Chapter 292

This made the quasi-speaking Taoist who had been observing Qin Hao’s expression feel a little drumming in his heart.

I don’t know if I made a mistake with this move?

Will it really offend Qin Hao?

Originally, the quasi-tiding Taoist and the leading Taoist did not intend to find the ancestor of Hongjun, it can only be said that it was a blunder.

After Hongjun’s ancestor came from today, he personally visited both of them.

Naturally, I talked about what happened yesterday.

So just like that, I was confused, and the ancestor Hongjun agreed to help them come forward as a guarantee.

The quasi-speaker was a bit strange at first.

It seemed that the ancestor Hongjun had come here to help them.

But the quasi-professor turned his head and thought.

For them, it seems that there is nothing bad about it.

On the contrary, it is considered that they have made a profit.

Naturally, he couldn’t ask for it, and the quasi-teacher didn’t continue to think about it.

“I have heard about yesterday’s thing, the quasi-speaker did not do the right thing, although there is no evil in his heart, after all, it is easy to scare children in the middle of the night.”

The ancestor Hongjun finished speaking and looked at Qin Hao, who was sitting silently on the side.

“Well, let me be a testimony. The quasi-said Taoist should not come over and apologize quickly. Explain clearly that you are the pillars of the Great Wilderness. It is not worth it if you have suspicions because of this little thing.”

The quasi-speaking Taoist and the coordinator walked over and bowed deeply to salute.

“What happened yesterday is that I was too anxious. Here, I apologize to the Holy Lord and the apprentice of the Holy Lord. This is also a small gift I prepared. I hope that the Holy Lord and the little apprentice of the Holy Lord can forgive my recklessness. ”

Qin Hao stood up slowly, tidying up his robe.

There is tolerance on his face.

Qin Hao said casually: “Actually, this is not a trivial matter. Of course, he can’t talk about a major matter. Since Hongjun ancestor came forward, I will naturally not shirk it. I accept your apology.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he took what was in Daoist’s hands.

Then he handed it to Xiao Haotian who was standing next to him.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of the quasi-speaker, and he smiled slyly.

The moment he lowered his head, a trace of anger flashed across his face.

Of course other people are invisible.

Qin Hao didn’t see it either.

But I can’t see it, for Qin Hao who has made up his mind.

There is no difference.

The ancestor Hongjun was a little surprised and looked at Qin Hao several times.

As far as he knew, Qin Hao didn’t seem to be such a soft person.

Otherwise, it will not grow to where it is today.

Is it really because of giving yourself face?

The ancestor Hongjun thought so, and seemed to think it made sense.

Don’t look at it now, Qin Hao can teach his three apprentices to be holy.

Even Nu Wa, under Qin Hao’s guidance, entered the realm of a saint.

But the ancestor Hongjun knew.

Qin Hao’s own realm is not very good.

It can even be said to be lower than most of you here.

A person has wisdom in his head, but his own strength is not strong enough.

Such people can only be used to win, and do not need to be afraid.

And at this time, Hongjun ancestor already knew.

Things that have bothered me for a long time.

The things that made me jealous have also been resolved.

The biggest secret in Qin Hao is his race.

This is what Hongjun’s ancestors could not figure out.

What a pity! All of this caused Qin Hao to crack it himself.

Nuwa created a human, and then the old team understood the origin of humans.

It’s just mud and water.

Even the first person between heaven and earth, Qin Hao.

It has always been made of soil and water.

Even if he has magical powers, he is nothing compared to Hongjun’s ancestor.

This is exactly why the ancestor Hongjun wanted to stand up.

The fundamental reason for supporting the prospective Taoist.

If Hongjun’s ancestor had no fear of Qin Hao in his heart, it would be impossible.

The ancestor Hongjun was the first saint in this world.

Heavenly Dao is on his side.

But before, there was such an alien that Hongjun ancestors could not control.

For those who are used to controlling everything.

This is equivalent to a thorn.

Stick there fiercely.

Although it is not fatal, there is no interest.

But if you move a little, you will feel pain.

Keep reminding that there is a thorn there and it needs to be pulled out.

For the ancestor Hongjun, Qin Hao was the thorn.

Or just let him become part of his body.

Or just let him get rid of the roots and get rid of it.

Of course no matter which one it is.

Qin Hao didn’t really want it.

Now Qin Hao’s performance gave Hongjun ancestors a glimmer of hope.

A hope that can surrender the thorns.

Others didn’t expect it to be here today to watch a good show.

But the ancestor Hongjun intervened, and this matter seemed to have to end there.

Everyone suddenly felt an anticlimactic sense of loss.

But in retrospect, what else can be done if this is not the case?

Is it true that Qin Hao really wants to confront Hongjun’s ancestor?

This is too much, too generous.

Except for the Master Tongtian, I knew that Qin Hao wouldn’t let the quasi-speaker so easily.

There will definitely be back players.

So I didn’t panic in my heart.

The ancestors of Hongyun were all of them, some were surprised, and some were angry.

They didn’t blame Old Ancestor Hongyun.

All thought it was the quasi-speaking Taoist who deliberately went to Hongjun’s ancestor.

I don’t know how to convince Hongjun’s ancestor to make the decision for himself.

With a strong posture, Qin Hao was forced to admit this apology.

The ancestors of Hongyun all felt a little aggrieved.

Even the best-tempered Hongyun ancestor.

At this time, looking at the quasi-speaking Taoist and the leading Taoist, there was not the slightest expression on his face.

Qin Hao just as if he really let go, and patted the ancestor Hongyun indifferently.

“It’s okay, I didn’t want to do more investigations, isn’t Xiao Haotian uninjured? That’s okay, so many people will be forgiving, but stay on the sidelines so that we can meet each other in the future.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he smiled at the Taoist Zhunti in a particularly friendly way, and then sat down again.

The posture is standard, looking at the ancestor Hongjun.

As if waiting for the preaching of ancestor Hongjun.

There is no excitement to see other people.

And it is impossible for them to stand up for Qin Hao.

They have already acquiesced and accepted the apology.

Why do they go up to offend the most Hongjun ancestors who can’t beat them.

Ancestor Hongjun showed a satisfied smile on his face.

“The Holy Lord is not ashamed of being broad-minded. Tolerance is great. Now, I have seen that it is a great blessing for us in the Great Wilderness.”

Others heard Hongjun’s ancestor praise Qin Hao so much.

They are very face-saving.

Those who agree followed praised.

Qin Hao’s face was light and clear, not happy with things, not sad with himself.

Just sit quietly in place.

It looks like a okay person.

The people around didn’t know whether Qin Hao pretended to accept the apology or really accepted it.

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