Chapter 193: The Peach Feast Begins

As a cultivator at the peak of the Mixed Yuan Wuji Golden Immortal, Xuantian still had a very keen perception.

No matter how much Hongjun and them covered up, Xuantian could still sense that someone was calculating his own.

There is no one else in Honghuang except for Hongjun, who has always liked to do things.

Xuantian knew that Hongjun was likely to use this heaven and earth calamity to do things, but now there was no interception.

Do you still want to turn this robbery into a battle between Daomen and Xuanmen?

It’s not that Xuantian looks down on Daomen, how can Daomen fight with Xuanmen? It’s not on one level at all.

Those disciples of Hongjun were completely forcibly promoted to the middle stage of the saint by Hongjun

Even if they blessed the power of the Heavenly Dao, it would be similar to the Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian on Xuantian’s side.

Originally, the saints in Honghuang should be more powerful than the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian of the same level, but the saints of the Daomen all relied on merit to become holy.

The three corpses were not fused at all, and there was not even a complete law in the body

How is it possible to compare with the mixed yuan Daluo Jinxian who has complete laws?

This is also the reason why several saints of Daomen think that the disciples of Xuanmen are all perverts, not that the enemy is too strong, but that they are too weak.

If Xuantian 010 didn’t cross the flood wilderness, these disciples of the Daomen would still be able to be mighty and blessed, but now they can only end up in their own cave mansion, afraid that they will be beaten if they come out.

However, since Hongjun calculates himself, he must also arrange it, otherwise if he is dragged by Yang Mei at that time, it will definitely be difficult for his disciples to be Hongjun’s opponents.

Xuantian has a complete formation inheritance, and is ready to study a set of formations that belong to a few of his disciples according to the several major formations of Honghuang, and it will not necessarily be worse than Hongjun at that time, and no matter how bad it is, he will be able to defend Hongjun.

Thinking of this, Xuantian went to the Time and Space Tower to retreat.

At this time, in the Chaotic Purple Sky Palace, the three people of Hongjun Yangmei Luo Yu finally determined the policy after some time of discussion.

That is, Yang Mei went to stop Xuantian, and Luo Yu and Hongjun tried to destroy Xuantian’s wings as much as possible by sealing the god calamity.

But all this depends on whether Yang Mei can stop Xuantian.

If Yang Mei couldn’t defeat Xuantian, and his side eradicated Xuanmen’s disciples, I am afraid that he would also meet Xuantian’s terrifying revenge.

So Hongjun and Luo Yu are thinking in their hearts.

But they also don’t want to let go of this opportunity, now

In the only way to say that step by step to see step by step, the key is to see who is more powerful Yang Mei and Xuan Tian.

Hongjun and Luo Yu didn’t have the courage to fight Xuantian…….

Time flies in the flood wilderness.

Soon the day of the Heavenly Court Peach Feast is getting closer and closer.

The immortals who were preparing to attend the peach feast in the flood wilderness were all preparing.

After all, the Heavenly Court is the orthodoxy of the Honghuang Heavenly Dao established by the Dao Ancestor, and the gifts that should be prepared still have to be prepared.

Can’t just lose the number of gifts.

What’s more, the flood famine was opened up at the peak of Pangu.

Big and boundless.

They are not saints and cannot quickly appear in a place through the power of the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, it is necessary to leave early and rush to the Heavenly Court.

During this time, in the desolate sky, from time to time, there will be the phenomenon of immortals flying in the sky.

And the largest race downloaded in the flood wilderness is the human race, and the human race is mostly ordinary people, so they are still very longing for immortals.

At this time, the Heavenly Court had already been illuminated.

The Lingxiao Treasure Hall is magnificent, and there are busy fairies and immortals of the Heavenly Court dressing up the Heavenly Court everywhere.

Although Haotian knew that it would be a farce here, what should be prepared still had to be prepared, after all, this represented the face of the Heavenly Court and also represented the face of Haotian.

And at this time in the Yaochi Palace,

Haotian and Yaochi are both here, and the two people are sitting opposite each other.

Haotian said: “Yaochi, you said that who will find things first at this peach festival?” Master said that this time will be a new place to trigger the calamity, and I feel uneasy in my heart.”

Yaochi said with a smile: “Master Zun is definitely not wrong to say that this time is the beginning of the calamity, you don’t have to think about it at all, just do what Master ordered.”

“With the strength of Shizun, everything must have been prepared a long time ago, Hongjun will definitely not be Shizun’s opponent, you must know that Hongjun has always suffered losses in the hands of Shizun

“They almost forced Hongjun into a demon, and it is absolutely impossible for Hongjun to succeed if he wants to devour Hongjun.”

Haotian also settled down when he heard Yaochi’s words, yes, isn’t it acting? If you want to act, I will accompany you to act, and when the time comes, after the God Sealing Tribulation is over.

I’d rather see how arrogant you disciples of the saints are.

Haotian said again: “How about the peach preparation for Master?”

“Don’t worry, today’s banquet is of poor quality, they want to make trouble and want to eat real peaches, it’s just delusional.”

Yaochi also said with anger on his face.

Then the two people looked at each other and smiled, then stopped talking, and quietly looked at the more and more immortals in the Heavenly Court.

In a blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed.

On this day, the golden light above the heavenly court is rolling red neon, and thousands of rays of rui qi spray purple mist, and the fairy mist is pervasive.

Above the nine heavens, at the entrance of the South Heavenly Gate.

Taibai Jinxing serves as the gateway to the Heavenly Court today, to receive and entertain the immortals of the flood wilderness.

Looking at the imposing Heavenly Court, Taibai Jinxing’s face was full of proud joy

The time was coming soon, and at this time, everyone quieted down under the gesture of Taibai Jinxing.

“Please Haotian God, Our Lady of Yaochi.”

Taibai Jinxing shouted solemnly.

Hao Tian, wearing an imperial robe, slowly came to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall with the graceful and noble Our Lady of Yaochi.

When Haotian and Yaochi sat down.

Haotian’s eagle eyes carefully looked at the immortals of the Hong Desolation.

I don’t know why, when Haotian looked at the immortals, everyone did not dare to look at Haotian.

It’s really that the emperor power on Haotian’s body is too prosperous.

It makes people can’t help but feel worshipped.

The current Haotian is not the boy of Hongjun before, as Xuantian’s apprentice, Haotian’s whole person has changed.

Although the strength is only in the middle stage of the quasi-saint on the surface, it has actually reached the peak of the mixed yuan golden immortal, almost the ceiling under the Honghuang saint.

And what is cultivated is the law of the imperial path, these people will definitely be suppressed.

Haotian glanced at the people who found that none of the people in the Holy Land had come, without a trace of resentment on his face, and with a playful expression.

Haotian thought to himself: “Sure enough, Master Zun is right, these saints will definitely do something today, but I didn’t expect that it hasn’t started yet?” I’m ready to give myself a shot.”

Haotian said: “Today is the peach grand event of the Heavenly Court, thank you very much for coming, I welcome you on behalf of the Heavenly Court, below…….!”

However, before Haotian could finish his words, he only heard a voice outside.

“Western pharmacist arrived.”

There is a heavenly soldier outside the South Heavenly Gate to inform:

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