Walking out of the cave, looking at the beautiful sunset in the distance, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but smile.

Being with a pure girl like Kuraki Mizuna will make people forget all their troubles temporarily. This feeling is really good.

Walking slowly on the forest path, Bai Ziyu casually opened the task panel

【Mission requirements: Help Kuraki Mizuna walk out of the cave. Mission rewards: Rescue points +500, 1 billion yen, Mission failure: No penalty. 】

At this moment, a low, hoarse and annoying voice suddenly sounded from not far away:"Master Yushan, where have you been just now? The lady has been waiting for you for a long time."

""Let's just stroll around the area. Let's go!"

Bai Ziyu said lightly, and then headed towards the villa.

Ten minutes later, as soon as he arrived at the living room"803", he saw Kuraki Reina looking at him with an unhappy face.

Looking at her, he couldn't help but think of Kuraki Mizuna in the cave. They obviously shared the same face, so why was there such a big difference?!

During the meal, seeing that the atmosphere between the two was a little wrong, Kuraki Yuriko promptly smoothed things over:"Kouichi-kun, how do you feel about living here? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Thanks to Aunt Yuriko for your concern, I feel great!"

"That's good! By the way, our Kuraki family will hold a sacrifice at the shrine tonight, which will be presided over by Lingcai. If Haoyi has time, you can go and have a look!"

As soon as these words came out, before Bai Ziyu could say anything, Kuraki Lingcai was the first to quit. She put down the chopsticks in her hand and said in dissatisfaction:"Mom, how can we let an outsider go to our Kuraki family's sacrifice?!"

"Hao Yijun is your fiancé, the future master of the Kuraki family, how can you say he is an outsider?"

Hearing this, she glared at Bai Ziyu fiercely and said,"Humph! I don't recognize this fiancé!" Then the girl left angrily.

"Lingcai! Lingcai..."

After calling out several times without success, Kuraki Yuriko looked at Bai Ziyu apologetically and said,"I'm sorry, Koichi-kun, Lingcai has been spoiled by me and his father!"

"No problem! I like Miss Lingcai's straightforward personality."

"That's good..."

He smiled faintly and nodded, with a few faint lights flashing in his eyes.

When dinner was over, Kuraki Yuriko took Harukawa Tomomi to the hot spring, while Bai Ziyu followed Kuraki Reina to the Kuraki family shrine.

After all, he was quite interested in this so-called sacrifice.

If he could meet some wild gods, wild ghosts or the like, he might get some unexpected gains.

On his way to the shrine, Harukawa Tomomi slowly helped Kuraki Yuriko disarm.

Looking at the skin that was as delicate as a young lady's, as well as the slender waist and the seductive beauty, the girl couldn't help but be stunned.

Before, she just envied the other party's ability to maintain her youth, but after learning the truth from the devil, she couldn't help but feel terrified.

If Bai Ziyu hadn't considered this and made arrangements in advance, she would have been exposed when Bai Ri just met the other party.

At this time, noticing the other party's abnormality, Kuraki Yuriko frowned slightly:"What's wrong?"

"The lady has a great figure! She doesn't look like someone who has given birth to a child...."

Seeing the undisguised envy in the girl's beautiful eyes, the beautiful woman's brows slowly relaxed, and then she said lightly:"Okay! Come down too, give me a massage!"


After a moment, looking at the"miserable state" of the girl after she was disarmed, especially..., Kuraki Yuriko couldn't help but feel satisfied with Harukawa Ippei's work attitude.

Only the pure yin body of the virgin blood can awaken the sleeping god.

After Harukawa Tomomi sat in the hot spring, a series of fine bubbles suddenly floated in front of her.

One by one, it was very interesting!

Ten minutes later, Bai Ziyu arrived at Kuraki Shrine.

Kuraki Reina was taken into the shrine by the maids to change clothes, and he could only stand in front of the door alone, waiting silently.

The noisy wind blew through the leaves, making a"rustling" sound, mixed with bursts of birds and insects.

After waiting for about thirty minutes, just when Bai Ziyu's patience was gradually exhausted, the door was suddenly opened. 0

Then, Kuraki Reina, dressed in a red and white shrine maiden costume, walked out slowly with lotus steps.

The moment he saw her, Bai Ziyu was involuntarily attracted to her.

Beautiful! So beautiful!

Bai Ziyu had never thought that wearing a shrine maiden costume on a person would produce such a wonderful chemical reaction. If she was stared at with such a fiery gaze, Kuraki Reina felt a fever for some reason.

She didn't dare to stay any longer, so she hurriedly left with the two maids.

When she turned around, a light and elegant fragrance blew into Bai Ziyu's nose with the wind.

For a moment, his expression was slightly wonderful.

He said that in the original play, why did the other party feel hot from time to time, and finally had to relieve it through **. After a long time, it turned out that someone had tampered with the shrine maiden costume.

As for the person who tampered with it?

Who else could it be except Kuraki Yuriko, the actual controller of the Kuraki family?!

For this kind of behavior, if Bai Ziyu was a bystander, he would naturally criticize it.

But as a direct beneficiary, he just wanted to say: Wow~, it smells so good!

During the ceremony, Kuraki Reina felt as if there were thousands of bugs crawling on her body, and the burning sensation not only did not disappear, but became more severe.

But because it was a ceremony, she had to endure it.

Finally, with the end of the last item, she breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the shrine office.

Now she just wanted to take a good shower to suppress the burning sensation on her body.

But she was too anxious, and the skirt of the shrine maiden's dress was too long, and then...


With a cry of surprise, the girl couldn't help falling down. Just when she was about to make close contact with the threshold, a warm hand suddenly hugged her slender waist.

Looking at Bai Ziyu's half face reflected in the faint candlelight, Kuraki Reina suddenly felt a heartbeat and subconsciously whispered:"So handsome!" At this time, seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer to her, the girl slowly closed her beautiful eyes and couldn't help pouting her pink lips.

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