But at this moment, a doubtful voice suddenly sounded from the girl's ear:"Lingcai, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

As soon as these words came out, Kuraki Lingcai was instantly awakened from her intoxication.

Facing Bai Ziyu's puzzled gaze, she felt ashamed and annoyed, her crystal earlobes were as red as blood, and there was a burst of heat rising from her head..

""No, it's okay!"

The girl said in a voice as soft as a mosquito, and she got out of Bai Ziyu's arms and left in a hurry.

Looking at the other party's flustered back, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and a puzzled look flashed in his eyes.

In the bathroom, the cold water flowed through the snow-white jade neck and delicate collarbone, and slowly went down. After a while, he turned off the shower casually, and Kuraki Reina patted his cheeks lightly with his hands:"Kuraki Reina, what on earth were you doing just now?..."

As she was talking, she recalled the scene when the other party saved her before, and she couldn't help muttering to herself:"That guy is quite handsome~"

The next moment, the girl reacted, hurriedly shook her head, and turned on the shower again, trying to calm herself down in this way.

As for Bai Ziyu, who was unaware of all this, he was wandering around the shrine at this time.

Unfortunately, no traces of wild ghosts or wild gods were found.

This completely shattered his idea of making some extra money.

After wandering around for a while again, suddenly a maid in a white maid's uniform came over:"Master, the young lady is waiting in the main hall."

Nodding, without saying much, Bai Ziyu returned to the main hall with the other party.

In the main hall, looking at Kuraki Reina, whose cheeks were slightly rosy and whose blood was boiling, Bai Ziyu smiled faintly and walked forward:"Reina..."

As soon as Dan Pu opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the girl:"The sacrifice is complete, let's go back!"......

In the car, Bai Ziyu saw that the girl's cheeks were getting redder and her breathing was getting heavier. His face was full of worry:"Reina, are you okay?"

He stretched out his hand and put it on her forehead.

Kuraki Reina, who had never thought that the other party would be like this, smelled the strong smell of male hormones, and her brain suddenly crashed.

After a moment, she finally reacted, and hurriedly knocked away his right hand. After saying"I'm fine" in a trembling voice, she turned and looked out the window.

For some reason, she now felt as if there was a deer running around in her heart, as if her body was...

After returning to the manor, the girl got out of the car and went straight into the bathroom. She needed to calm down!

But just as she was calming down, Chunchuan Zhimei suddenly walked in.

Looking at the little maid who showed her perfect figure in front of her, Kuraki Reina subconsciously put her hands in front of Yue Xiong:"Zhimei, what are you doing here?"

"Miss, you must be feeling very uncomfortable now, let Zhimei help you!"


After a long while, she helped Kuraki Reina cover the quilt, put her hands on her belly, and slowly left.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw Kuraki Yuriko in a black gauze.

"How about Lingcai?"

"Miss, you're fine now."

"Well done, thank you for your hard work, Zhimei!"

Hearing this, Chunchuan Zhimei looked indifferent and shook her head gently:"This is what Zhimei should do!"

In the middle of the night, Bai Ziyu, who was resting on the bed, was suddenly awakened by a warm feeling.

Looking down in the moonlight, he saw...

Gently stroking the soft hair, Bai Ziyu turned his head and looked at the blazing and brilliant camellia tree outside the window.

Gradually, the originally quiet bedroom was filled with whimpering sounds like a kitten.

But the whimpering gradually dissipated before it reached the door.

Putting down the Hunyuan Jade, holding the slender waist with his right hand, and placing his left hand on the capital, Bai Ziyu said softly:"Nothing unexpected happened, right?"

"Well! Madam had no doubts at all and let me..."

Knowing that the other party was helping Kuraki Reina to resolve her problems just like in the original drama, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with some teasing:"Ha~, in order to be resurrected, she really did everything she could, but who knows if this is just to help others?"

Hearing this, Chunchuan Zhimei's light green eyes were full of confusion:"Master, what are you talking about?"

"You will know later!"

The left hand moved more and more gently, and a curve slowly appeared at the corner of Bai Ziyu's mouth.

The next morning, after waking up from the wake-up service of the little maid, Bai Ziyu came to the back mountain.

Passing through the waterfall that looked like a silk ribbon, he came to the cave.

After walking a few dozen steps, an exquisite wooden hut was quietly located in it.

In front of the wooden hut, a purple-haired girl wearing a pure white witch costume and holding a hydrangea in her hand was looking at him with curved eyebrows. After taking a few quick steps, Bai Ziyu came to the girl, stretched out his right hand and gently rubbed the cute little head, and said softly:"Mizuna, I'm here!"

Feeling the warmth from the big hand, Kuraki Mizuna narrowed her eyes slightly, and a bit of attachment appeared on her pretty face.

After a while, after the big hand left, he handed the hydrangea in his hand to Bai Ziyu. The girl's light brown eyes were full of anticipation.......

During the play, the girl had so much fun that she forgot that her right ankle was tied with a ribbon.

In an instant, with a strong force coming from her ankle, her body suddenly shook, and then she fell straight to the ground.

The girl, who had long been accustomed to this, had no panic on her face and waited quietly for all this to happen.

But at this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Immediately, she threw herself into a broad and warm embrace.

The next moment, a concerned voice sounded softly from her ear:"Mizuna, are you okay?" Slowly raising her head, facing Bai Ziyu's concerned eyes, the girl had a sweet smile on her lips.

This smile was like a hundred flowers blooming. Even

Bai Ziyu, the iron-blooded god of war who had been on the battlefield for a long time, could not help but lose his mind slightly.

Subconsciously, he slowly lowered his head.

But when the two were only a few feet apart, seeing the other's beautiful eyes as clear as a spring in the forest, Bai Ziyu suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt.

He was just like the weird uncle who tricked the innocent little girl to see the goldfish! In the end, the little morality in his heart took over. He reached out and gently rubbed the other's head, with a gentle expression:"Mizuna, are you okay!".

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