Honghuang: My clone Buzhou Mountain

Chapter 135 Earth Book Earth Fetal Membrane

"These... These are all stone men in the Quasi-Saint realm!" Zhen Yuanzi swallowed hard, with a look of horror on his face.

He killed two corpses, and they also had the cultivation of the middle stage of Quasi-Saint. The stone men that jumped out in front of him were almost all in this realm.

If it was just one or two, it would be fine, but there were hundreds of them, and the more important thing was that they were all stone men.

Even Hong Yun beside him widened his eyes, and his slightly pale cheeks were full of surprise.

If it was any other creature, it would be fine, but a single stone man looked a little weird.

They knew that this space was very extraordinary, but they didn't expect it to be so simple that it created so many powerful stone men.

The two immediately turned their heads to look at Tian Yuan and the others, but saw that they looked indifferent, as if they were used to it, only Gong Gong looked a little different, but that expression was not surprised.

Could this Buzhou Mountain consciousness space be a stone man's nest?

This thought flashed through the minds of Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun.

The stone men who appeared one by one, without any hesitation, all rushed towards Zhu Jiuyin and others.

These many stone men who suddenly jumped out also stunned the five ancestor witches, and then they screamed one after another.

"Tianyuan? How can there be so many Tianyuan?"

"Hunyuan Jinxian, all the stone men of Hunyuan Jinxian, this is impossible!"

"Isn't this the inner space of Buzhou Mountain? Why does it look like a stone man's nest!"

Zhu Jiuyin and several other ancestor witches screamed loudly, their faces full of disbelief.

They went through untold hardships, and many of them relied on the corpse of the Chaos Demon God to get to this point.

The moment they saw Tianyuan, they also saw the towering Buzhou Mountain in the distance.

There is no doubt that this place is the place that the ancestor witches longed for, but why are there so many stone men in the Hunyuan Jinxian realm.

No one answered, and the five ancestor witches who were full of doubts had no time to think about anything else, and were surrounded by many stone men.

Almost immediately, the ancestor witches fell into a disadvantage.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was in the middle stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, was fine, and could barely deal with one or two for the time being.

Only Ju Mang and Xi Zi, who were in the early stage of Hunyuan Jinxian, had already roared.

These stone men all followed the path of law, and the key was a single law, which was not comparable to ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian.

Looking at the drowned ancestor witches, Hong Yun couldn't help asking: "Brother! These stone men?"

Although his realm had fallen, he still saw some differences, these stone men were very pure.

Hearing Hong Yun's question, not only Zhen Yuanzi looked over curiously, but Hou Tu and Gong Gong also listened carefully.

They had been here for quite a while, and they knew that there were many stone men here, but they only knew this.

Those stone men came and went without a trace, and they were very strange.

Just like looking at it now, they could clearly find the laws they mastered among those stone men.

It seemed that the laws they were good at would appear one by one on these stone men.

Although everyone was very curious, they did not dare to ask casually because these stone men had a close relationship with Tianyuan.

Now that Hongyun asked, everyone also hoped to get an answer.

Facing everyone's eager eyes, Tianyuan smiled and said casually: "They are the three thousand laws manifested by Mount Buzhou."

Tianyuan said nothing more and strode towards the main vein in the distance.

With the understanding of this space, they will definitely guess something, and it doesn't matter if they tell everyone. As for the specifics, Tianyuan did not intend to say it.

Just like many people know that he has a mysterious relationship with Mount Buzhou, but no one would guess that Mount Buzhou would be his other body.

It is right to benefit the prehistoric world, but it is still necessary to maintain a unique sense of mystery.

"Three thousand laws?" Houtu muttered, with doubt in her eyes.

Nuwa and Fuxi beside them also had sparkling eyes and surprise between their brows.

Only Gonggong had a gloomy face and a bad look.

These familiar stone men reminded him of a very unpleasant experience.

Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi looked at each other, and were also very shocked.

Three thousand rules, doesn't that mean that there will be three thousand stone men of Hunyuan Jinxian in this space?

Seeing that Tianyuan had no intention of saying anything more, Hongyun looked at Zhu Jiuyin and others who were beaten violently.

"Brother, what about these ancestor witches?"

In just a short while, the five ancestor witches, including Zhu Jiuyin, all lost the power to resist.

Hundreds of Hunyuan Jinxians surrounded and beat them, and the key is that they are all strong in their physical bodies, so the ancestor witches can only be beaten.

"It's okay, they are thick-skinned, just a beating will be fine." Tianyuan walked in front and waved his hand slightly.

Zhu Jiuyin and others absorbed the blood of the Chaos Demon God, and they were more irritable and crazy than Gonggong. If they want to completely subdue them, it will definitely take longer, and they will be beaten more.

"Ah?" Hongyun was stunned and looked at Gonggong on the other side unconsciously.

Tianyuan captured many witches and liches, and subdued them inexplicably. Could it be that this method was used? No wonder Gonggong looked strange just now.

Looking at him now, he saw that the other party was still glancing to the side, as if he had not seen Zhu Jiuyin and others.

Hongyun, who looked strange, scratched his head and did not ask any more questions. He looked around curiously.

Behind him, the Buzhou Mountain was majestic, and there seemed to be several strange light curtains at the foot of the mountain. After a while, Hongyun looked ahead in surprise.

Zhenyuanzi, who was in deep thought, was also attracted by the scene not far away.

A golden river flowed, with rolling innate spiritual energy, and was covered with rosy clouds and auspicious air.

The two people, surprised, hurriedly quickened their pace. As they approached, they were more shocked.

"Is this one of the main veins of the Eastern Land?" Hong Yun exclaimed in a low voice, and stepped into it.

Of course, he had heard of the earth veins, but the earth veins were hidden in the primitive land and could not be easily explored.

It was not like what was in front of him, so bright and shining in front of him, sacred and spectacular.

Just after entering the earth veins, Hong Yun had not had time to take a closer look, and there was a cry of surprise from the side.

Seeing the familiar voice, Hong Yun hurriedly turned his head and saw a glow rising from Zhen Yuanzi's body.

Immediately, a treasure mirror emerged, with the words "Heaven and Earth" engraved in the center with the innate Taoist text, and golden textures all around, like the trend of the primitive mountains, rivers and lakes.

The treasure mirror was suspended in the earth veins, shining and colorful, with waves of essence, looking extremely mysterious.

"Zhen Yuanzi, this is..."

"Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth? Earth Book, Earth Fetal Membrane!"

"Top-grade innate spiritual treasure!"

Several exclamations rang out, and everyone, including Hong Yun, looked at Zhen Yuanzi in surprise.

Nu Wa, who was in deep thought, was also awakened by the scene in front of her.

Just now, her soul felt an inexplicable throbbing, as if the Tao was right in front of her, but it was a little vague.

At this moment, looking at the spiritual treasure that appeared in front of Zhen Yuanzi, her eyebrows were full of thoughts.

When she first entered this space, Hong Yun found her own Tao. Now that she has entered the earth vein, she didn't expect that the spiritual treasure on Zhen Yuanzi would also respond.

Fuxi and Nu Wa looked at each other and unconsciously showed a touch of envy.

They have been in this space for so long, but they have not had such a direct vision as the other party. Hong Yun and Zhen Yuanzi are worthy of the famous innate sacredness in the prehistoric world.

Tian Yuan, who was walking on the side, had a gleam in his eyes and looked carefully at the floating object in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

This thing should be the Earth Book, the fetal membrane of the earth, and also called the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror. It is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure with strong defense.

But the most important thing is that this thing can be used to comb the earth veins.

Now that he has entered the earth veins, he has attracted its resonance, which should be correct.

After several catastrophes in the prehistoric world, there are not many innate sacred beings left.

Zhen Yuanzi was able to survive to the Journey to the West. In addition to not participating in the Heaven and Earth Catastrophe, it is very likely that he relied on the Earth Book to comb the prehistoric earth veins. He had great merits and no one dared to kill him easily.

But in the end, although he became the ancestor of earth immortals, his situation was also somewhat embarrassing.

In the Journey to the West, he had to act with a monkey head, and even sworn brotherhood with the other party.

"It's because of the earth veins!" Zhen Yuanzi looked at the spiritual treasure in front of him, and his eyes were also surprised.

This thing is his companion treasure. With his origin, it can be said to be unparalleled in defense.

He also used it to comb the spiritual veins around Wanshou Mountain, but he didn't expect it to resonate with the earth veins now.

Tianyuan walked forward and said with a smile: "I will need your help in the future."

The ground veins in the northern land are all gone, and those in the south are also in a mess. Apart from the Wu clan, Tianyuan is most looking forward to the Book of the Earth.

So far, Tianyuan has not thought of a way to construct the ground veins.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhenyuanzi is really indispensable in combing the ground veins of these two parties.

"Haha. I knew that you, Zhenyuanzi, would also have a great opportunity!" Hongyun laughed loudly, with joy on his rough face.

The ground veins are higher than the spiritual veins, and they are related to the creatures of the entire prehistoric world. Combing and purifying the ground veins will definitely bring blessings to the world.

The spiritual energy of the prehistoric world has become rich, the cultivation of creatures is simple, and it can also accelerate the recovery of humanity.

He has the opportunity, and his good brother Zhenyuanzi has not fallen behind, so the trip is worthwhile.

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