Chapter 291

The others greeted each other with the Lord Tongtian.

Then the Master Tongtian slowly approached Qin Hao and asked in a low voice.

“I already know what happened yesterday. Should I help you?”

Qin Hao raised a smile and shook his head.

“Thank you, the leader! I am very grateful to the leader for his kindness.”

Qin Hao said this from the heart.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun were also enlightened by themselves.

And this matter is such a big deal.

It is impossible for the two of them not to know.

But at this time, except for the very beginning, when Qin Hao had just arrived.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun simply nodded to Qin Hao.

He stepped aside in silence.

If you don’t want to be too involved with this matter.

No matter what the reason is.

It is because after they are sanctified, they cannot involve the dunya.

It’s because I don’t want to offend Western forces because of myself.

Perhaps, could it be hinted by Hongjun’s ancestor?

But regardless of the reason.

The Master Tongtian did not avoid suspicion, this is enough to show their respective attitudes.

If Qin Hao is not angry, it is impossible.

But now it has become such a situation.

Qin Hao put his anger on these people who had no feelings for him.

It seems not worth it.

The Master Tongtian naturally saw Qin Hao sincerely thanking him.

He also smiled slightly, very satisfied with Qin Hao’s attitude towards him.

“I know, I can’t involve too much of the world, but it’s okay to build momentum for you.”

A confident smile appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

“Don’t worry, the leader, how can I do things that I’m not sure about? I won’t do things that suffer.”

Master Tongtian was relieved when he saw Qin Hao saying this.

At this time, most of what the ancestors of Hongjun talked about, basically came.

The quasi-speaking Taoist, but the leading Taoist has not yet appeared.

Qin Hao didn’t know whether these two were going to prepare something, or something got stuck.

But Qin Hao knew.

The quasi-speaking Taoist, the leading Taoist will definitely appear on the scene.

Now the sun is shining on the earth.

Above the mountain peaks, white clouds, steaming smoke, drifted around.

The sunlight penetrates the clouds, generating a speed of light after another.

The platform on the top of the mountain shines like a fairyland.

There is the kind of stage lighting effect Qin Hao saw on TV for later generations.

At this moment, You Dao Tong declared.

“Ancestor Hongjun is here…”

Everyone heard and saw the path leading to the top of the mountain, and indeed, the ancestor Hongjun appeared.

They bowed their heads and saluted.

This belongs to the aura of Hongjun’s ancestor.

But more out of respect.

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes at this moment.

Because he saw two people behind Hongjun’s ancestor.

The figures of these two people are also very familiar.

This is the leader of the two Western religions.

The quasi-speaking Taoist and the leading Taoist!

Qin Hao sneered in his heart.

Unexpectedly, these two really went to hold Hongjun’s ancestor’s thigh.

They are also clever.

It seems that the relationship between himself and Hongjun’s ancestors is not so harmonious.

It seems that I still underestimated the quasi-tutor.

Old ancestor Hongjun slowly walked from the crowd to the high platform at the forefront.

Then gently waved his hand and lifted it upwards.

Everyone only felt that there was a force that helped them up.

But they didn’t feel this power before.

Only at the moment when he was lifted up was he noticed.

This power is so close, the thing is silent.

Everyone who came here at this time sighed with emotion.

Sure enough, he was the first Hongjun ancestor to be sanctified in this world.

At the same time, I saw Tongtian Avenue behind Hongjun’s ancestor, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, Sanqing saints.

I also yearned courageously in my heart.

“Everyone just feel free.”

The ancestor Hongjun sat on the floor after speaking.

It seems that the ground is not, overgrown with weeds and dust.

It’s the same as the carefully prepared royal dojo.

But everyone knows that it is a stone, a very ordinary stone.

The ancestors of Hongjun are like this, and do whatever they want.

How dare they be picky?

So Qin Hao saw that the people around him all followed Hongjun’s ancestors, sitting everywhere.

Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun, because they are the apprentices of Hongjun’s ancestor.

In addition, all three of them are already alive.

He naturally sat behind Hongjun’s ancestor.

Qin Hao watched from side to side.

It seems that Nuwa and Fuxi have not been found.

It is estimated that the two of them should not have come.

After sitting down, the only people standing in the field are the quasi-speaking Taoist and the leading Taoist who just followed Hongjun’s ancestor.

Old Ancestor Hongjun said with a smile.

“I am afraid you are not familiar with these two, let me introduce them to you.”

At this time, everyone around turned their heads to look towards Qin Hao.

There was no sadness or joy on Qin Hao’s face, and he sat upright without humiliation.

Can’t tell what kind of mood and thought Qin Hao is now?

But if you think about it carefully, it won’t be a good mood.

When the Lord Tongtian was in Hongjun’s ancestor, he couldn’t help frowning.

Some but I have to look at Qin Hao.

I don’t understand why the master would prefer to mention the Taoist and receive the Taoist.

Give them momentum, if that’s the case, Qin Hao seems to be about to bend his head.

Qin Hao naturally noticed the worried gaze of the Master Tongtian.

He smiled and shook his head, indicating that he was okay.

The Lord Tongtian could only suppress his own mood and watched the development of the situation quietly.

“The second one is from the West. The Western leader, one is called Zhunti Daoist, and the other is a Taoist guide. I am afraid that everyone has heard of it. They are here today and it is suitable for me to discuss and discuss the Tao. .”

After Hongjun finished speaking, he looked at the people around him.

Observe carefully the expressions of others.

Most people’s faces are very surprised.

Another part is waiting for a good show on his face, looking at Qin Hao gleefully.

But this is relatively rare.

The ancestor Hongjun slightly suppressed the discomfort in his heart.

The ancestors of the Red Army knew that his approach today seemed a bit weak.

But he had to do it.

Because the quasi-speaking Taoists and the leading Taoists are from the West.

After all, it is a side power.

And Hongjun ancestor also figured it out.

The most future development in the West is very rapid.

It is not a force that can be ignored.

Naturally, when they have not grown up, it is safest to hold them in their own hands.

So today, the ancestor of Hongjun is the support of these two Westerners.

“I stumbled on something before, so I didn’t arrive yesterday. I hope you can understand, but I have also heard about some things that happened yesterday, and I hope to resolve it for both of them.”

Old Ancestor Hongjun, the majestic and loud voice reached the entire mountain.

The faces of other people were surprised.

Qin Hao was still expressionless, as if he had already expected it.

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