Chapter 192: Hongjun Yang Hou Luo Yu Tripartite Meeting

For the Heavenly Court to hold a peach extravaganza.

Everyone has a different opinion.

The disciples of the Daomen looked down on Haotian and thought that Haotian was just a little boy.

Why sit on the throne of the Heavenly Emperor and have great luck? It’s pure waste.

For Xuanmen, at this time, through the transmission of Shizun, they already knew that Haotian and Yaochi were their junior brothers and sisters.

They should have gone to the show, but since Hao Tianming still belongs to Hongjun’s side now, they can’t go either.

Otherwise, Haotian Yaochi will be exposed, and Shizun’s plan will be destroyed at that time.

So they can’t go either.

But the peach feast of the Heavenly Court has a fatal temptation for the immortals in the flood waste.

After all, peaches belong to the best innate spiritual roots, and eating a peach can save ten thousand years of penance.

So many people are still ready to go to the peach extravaganza of the Heavenly Court.

But most of the great powers still won’t go, after all, they know that Haotian is just a boy of the Dao Ancestor.

The Lord of the Heavenly Court was just a puppet supported by Hongjun.

There is no right at all, like the current flood famine but not many people know the existence of the Heavenly Court.

If it weren’t for Hao Tian’s voice this time, everyone would have given this boy of Dao Ancestor to 과Ke.

The current Heavenly Court is completely incomparable to the Demon Celestial Court.

Haotian didn’t care about this at all, and with the reminder of the master, he completely regarded this peach feast as a joke, and he was not ready to recruit someone.

It’s better to have that time than to cultivate well.

As for whether the love of all beings in the flood wilderness can come, one less person can save himself some spiritual fruits.

He knew that there were many children in Shizun, that is, Huluwa and Tongzi, and when the time came, he would give them all the peaches and give himself a few kind words in front of Shizun.

At this time, Taibai Jinxing first came to Shouyang Mountain, because Haotian had an explanation for the saint whether he wanted it or not, but he must send it.

Therefore, Taibai Jinxing came to the gate of Shouyang Mountain very politely and said: “The Heavenly Emperor sat down Taibai Jinxing and came to send the bundle for the Heavenly Emperor, and asked the saint to instruct n~.”

After waiting for a long time, Xuandu came out slowly and said, “The master ordered me to come and get the bundle, please give it to me.”

Taibai Jinxing also knew that it would definitely be impossible to let the saint personally take the invitation, so he gave it to Xuandu.

Xuandu casually lost it, but at this time Lao Tzu’s voice appeared in Xuandu’s ear and said: “Apprentice, when the time comes, you will go for the teacher, so you will not lose your courtesy, but don’t lose my face, Xuandu quickly agreed, thinking in his heart: “It seems that there is a scene at this Peach Conference.

Taibai Jinxing then went to Kunlun Mountain, and also did not see Yuan Shi, Guangchengzi directly took the invitation and left, without saying a word.

Guang Chengzi is Yuan Shi’s favorite disciple, and after being deposed by Kunpeng, Yuan Shi spent countless heaven and earth treasures to cure Guang Chengzi, which shows how much Yuan Shi loves Guang Chengzi.

If Huanglong is abolished, maybe Yuan Shi Tianzun will not take care of it, leaving him to fend for himself.

The main thing is that Guangchengzi is too much like Yuan Shi Tianzun, the same arrogance, no one in his eyes even if he suffered such a big loss last time, he can’t change his nature until now, and then Taibai Jinxing went to the Western Spirit Mountain, looking at the ruined West, even Taibai Jinxing can’t stand it a little.

It’s not bad to come to the mountain gate of Lingshan Mountain, which is equivalent to the second-rate cave mansion in the east, but it took countless years of hard work of two saints to get today’s result Taibai Jinxing still hasn’t seen the saint appear, so he had to give the invitation to the medicine master and hurried to the next location.

Although Taibai Jinxing has nothing on the surface, he still feels unworthy for Wu Tian, and he is kind enough to send the invitation, and others don’t care at all.

When Taibai Jinxing came to the 100,000 Mountains, what was even more infuriating was that he was directly driven out, and he didn’t even send out the invitation.

But finally came to the Zizhou Mansion of the Eastern Prince, and finally met the first saint, after all, the Eastern Prince intends to befriend Wu Tian, and this bit of face still has to be given to Wu Tian, so he promised to arrive when the time comes.

In this way, all the invitations of the Holy Land were delivered, and the Great Platinum Venus was physically and mentally tired and reported to Haotian.

Instead, Haotian smiled and said, “Ai Qing, don’t worry, the Heavenly Court will rise soon, when the time comes, I will let those saint disciples see that you dare not speak loudly.

Taibai Jinxing thought that Wu Tian was telling a joke, but he didn’t know that Wu Tian was completely true.

The saints who received the invitation all looked at the direction of the Heavenly Court with a sneer, and this time they were ready to let their disciples make trouble, so that Haotian could take the initiative to give up the position of Heavenly Emperor.

If you force it, it will definitely not be appropriate, but if Haotian takes the initiative to let it out, Hongjun will not say anything if he knows it.

Don’t you know, all their calculations have been calculated by Hongjun.

The day the Heavenly Emperor who took over this Heavenly Court from Haotian was Hongjun’s calculation.

One can imagine how deep Hongjun’s calculation is.

At this time, Hongjun Yangmei and Luo Yu sat together to discuss, how to arrange the next action.

Hongjun said: “~ This time the great calamity is about to begin, this time it is the God Sealing Tribulation, my side is ready to pull Xuanmen into the water.”

“At that time, try to make the great calamity bigger, so that the three realms of heaven and earth and people in the flood and desolation cannot be scrupulous about us.”

“We can safely calculate Xuantian and cut Xuantian’s wings first.”

The wings that Hongjun said were naturally those disciples of Xuantian, after all, the cultivation of several apprentices of Xuantian was still good, and it was a threat to Xuanmen disciples.

At this time, Luo Qi said: “I want to know how far this catastrophe will develop?”

Hongjun thought for a while and said, “I want them to break the flood wilderness so that the flood famine will decline, which is more in our interests.”

Yang Mei and Luo Yu sneered in their hearts: “It is in our interests, I think it is in the interests of your Honghook, when the time comes, you can devour the origin of the flood and desolation to your heart’s content, and we will become your T worker.”

But they will definitely not say it on their lips, everyone is calculating in their hearts how to meet their best interests.

Yang Mei is the most powerful of these, and he will definitely have to face Xuantian himself when the time comes.

In fact, Yang Mei’s goal is only Xuantian, as long as Honghook can ensure that Honghuang will not interfere, Yang Mei is still confident that he can win over Xuantian.

Yang Mei’s target this time was the “secret method” on Xuan Tian’s body, and at this time, Xuan Tian of the Three Immortal Birds snorted, and then looked in the direction of Chaos and showed a strange smile!

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