Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 136 Nuwa's Enlightenment

Zhen Yuanzi held the Earth Book in both hands. Although he wanted to study it carefully, it was obviously not appropriate now.

After putting the Earth Book away, he turned to look at Tianyuan and bowed respectfully: "Thank you, brother!"

Xianyuan had said earlier that they might have a chance, and Hongyun really got a great fortune. He was envious. Who knew that his opportunity would come in a short while.

Although he did not study it in detail, Zhen Yuanzi knew from the resonance just now that this was not a simple opportunity.

"This is the opportunity of fellow Taoists, Tianyuan dare not take credit!" Tianyuan waved his hand, not caring at all.

Accelerating the dredging and purification of the earth veins is not only of great significance to Buzhou Mountain, but also to human nature and earth.

As long as it can bless this world, Tianyuan is very willing.

Tianyuan's frank attitude made Zhen Yuanzi admire him even more.

He could feel that Tianyuan was sincerely happy and happy for him to have this opportunity.

Just like Hongyun's fortune just now, Tianyuan did not have any jealousy.

Although they had a good relationship with Tianyuan, they had only known each other for a short time and had met seldom, so they did not expect Tianyuan to be so generous.

At this moment, Zhenyuanzi finally understood why Tianyuan did not hurt a spiritual root on Mount Buzhou.

The other party had no selfish motives and cared about the entire prehistoric world. Thinking of this, Zhenyuanzi once again performed a great ceremony.

There were many guests in Zixiao Palace who were familiar with him, but no one was as righteous as Tianyuan.

Tianyuan wanted to stop him, but Zhenyuanzi was so stubborn that he was helpless.

"Haha! Brother Dao, you don't need to do this. I accept this gift!" Hongyun on the side hurriedly responded with a smile.

Hongyun still had some understanding of the character of his good brother, who was sometimes very stubborn.

Tianyuan shook his head and stopped caring, saying softly: "Let's go! Let's go to the front and take a look first, and you can watch it later."

Originally, I wanted Hongyun to lobby Zhenyuanzi, but now I have saved all the effort.

If I had known that Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi were so simple, I would have captured them all. Fortunately, it is not too late now.

The ancestor witch Dijiang retreated to Pangu Temple, and the next focus may be on the demon court.

Although the human and earth paths are weak, they have begun to recover, but the heaven path has not shown any signs.

Dijun and Taiyi have obviously communicated with the will of the heaven path. Perhaps as long as they are captured in this space, there will be strange phenomena like Hongyun.

Tianyuan, who was thinking about it, was immediately excited.

Once the three paths of heaven, earth and man converge, this space will definitely change greatly.

Everyone walked forward along the earth veins. Taking this opportunity, Houtu and others all congratulated Zhenyuanzi.

Among the few people, Houtu was the happiest.

In recent years, Houtu's concern for purifying the earth veins has been higher than Tianyuan. Now seeing the situation of Dijiang and others, she is naturally more anxious.

Zhenyuanzi's earth book has a great effect on the earth veins. How can she not be happy?

There was a rumbling sound from the front, and many figures of the witch clan could be seen from afar, accompanied by many roars.

Hou Tu just looked into the distance, but her face sank slightly.

There was no way to deal with Zhu Jiuyin and other ancestor witches, but she could easily subdue these ordinary witch clans.

Without waiting for Hou Tu's order, Gong Gong strode up and fled to the distance.

The many stone men made him feel a little depressed, just to release the anger in his heart.

As soon as they approached, everyone heard screams, but Tian Yuan and others didn't care. Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun took a look and were attracted by the dense strange stones in the earth veins.

Hou Tu had briefly told them about the situation of the earth veins on the way, and now seeing it with their own eyes, they were still very shocked.

After greeting Tian Yuan, the two couldn't wait to run up and start studying.

Tian Yuan withdrew his gaze and looked at Nu Wa beside him.

After Hong Yun communicated with people, Tian Yuan noticed that the other party was different. Just as he thought, the revival of humanity can accelerate Nuwa's enlightenment.

Feeling Tianyuan's gaze, Nuwa looked up and met his gaze. She was slightly stunned, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in her eyes.

"Congratulations to you for your success!" Tianyuan understood and bowed slightly.

Looking at the other party's indifferent expression, Nuwa said helplessly: "Brother Dao is really extraordinary. Nothing can escape your eyes."

She just realized something, but Tianyuan already knew it.

Although she had experienced the mystery of Tianyuan for so many years, she still had to be shocked by his strength sometimes.

"Little sister! Have you found your own way?" Fuxi next to her exclaimed loudly, his face full of excitement.

Dao means direction. Once you understand it, your cultivation can advance by leaps and bounds.

Nuwa shook her head and replied softly: "It's not that easy, but there are some directions."

After speaking, Nuwa bowed to Tianyuan and said: "I hope Brother Dao will send me off!"

The consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain has not been completely perfected, otherwise she could try it here directly.

Nuwa turned her head and looked at Fuxi. "Brother, your realm is too weak, you have to speed up your cultivation!"

Fuxi, who was originally happy, looked depressed when he heard it.

It's already very good to break into the Hunyuan Dao in hundreds of thousands of years. Who knew that these people are so perverted.

Fuxi, who was pouting, could only nod helplessly.

Nuwa had just realized something, and it was a good time to practice, so Fuxi did not waste any more time.

With a flash of her figure, Nuwa appeared on Buzhou Mountain.

"Humanity! Humanity! My way should be above these human beings!" Nuwa whispered softly, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

In today's prehistoric world, although witches and liches rule the world, the ancestor witches are irritable and do not know the destiny, and their final destination is the netherworld.

The two demon kings of the demon court are ambitious, and the demon clan certainly has no future. The prehistoric world needs a real master.

Nuwa, who thought about it in her mind, thought of Tianyuan and the stone man at the first time.

In addition to Tianyuan, who else is suitable to rule the world in the prehistoric world?

But thinking about it in her heart, she felt that it was not right. Brother Tianyuan was so righteous and benefited the entire prehistoric world. How could he covet such power.

Nuwa, who thought about it in her mind, slowly walked down Buzhou Mountain and walked towards the prehistoric land. Unknowingly, an inexplicable Taoist rhyme was emanating from her body.

In the consciousness space of Buzhou Mountain, Tianyuan gave a brief explanation and immediately came to Buzhou Mountain.

Familiar fluctuations, he immediately found Nuwa at the foot of the mountain.

Feeling the aura surrounding the other party, Tianyuan's eyes lit up.

"Whether we can quickly stop the witch and demon calamity depends on you!" Tian Yuan whispered softly, his eyes full of expectation.

The main vein near the south, although it has been purified a lot because of the shattering of Penglai Fairy Island, and many witches have been captured this time, which can greatly reduce the time of dredging, but it will also take a lot of time.

More importantly, if he wants to break into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he may have to purify all three main veins, which will take more time.

But Nuwa is different. It may take thousands or tens of thousands of years to have all the insights.

Once Nuwa becomes a saint, Hongjun will not come out. Who else can be her opponent.

Although it is impossible to kill Di Jun and Tai Yi, who have gathered the luck of heaven and earth, it is completely no problem to capture them.

It is naturally easier for Di Jiang and others hiding in the Pangu Temple.

Tian Yuan, standing quietly on Mount Buzhou, just watched Nuwa disappear in the eastern land.

Tian Yuan, thinking in his heart, looked at the sky, where a figure was escaping rapidly.

The bloody aura surged, and the huge figure of the Qiong fell on Mount Buzhou.

Just a glance, Tianyuan felt that the opponent's strength had greatly increased.

Touching Qiong's drooping head, Tianyuan was very happy.

Humanity revived, the Earth Book also entered that space, and Nuwa's Tao also showed signs.

Everything was developing in a good direction.

Unlike Tianyuan's joy, at this moment, the few remaining ancestor witches in Pangu Temple all had red eyes and panted heavily.

"Brother, Mount Buzhou was shaken again just now, what should we do?" Zhu Rong's suppressed voice sounded.

Gonggong's betrayal was fine, and he also lost several brothers of Zhu Jiuyin.

More importantly, the power of Mount Buzhou increased again, which meant that the stone man was stronger, what should they do.

The wings on Dijiang's back fluttered rapidly, and a cold voice came: "You all practice with peace of mind, I will take care of everything."

After that, the space behind him split open, and Dijiang instantly escaped into it.

In the fleeting void, Zhurong and others could vaguely see the surging chaos.

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