Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 41 Gonggong's Confusion

At the mouth of the canyon, several witches were waiting anxiously.

Who knew that after a while, there was a scream in the valley, and a huge figure flew out backwards.

They didn't see who it was, only a huge axe fell and hit not far away.

The earth shook slightly, raising thick dust. It was the weapon of the great witch just now!

The witches were puzzled and immediately turned their heads to look into the valley. Suddenly, a vast power pressed down.

Throwing, thumping, one witch after another fell to the ground, and a figure could be vaguely seen.

A human body with a python head, covered with black scales, stepping on a black dragon, with a green python wrapped around his hands, shrouded in rolling evil spirits.

Ancestral witch! It was Gonggong, one of the twelve ancestral witches.

The few people lying on the ground hurriedly greeted respectfully: "Greetings to the ancestral witch Gonggong!"

They were weak, and even if they were lucky enough to see the ancestral witch, they would only look at it from a distance, not feel it so closely.

The surging blood and the bloody aura that permeated made them tremble all over.

As soon as the words fell, several people felt their bodies tightened and were roughly grabbed and lifted up by a big hand.

The dark scales glowed with cold light, and there was a lot of black air flowing in it, which was breathtaking.

Several witches lowered their heads and did not dare to look up.

"What happened to the Houtu tribe?" Gonggong had a gloomy face and a suspicious look in his eyes.

They were indeed members of the Houtu tribe, but he had only been there once a thousand years ago. How could there be an accident?

The two great witches under the command of Sister Houtu are among the best in the entire witch clan.

Even the demon clan of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal of Daluo could not do anything to them. How could they disappear inexplicably?

Moreover, if the great witch died, the ancestor witch would feel it, which was why he kicked Xingtian away just now.

Disturbing his meditation is a very serious matter.

Feeling the trembling bodies of several witches in his palm, Gonggong slightly restrained his momentum.

One of them organized his words and trembled and quickly told the story.

Just a glance, Gonggong knew that the other party was not lying.

"So many great witches, millions of tribesmen have disappeared?" Gonggong was stunned and a little stunned.

Most of the witches were born in the blood pool. It is impossible to avoid the perception of the ancestor witch with so many tribesmen dying.

He had seen Houyi a thousand years ago, and did not see anything unusual in that tribe.

In the distance, Xingtian ran back happily, picked up the dry Qi that fell on the ground, and waited quietly by the side.

Gonggong looked at the Houtu tribe and said calmly: "What are you still doing here?"

"Ah?" Xingtian was stunned, and immediately responded loudly: "The tribesmen are in trouble, we should do our best!"

Such a big thing suddenly happened, and he was also a little worried about Kuafu, so he wanted to go and take a look.

Gonggong turned his head slightly and glared at Xingtian, the meaning was self-evident.

Xing Tian's solid body tensed up, and he ran away quickly.

The power of his ancestor witch was too strong, and his chest was still a little numb.

Gong Gong ignored Xing Tian's departure, stepped out, and the void under his feet was directly torn apart.

It didn't take long for him to come to a tribe governed by Hou Tu.

Gong Gong's face darkened after just a glance down. Sure enough, there were no witches above the Golden Immortal.

Without stopping, Gong Gong dragged those witches and continued to cross the void.

The doubt on Gong Gong's face gradually turned into anger, and the dark murderous aura penetrated his body and shattered the surrounding void.

It was really as the witch in his palm said, all the tribesmen above the Golden Immortal disappeared.

But so many tribesmen died, why didn't he, as the ancestor witch, feel it, and why did the other party leave some tribesmen?

Gong Gong was really puzzled!

The place where Hou Yi was seen before was a tribe stretching for thousands of miles. There were indeed many fewer figures, and there was no Hou Yi's breath.

Throwing away the trembling witches, the green python wrapped around Gonggong's arm plunged into the ground.

Not long after, the green python jumped out and wrapped around Gonggong's arm. It spit out its tongue and hissed.

"Stone man?" Gonggong looked strange.

All the tribesmen of the Houtu tribe were captured by a stone man.

Because they didn't die, the ancestor witches didn't feel anything?

But why did a stone man capture so many witches?

Gonggong, with a gloomy face, glanced at the little baby on his shoulder and chose to believe it.

Ignoring the witches on the ground, Gonggong followed the guidance of the green python and fled. But after a while, he frowned.

Buzhou Mountain, the target of the green python was Buzhou Mountain, and the stone man came to Buzhou Mountain?

Buzhou Mountain was transformed from the spine of the Father God. Although it is not as good as the beginning of the world, it is not something that ordinary monsters can step on. What kind of stone man has such ability?

The Wu Clan had lived at the foot of Mount Buzhou for many years, and he had never seen any powerful stone men.

Looking at the Buzhou Mountain that was so close, the green python wrapped around his shoulders suddenly swam quickly.

With a swish, it hid underground again, and after a few breaths, it poked its head out and hissed.

"Kuafu and Houyi were captured by that stone man here?" Gonggong had a gloomy face, with disbelief in his eyes.

Forget about ordinary witches, Kuafu and Houyi are not ordinary witches, can a mere stone man have such ability?

Feeling his master's suspicion, the green python hurriedly made a rapid sound.

Gonggong glanced at the other party and looked at the towering Buzhou Mountain in front of him.

Whether it was true or false, he would know everything if he found the stone man.

As if to prove that he was right, the green python straightened his body and flew out in the air.

Gonggong followed behind him, he wanted to see what guy dared to go against the Wu Clan.

As Gonggong expected, the green python jumped onto Mount Buzhou, but the other party's next move made him a little puzzled.

Sniffing here and there, the green python was anxious to drill around, with no intention of stopping at all.

Under Gonggong's confused gaze, the green python stopped and swam back with its head down.

"There is his breath everywhere here?"

Gonggong exclaimed, and slapped the green python on the head with his backhand. "You fool, have you become stupid from practicing?"

How could there be the breath of the stone man everywhere on Mount Buzhou now?

The green python climbed up with a wronged look on his face, with clear confusion in his eyes.

Its exploration was obviously not wrong, and there was the breath of the stone man everywhere here, but it could not find him.

It seemed that the stone man was right next to it, but it could not catch him.

The green python hanging on his arm looked at the bottom of the mountain in confusion. It was fine when it was chasing, but it became different when it went up Mount Buzhou.

Gonggong no longer paid attention to the pet on his shoulder and strode towards Mount Buzhou.

But as time went by, Gonggong became more confused.

He did not feel the death of Kuafu and others, but at such a close distance, he also did not sense Houyi's breath.

The great witches were different from ordinary witches. When they were conceived, they absorbed a trace of the essence of the father god.

As long as the distance was not too far, he could clearly sense the other party as the ancestor witch.

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