Chapter 265

It should be, what Qin Hao wants to do, what he does.

Come and enjoy his own life, his own life.

Let others be beyond the reach and witness his growing life.

Qin Hao, who had understood everything, had thought through everything.

Qin Hao smiled.

His eyes were bright, as if all the stars in the sky had fallen into his eyes.

His whole body exudes a strong self-confidence and a strategizing spirit.

Just like private, the darkness before dawn breaks through the difficulties and the sunlight that shines on the earth.

So dazzling, so dazzling, makes people think.

This is what Luo Hu is thinking now.

Qin Hao hugged him excitedly, still looking at Luo Hu who was in a daze.

“Thank you! Thank you for telling this and waking me up. Before, I got lost without knowing it.”

Luo Hu felt Qin Hao’s warm embrace.

With broad and powerful shoulders, he hugged himself in his arms at this time.

Luo Hui felt uncomfortable for a moment.

Then came the reaction, the posture of the two people at this time.

What is Qin Hao doing?

Luo Hui’s face burst into red, and he felt all the blood flow straight up.

Rushed into her brain.

Luo Hui had no way to think at all, and he didn’t know what to think again.

The brain is blank and at a loss.

Just let Qin Hao hold him in his arms in a daze.

It was Qin Hao who reacted first, feeling the delicate and delicate fragrance in his arms.

Qin Hao has calmed down his excitement.

He hugged vigorously for a while, pretending to be ignorant.

But Luo Hu is so good.

Don’t resist, just let yourself hold it quietly.

And also reported for such a long time.

Qin Hao murmured a little in his heart, worried that he would offend someone severely, and it would be difficult to coax them later.

That’s why, as if reacting, slowly let go of his hand.

He lowered his head and let go of the person in his arms.

Luo Hui’s face was flushed, his eyes were confused, and he was still in a daze.

Qin Hao couldn’t help feeling a little regretful, and should hold him for a while.

It’s just that it seems that the purpose is too obvious now in the newspaper.

Qin Hao can only treat it as if nothing had happened.

However, Luohu’s face was red with haze at this time.

The dark eyes seemed to drip into a drop of clear water.

After the peace of this side, he became watery, ignorant and lovable.

Qin Hao knew that Luo Hu was pretty before, but that was more of an iceberg beauty.

Unattainable, it is admirable.

But now, Luo Hui is like stepping into the mortal world, tainted with the smell of fireworks in the world.

There is a touch of warmth, more beautiful and moving.

At this time, Luo Hu was shy and in a daze, Qin Hao was in a daze watching Luo Hu, and also in a daze.

Around the two people, there seemed to be many pink bubbles floating around, warm and beautiful.

Tell them to separate the two outsiders.

At this time, the ice blue ball seemed to move.

The two Witch guards guarding here immediately noticed this change.

But looking at the atmosphere between the Holy Lord and Luo Hu from a distance.

The two witch guards looked at each other, and the one with high EQ became a unanimous decision.

Pretend that nothing has happened, and don’t bother those two people.

But the ice blue ball moved again at this time.

Fortunately, there were no other special reactions.

Then the Wu Clan guard, silently guarding here.

The ice-blue sphere vibrates at intervals.

It seems to follow a certain rule.

The two people on Qin Hao’s side also quickly recovered.

Qin Hao wanted to say something, Luo Hu concealed his shyness.

He cast his gaze to the front and didn’t look at Qin Hao.

This is also because of this, Luo Hu found the ice-blue sphere that was shaking.

“Look, it seems to have moved.”

Luo Hu reminded Qin Hao to go and see.

Qin Hao had just taken a sip of wine at this time, and he hadn’t waited to swallow it.

He looked in the direction of Luo Hu’s finger and found that he was really moving.

Qin Hao hurriedly swallowed the wine in his mouth, carrying the bottle.

Looking back and pulling up, Luo Hu, who was sitting on the ground, also stood up.

The two walked forward together.

Came in front of the ice blue ball.

“What’s the situation? What happened just now?”

One of the witch guards saluted.

“Return to the Holy Master, the ball was trembling like this just now, and it moved regularly, and nothing else seemed strange.”

Qin Hao nodded, feeling nothing.

Qin Hao turned his head and asked Luo Hu: “What do you feel?”

Luo Hui felt it carefully and shook his head: “There is no special feeling, but it seems to be a normal phenomenon.”

Qin Hao felt the same way.

So I found a place to sit down casually near the altar.

At the two Witch guards, waved.

“You two too, sit down and rest for a while. Now that we are all here, there should be nothing wrong.”

“Thanks to the Lord.”

Qin Hao took out some snacks from his own space and asked the Wu Clan guards to take it.

Then just ignore them.

Qin Hao relaxed his body before lying on the ground.

The forearm of the left hand is placed on the ground, supporting the whole body.

Holding a hip flask in his right hand, after a sip, he rested on his right leg.

He raised his head and looked at Luo Hu in front of him.

The posture is chic and natural, lazy and calm.

Luo Hui lay his legs cross-legged, his back straight, and he glanced back at Qin Hao.

Then he moved to look at Qin Hao.

“You seem to be a little different from before.”

Qin Hao chuckled approvingly.

“Yes, I want to do a lot of things, so I feel very good now, and I feel that the whole world has become a little different.”


Luo Hui didn’t say much, but just sat there, quietly accompanied.

After that, the two people didn’t want to talk anymore, just like that quietly guarding the ice blue ball.

As expected, nothing strange happened to the blue ball.

From time to time, it trembled a few times like the heart was beating.

Then it returned to peace.

The next day, Qin Hao was awakened by the dazzling sunlight.

I opened my eyes and saw that the sky was bright, the sun had risen, and it was shining warmly on my body.

Next to him is the hip flask that Qin Hao drank last night.

I didn’t know when.

Qin Hao just lay on the ground, the ground was the seat and the sky was the quilt.

Unconsciously fell asleep.

As soon as Qin Hao turned his head, he saw Luo Hu, who was sitting on the side, still sitting on the spot with a beating posture.

Luo Hui actually spent the night with himself last night.

Qin Hao didn’t know what he thought of, and a smile appeared on his face.

Luo Hui naturally noticed the movement next to him, and then opened his eyes.

“You woke up, it seems that this thing is really good to drink less.”

Luo Hui’s eyes fell on the wine bottle between the two.

Luo Hu’s voice was as cold and deserted as before, and there was no special change.

Qin Hao looked into his eyes, not daring to look at him.

There seems to be some difference.

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