yuan was still very afraid of the twelve ancestral shamans of Pangu Temple.

Ancestral witches can be called ancestral witches not only because of their high level, but also because of their body.

Tianyuan seriously doubts that the physical bodies of these guys have surpassed the best innate spiritual treasures, and the innate treasures may even be able to resist them.

The Demon Court possesses innate treasures such as the Chaos Bell, but it is often at a disadvantage in calamities.

The most terrifying thing about the Twelve Ancestral Witches is their physical bodies.

If Tian Yuan were to face the ancestral witch now, he would not be sure at all, so he had to be careful.

Powerful spiritual thoughts spread underground, and nearby tribes emerged one by one.

The situation of the Houtu tribe has not spread. It is peaceful here, and the mountains and fields are full of hunting shamans.

The figure escaped, and in an instant, exclamations of surprise sounded out, accompanied by angry roars.

Tian Yuan did not stay, and his body swept past the witch tribes and the figures scattered among the mountains and rivers.

After two thousand years of repeated movements, he is now extremely skilled, with almost no pause.


While he was flying away quickly, Tianyuan paused and looked forward.

A thick and powerful energy and blood rose into the sky without any cover-up. He was a great witch when he first entered Daluo Jinxian.

What an unexpected surprise!

Tianyuan's eyes lit up and he immediately ran away in that direction.

Tianyuan has always been very coveted for the great witch, but they are almost always far away from Buzhou Mountain.

The reason why I met Kuafu earlier was entirely because of the disappearance of many shamans.

The direction of the energy and blood in the perception is also heading east of Buzhou Mountain.

A great witch can bring a volume of laws to the consciousness space, which is an absolutely huge gain.

In the dense mountain forest, Xing Tian walked slowly with his hands on his shoulders, his eyes glancing in one direction from time to time.

He really wanted to go to the Houtu tribe to have a look, but if his ancestral shaman found out, he would definitely get a beating.

Just when Xing Tian was depressed, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, with astonishment in his eyes.

After feeling it carefully, I instantly smiled. "It's actually the demon clan of Daluo Jinxian!"

With an excited howl, Xing Tian rumbled and ran in that direction.

After Hongjun's message spread throughout the ancient world, he had not encountered a demon clan in the Da Luo realm for more than two thousand years.

After spending the whole day in the tribe, I was so busy that the slightly stronger monsters either ran away or were killed by several powerful witches in the tribe. If they were too slow, they would not be able to catch up.

I didn’t want to go to the temple, but I came back with such a harvest.

After a few breaths, a strange color flashed in Xing Tian's eyes.

The demon clan in the Da Luo realm did not escape, but ran in his direction.

This made Xing Tian angry, but also very curious.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, the birthplace of the Witch Clan, there is such an arrogant monster.

The spiritual thought that just flashed away seemed to be that the other party was not a simple Daluo Jinxian, which made Xingtian look forward to it even more.

Xing Tian, ​​who was running wildly, jumped up fiercely. Before he landed, the giant ax in his palm struck the ground hard.

There was a rumble, the ground shook, and a figure about the same size as him jumped out of the cracked earth.

"Stone man?" Xing Tian was stunned and glanced at the giant ax in his hand unconsciously.

In the previous confrontation, the stone man seemed to have resisted his weapon with his fists.

How can a mere demon clan be so strong physically, and a stone man can actually cultivate to Da Luo.

The opponent's realm was higher than his, but when he glanced at the stone man's eyes, Xing Tian's eyes were startled.

Fierce, exciting, and mixed with immense joy?

Good boy, just don't be afraid of him. With such an expression, Xing Tian was angry.

The angry Xing Tian was about to hold the ax up, but saw the stone man in front of him shouting. "But the great witch Xingtian?"

Xing Tian was a little surprised. This was the first time they met, and this stone man actually knew him.

"Yes, it's your Grandpa Xingtian!" Xingtian said, rushing forward with Qian Qi in hand.

He is a fighting maniac, and this stone man has a good body and shape, so he is definitely a suitable opponent.

"It's really this guy!" Tian Yuan whispered softly, the smile on his face getting wider.

He was already excited to meet the great witch by chance, but he didn't expect that he was still a familiar figure.

Being able to identify the opponent at a glance mainly depends on the relatives in his hands.

Xing Tian is one of the few great witches who has survived the Lich Tribulation. His strength is unquestionable, and the laws he masters are definitely not simple, but Tian Yuan has no intention of trying.

Xingtian, who was running towards him, suddenly saw yellow dust appearing in front of him. Without thinking, the giant ax struck down in his palm.

Regardless of magical powers or spells, they can only be defeated by force. This is the fighting method of their witch clan.

The dark crack passed by, and he easily broke through the emerging yellow cloud.

But before he could be happy, Xing Tian found that the giant axe in his hand sank, as if it was sucked into the air and difficult to pull back.

Looking closely, Xing Tian was immediately furious, and saw a thin layer of yellow mud attached to the axe blade, which was still spreading rapidly.

With a roar, a faint light emerged and poured into the giant axe.

The yellow soil shook away, but still maintained the shape of the axe blade, covering it.

Just like this, a delay, thick yellow clouds gushed out in all directions, surrounding Xing Tian.

At this moment, Xing Tian found something strange. This was not a magical power or magic at all, but a magic weapon.


Xing Tian roared, rolling faint light appeared, his body swelled instantly, and a soaring fighting spirit rose.

Feeling the surging momentum in the Nine Heavens Xirang, Tianyuan shook his head: "What a pity! It's too late!"

He didn't plan to fight for a long time, so he naturally sacrificed this powerful and top-grade innate spiritual treasure at the first time.

The surging mana poured into it, and under the dazzling light, the struggling Xing Tian gradually disappeared, and only the angry roar could be heard faintly.

Tian Yuan opened his mouth and sucked, touched his chest, and felt very happy.

He just came to the foot of Buzhou Mountain to rob some tribes while the ancestor witch had not discovered it, but he didn't expect to pick up a great witch.

Looking around, Tian Yuan plunged into the ground and fled towards Buzhou Mountain.

Although he didn't know why Xing Tian appeared here, he definitely couldn't stay for long.

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