Chapter 25 Mr. Huang’s request

"Yang Jinrong? Superintendent Chen frowned,"Never heard of it?""

He advised,

"We are the West Kowloon General Administration, so the threshold is naturally high."

"Ordinary police officers can't get in. Ana

Shen said softly,

"He was my classmate in the police academy. He is now a military police officer with the rank of trainee inspector."

Superintendent Chen wished he could take back what he just said.

Damn, he is actually as perverted as Shen Yan.

Yang Jinrong's police rank does not seem to be as high as Shen Yan.

But once he reaches the level of inspector, he will naturally be respected by the military uniform.

It is especially important. The thing is, Yang Jinrong is young!

Superintendent Chen said in a bad mood,

"You two are really good at picking people and causing trouble for me."

"I'm afraid I don't have enough face"

"Maybe I'll have to trouble my boss again."

Lu Qichang immediately flattered him,

"Sir, you are the boss's right-hand man, he should give you some face.

Superintendent Chen shook his head.

"You will cause trouble for me."

Complaining is a complaint, he is really moved.

Yang Jinrong is a young talent like Shen Yan.

Talents are rare!

Such talents should be caught early.

If others snatch them, they will cry to death!

Police Chen Si then said,

"Okay, I will go with you to ask the boss for help. You will lose my face anyway."

"As long as you do your job well, my face doesn't matter."

Lu Qichang and Shen Yan were overjoyed.

"Thank you sir!"

Superintendent Chen was about to turn around when he suddenly turned back and said,

"The Ni family's case should be settled as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, I won’t look good in front of Mr. Huang."

The two of them hurriedly agreed.

Superintendent Chen ordered,

"You two wait here for a while, I will ask you for help right away."

The two thanked them repeatedly.

They never expected that Superintendent Chen would be so resolute.

After Superintendent Chen left, Lu Qichang smiled and said,

"Is our great sir okay? Shen

Yan said sincerely,

"It's really powerful"

"We are lucky to have such a boss. Lu

Qichang asked with a smile,

"Yang Jinrong is here, it will be easier for you to do things"

"He is your direct descendant, right? Shen

Yan did not deny it, but he said,

"Ah Rong is quite good at intelligence search."

"He will provide us with the necessary assistance."

The sooner you train your direct descendants, the better.

How long will it take if you don't train your direct descendants now?

Shen Yan has a hunch that his position will be promoted very quickly.

The problem is that the time he has to train his direct descendants will be pitifully short..

There are three gangs of heroes, especially in the police force.

If you want to work better, your direct connections are extremely important, so you must take the time to cultivate them while you are on the front line. Lu Qichang asked curiously when he was able to transfer his preferred first deputy.

"How is Yang Jinrong's ability different from Chen Yongren's?"

Ana Shen thought for a while and then said,

"More handsome than Aren and more restrained"

"In terms of abilities of the two of them, Yang Jinrong is half a point stronger."

Lu Qichang was surprised,

"Why didn't you see this at first? Ana

Shen laughed and said,

"What can you see?"

"If he performs well, wouldn't he be kept in mind by you officers every day and sent as an undercover agent?"

Lu Qichang was speechless.

He suddenly realized that few people are fools.

They are all very smart!

Would the real elite police officers like to be sent as undercover agents?

Definitely not.

If Chen Yongren hadn't been at his wits' end, he probably wouldn't be willing to go either..

Lu Qichang was silent for a while.

Just as the two of them were facing each other in silence, Superintendent Chen came back.

"The boss has agreed to transfer Yang Jinrong."

Lu Qichang and Shen Yan were particularly excited.

"However, the boss asked Ayan to go to his place."

Ana Shen was stunned,

"The boss wants to see me?

Superintendent Chen said ,

"The boss always has conditions"

"You have to complete a task to transfer Yang Jinrong. Ana

Shen frowned and said:

"Need me to complete a task?"

"What task?"

Superintendent Chen shrugged,

"You’ll know when you go there!"

Lu Qichang said quickly,

"Sir, how long does this task take?"

"Sir Shen is the brains of our team."

Superintendent Chen was a little troubled.

"You also know Mr. Huang, and I don’t dare to refute the decisions he makes."

Lu Qichang was speechless.

Shen Yan quickly said,

"I completed this task as quickly as possible."

Just as he was about to open the door and leave, Superintendent Chen ordered,

"Mr. Huang is waiting for you in the garden below. Ana

Shen was startled:

"It seems that this task is very difficult."

Lu Qichang said with a dark face,

"Yes, otherwise why would you talk to Sir Shen in the garden?"

It's just that things have reached this point and the two of them have nothing to do.

When Shen Yan came to the garden, he saw a familiar big sunglasses.

He inexplicably thought of a person in his mind.

Big sunglasses - Mr. Huang, walked around Shen Yan Looking left and right, the expression on his face gradually became a little abnormal.

"What a tender little face!"

"What a great figure."

He even touched Ana Shen's chest muscles with his hands!

Goosebumps all over Ana Shen's body.

"Boss, if you didn't tell me about the mission, others would think you were molesting me!"

Ms. Huang coughed,

"The gun that has been with me for more than thirty years is lost!"

Ana Shen was stunned, why is this so familiar?

He suddenly remembered what Mr. Huang just said, and a thought suddenly came to his mind,

"No way? Playing hooky to Veyron?!"

So he tried,

"Who stole your gun? Mr.

Huang said awkwardly,

"Last week students from St. Edin's School came to visit the police station. After the students left, I discovered that the gun was missing."

Looking at Shen Sheng's expression, he thought he was worried about the harm of losing the gun, so he quickly said,

"Don't worry, it's very safe"

"That gun is a gun of kindness, it cannot be fired at all"

"It has been with me for thirty years and has never been launched once"

"I have a very deep relationship with it. Whenever I get an itch on my back, I use it to scratch it."

"Because of my years of use, the muzzle of the gun is two inches shorter."

Ana Shen became more and more certain that this was the plot of"Play Back to School". Just in case, she asked,

"what do you mean?"

Mr. Huang waved his hand,

"My gun won't hurt anyone, as long as you get it back for me"

"I lost my gun. It won’t sound good if it gets spread."

"I have to find it back after all."

"This matter cannot be made public."

Ana Shen suddenly understood,

"You mean to let me go undercover to that Edin school to investigate secretly?"

Ms. Huang appreciates it more and more,

"You are really smart"

"As long as you can get me the gun, I can talk about anything."

"I will definitely transfer the Yang Jinrong your team wants."

"In addition, I will also give you a reward."

Lu Qichang sighed secretly,

"Sure enough, it’s a truant Veyron!"

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