Chapter 266 Goodbye Silvermoon Scimitar

Luo Hui gave a light cough and stretched out his hand. Luo Hui pointed to the original ice blue ball.

“Let’s take a look, there seems to be some changes.”

Luo Hui’s face also recovered a little calm, nodded, and stood up.

I moved for a while and lay down all night, with a sore waist.

Qin Hao and Luo Hu walked over together.

The two witch guards from last night have changed their shifts and replaced them with the other two.

“Holy Lord, Demon Ancestor!”

Qin Hao nodded, watching the change of the ice-blue sphere in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the color of ice blue seemed to fade a little.

The surface of the ball has also undergone some changes, and it is no longer as smooth and flat as before.

At this time, everyone from the Wu clan also rushed over.

All have seen the changes in ice hockey.

“Holy Lord, this should be normal.” Di Jiang asked.

Qin Hao shook his head: “I don’t know too well. After all, this can be said to be the first time such a thing has happened since the beginning of the world, but it seems that there should be no danger. Let’s wait quietly.”

Everyone of the Witch tribe, especially the rest of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, all went up separately and felt for a while.

Can detect the faint breath of Hou Tu.

It seems that they are slowly becoming stronger, so they are relieved.

Everyone planned to return to the Witch Clan Hall, discussing matters.

Qin Hao took Xiao Haotian to the end.

“Did you feel anything just now? Tell the master.”

Xiao Haotian took a look, walking in front, the rest of the Wu Clan.

“Master, I think she looks like this now, it doesn’t seem that something will happen, but it seems that she has insufficient energy and is very weak, so she automatically enters a sleep state. Of course, this is what I feel, right, I don’t understood.”

Qin Hao touched the top of Xiao Haotian’s head.

Qin Hao himself felt this way.

What’s more, in my previous life, I have watched many novels, science fiction, and documentaries.

Whenever it needs to evolve or cultivate, such round eggs will appear.

It’s like the original appearance of the cell at the beginning.

Wait until everyone returned to the Wu Clan Hall.

Qin Hao briefly arranged the arrangement of defenses and troops.

Finally, I comforted everyone from the Wu Clan: “Don’t worry, everyone. Now the Monster Clan has suffered heavy losses, and the direct army will not be impulsive. Now it is equivalent to entering a period of fatigue. We still have time.”

After discussing the battle with Yaozu.

Qin Hao suddenly remembered what Xiao Haotian had just said, now that the energy of Houtu is insufficient, what energy should be used to supplement it?

Houtu is the mother of the earth, preferably the energy of the earth system.

But what I am doing seems to be inappropriate.

Qin Hao himself is the Qi of Chaos, although the Qi of Chaos can be transformed into all energy.

However, Qin Hao was the only person in this great wilderness who could directly absorb the Qi of Chaos.

Therefore, the back can’t be absorbed naturally.

Xiao Haotian’s repairing power seems to be somewhat effective.

After all, this body of Houtu was repaired in this way by Xiao Haotian.

However, Xiao Haotian was too young, and his energy was not too much.

Xiao Haotian had already spent too much effort to create the body of the Houtu, and it was now in the recovery stage.

If you don’t take a good rest, I’m afraid it will hurt the roots.

Qin Hao couldn’t bear to see it either.

However, it is feasible to contribute a little every day, but it is also a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

What Houtu needs now is a lot of energy.

After entering a state of deep sleep, Hou Tu was not able to cultivate himself.

So although some of the spiritual power around here will be absorbed, it is still very slow.

What power can I use? Qin Hao fell into deep thought.

Everyone in the Wu clan saw Qin Hao lost in thought, and was very entangled.

None of them said a word, worried that they would disturb Qin Hao’s thoughts.

Qin Hao’s eyes lit up, looking at everyone from the Witch Clan, and asking.

“You still remember that when she transformed into six reincarnations, a silver light flashed through her body. That should be the innate magic weapon of Hou Tu.”

The big witch took a step forward: “Holy Lord, yes, that silver light is the innate spirit treasure of Hou Tu, the Silver Moon Scimitar.”

Qin Hao was very excited when the great witch said this.

“Who of you saw the Silver Moon Scimitar, did anyone put it away?”

Zhu Rong took a step forward at this time.

Silvermoon scimitar appeared in his hand and passed it.

“How can I say that I also recognized Yun Ning’er as my daughter before, but after Hou Tu returned to her throne, although it became a little different, I still treated her as a woman in my heart. Give it back to her.”

Qin Hao was so happy that he walked over and patted Zhu Rong on the shoulder.

“It’s well done. Fortunately, you helped Houtu to collect it. Maybe Houtu can return, it depends on the Silver Moon Scimitar in your hand.”

Zhu Rong heard Qin Hao’s straightforward praise.

I was a little embarrassed for a moment.

“Holy Lord, don’t compliment me, this is what it should be, as long as you can help.”

There seemed to be some doubts on the faces of the other people in the Wu Clan, and some of them were thoughtful.

Qin Hao smiled and explained to everyone.

“I have checked the state of Houtu before, and everything seems to be going well, but she seems to be asleep now, obviously because of lack of energy, and we don’t have the right energy to supply her.”

The witches all realized it suddenly and nodded one after another.

When I think about it this way, it really is like this.

And until this time, everyone in the Wu tribe remembered.

Before, when Houtu hadn’t returned to his position.

In this Silver Moon Scimitar, Hou Tu had sealed most of its own energy in the previous life.

So now looking at the Silver Moon Scimitar, it doesn’t seem to lose its luster.

Although not as dazzling as before.

However, it is not like losing the owner, and it is very decadent.

Everyone from the Witch tribe, with bright eyes, igniting hope.

Qin Hao picked up the Silver Moon Scimitar and walked out.

“Let’s go over and try and see if it works, even if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter. After all, this is the magic weapon of Houtu’s life, and Houtu will always be able to help one or two by his side.”

Soon, the group of them returned to the Wu Clan altar again.

The ice-blue sphere is the same as before, except that the color is dimmed.

There are no other changes.

Qin Hao asked the guard of the Wu clan who was guarding him.

Actually the same as before, there will be tremors after a period of time.

Holding the Silver Moon Scimitar, Qin Hao slowly walked towards the icy blue ball.

Before approaching, Qin Hao felt the constant vibration from the Silver Moon Scimitar.

Excited like seeing a loved one.

Finally, the Silver Moon Moon Scimitar in Qin Hao’s hand, let go, and flew to the sky automatically.

After a long lap, he flew back again.

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