Chapter 26 Mr. Huang: Ana Shen is my confidant!

Ana Shen's expression became strange. He understood Mr. Huang's character and his words gradually became bolder:

"Boss, are you asking me to go to St. Edin's to pretend to be a young student?"

Ms. Huang is very happy,

"Yes, other police officers are not suitable"

"Only you, tender and fair, like a pretty girl"

"It's perfect for being an undercover agent. Ana

Shen complained,

"I just hid my stupidity because I didn’t want to be an undercover agent when I was in the police academy."

"Undercover, even a dog wouldn’t do it"

"If you end up with someone like Huang Zhicheng, you will never come back."

When Mr. Huang heard him mention Huang Zhicheng, he immediately remembered Ana Shen's contribution. He wanted to get angry but couldn't, so he asked helplessly,

"So what do you say?"

"You have to find me an undercover agent!"

Ana Shen was particularly puzzled.

"Do you have to be an undercover agent? Mr.

Huang asked back:

"if not?"

Shen Yan analyzed it for him,

"Boss, what you mean is that you have lost your gun, so you should not make it public and you want to find it quietly."

Ms. Huang is very happy,


"After all, it was a gun that was thrown away in my office. This is a scandal that should not be publicized. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone to such trouble."

"If you send someone to investigate this kind of thing, you are just telling others."

He told Shen Yan the key,

"Most importantly, St. Edin's parents are very energetic"

"Once this matter is exposed, we will be under great pressure"

"The governor might have to talk to me"

"Do you understand? Ana

Shen nodded crazily:

"I understand, so the investigation needs to be done quietly so as not to alert others, right?"

Mr. Huang was quite pleased,

"As expected, you can carry it clearly. Then, starting from tomorrow, you can go to St. Edin as an undercover agent. Ana

Shen shook his head:

"I dont go! Mr.

Huang was so angry that he almost took off his sunglasses:

"What you said was succinct, but you told me you weren’t going? Ana

Shen smiled and said,

"Boss, you may have made a mistake. Mr.

Huang snorted coldly,

"If you don't tell me that you are ugly, I will make your group wear small shoes every day. Ana

Shen chuckled and said,

"I know the sensitivity and seriousness of this case"

"But...there's really no need to go to school and be an undercover agent for a case like this. Mr.

Huang was stunned for a moment:

"What did you say?"

Analyzed Shen Yan,

"First, your gun is a gun of kindness"

"Even if such a gun falls into the hands of criminals, it will not cause harm to society."

Mr. Huang disagreed.

"It just doesn't kill, and I have a lot of affection for it."

Ana Yan took advantage of the situation and said,

"Of course, we want to get it back now to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Mr.

Huang then nodded:

"That’s right! Shen

Yan said again,

"Then, we have to analyze who took this gun of kindness, and what did he use it for?"

Ms. Huang was startled and suddenly smiled,

"You boy... you feel a bit like a brave detective."

"Then I'm all ears."

Analyzed Shen Yan,

"First, we can identify the suspect - a student from St. Edin's"

"Then we can basically conclude that this is a male student"

"It is impossible for female students, even if they are too young, to attack the police guns. Mr. Huang nodded:

"Makes sense! Shen

Yan said again,

"This is the police headquarters. No idlers are allowed in. If students come to visit, there must be records."

"Well, we can narrow it down even further."

Mr. Huang showed a smile on his face,

"That's right"

"Indeed. Ana

Shen said softly,

"Then another question came."

Mr. Huang's curiosity has been aroused by Ana Shen,

"what is the problem?"

Ana Shen raised a finger,

"What kind of student would think about getting a police gun?"

"Or the police gun from the Commissioner's Office. Mr.

Huang said casually,

"A playful and naughty student."

Ana Shen clapped and said,

"That's right, playful and naughty students"

"Such students are very famous in a certain class"

"It's not difficult to find."

Mr. Huang showed a smile. He felt very accomplished.

Ana Shen said again,

"However, people who are just playful and naughty don’t dare to do this"

"This is the police station after all"

"Dare to steal something at the police station……"

Mr. Huang took advantage of the situation and said,

"That man was not only courageous, but also had an unusual family background. Ana

Shen smiled and said,

"That's what the boss said."

Boss Huang pushed up his sunglasses and found Ana Shen more and more pleasing to his eyes.

Although what this guy said was not pleasant to listen to, it was the truth at least.

He, Mr. Huang, likes to hear people tell the truth.

Although this guy's thinking is not as good as that of Mr. Huang, he is comparable. Superintendent Chen is still so tall.

Well, Shen Yan is my confidant!

How could Shen Yan know that he has such a high regard in Mr. Huang's heart?

"There is a bad thing about schools in Xiangjiang. There is always bullying on campus."

"The reason is that some clubs particularly like to recruit juniors in schools"

"Although the students at St. Edin's School all have good backgrounds, they are just young people. How can they know what is good and what is good?……"

Mr. Huang clapped his hands and said,

"The guy who stole my favorite gun must be connected to the clubs around the school."

Ana Shen particularly agreed.

"The boys in the school dare to steal guns. The business done by this club seems to be unusual. Mr.

Huang said with a dark face,

"Eighty percent of it is arms sales."

He pushed up his sunglasses and nodded heavily,

"Yes, it is."

Ms. Huang immediately ordered,

"I leave this matter to you. I don’t care how you investigate it."

"But first of all, this matter cannot be leaked. Shen

Yan suddenly said,

"Boss, why do you think this club wants to recruit students from St. Edin's as juniors?"

"It’s important to know the backgrounds of these students."

"If things are exposed and pressure comes from top to bottom, we will not be the unlucky ones."

Mr. Huang suddenly fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, he cursed,

"I'm afraid this is what this group of people wanted to do."

Shen Yan asked knowingly,

"what do you mean……"

Mr. Huang said coldly,

"Why do you have to pretend to be confused? These guys are probably targeting St. Edin's School."

"Maybe, they are using the school to do some shameful things. Ana

Shen clapped her hands and said,

"Best regards, boss!"

Mr. Huang patted Ana Shen on the shoulder and ordered,

"You take care of this matter"

"I don't care what method you use, I'll put an end to this bastard society."

He felt scared for a while. This is a time bomb! It may explode at some time.

If this is true, then he will be passive.

Mr. Huang will not allow such a thing to happen under any circumstances.

He said straightforwardly,

"Shen Yan, you are very suitable to my taste."

"After this case is finished, how about you come to be my secretary?"

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