Chapter 240

Just after Nuwa left.

Qin Hao intends to relocate the human race to a treasured geomantic place suitable for them to live in.

It also teaches them some survival skills.

Qin Hao hasn’t started yet.

Unexpectedly, the Lord Tongtian ushered in.

As soon as the Master Tongtian came, he became aggressive.

Qin Hao was taken aback when he was watching, but Qin Hao didn’t feel that Master Tongtian would be angry at this time.

Because he just came to check the situation and congratulate Nuwa.

Only when he met the sight of the Master Tongtian did he react.

The leader of Tongtian should have come to Xingshi to ask the crime.

Sure enough, the Master Tongtian asked directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Elder, I think I’m not treating you badly, what do you mean by repaying me like this now?”

Qin Hao put away the smile on his face.

He said neither overbearing nor overbearing: “Master, you have misunderstood.”

Qin Hao said these words sonorously and forcefully, without any guilty conscience.

This is indeed the case. If there is no human race, how would his sect teaching develop?

Master Tongtian snorted coldly, with a cold smile on his face.

Obviously he didn’t believe what was said, because this was just Qin Hao’s excuse.

Qin Hao sighed heavily and frowned.

“Master, really misunderstood me, a lot!”

Master Tongtian is noncommittal.

That attitude seems to say, you edit, you continue to edit, I see how you can edit.

Qin Hao didn’t care, and continued.

“Master, do you remember that I told you before that the time for the master to be holy has not come, and you need to wait.”

Master Tongtian nodded.

“I’m waiting now, I didn’t expect to wait until such a result.”

Qin Hao heard the grievances and injustices in the words of Master Tongtian.

My heart was slightly funny.

“The leader thinks, based on the relationship between the leader and me, why would I abandon the leader and make Nuwa sanctified first?”

“If I know I will come, will I ask you?”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded, his tone not hurriedly.

“Because the leader of you is sanctified, the most important link is missing, and that is the human race.”

Master Tongtian calmed down in Qin Hao’s gentle, firm tone.

At this time, he looked at the determined Qin Hao again, feeling a little puzzled.

“Why do you say that? Aren’t you a human race?”

Qin Hao saw that Master Tongtian calmed down and was able to listen to his own words, so he explained further.

“It’s that I am a human race, but I am also the only human race in this great wilderness, and the leader, look, what are these?”

Master Tongtian glanced in the direction of Qin Hao’s finger.

I didn’t know when it actually evolved and grew slowly, becoming the same as Qin Hao.

Master Tongtian seriously felt Qin Hao and those who saw it.

It feels the same!

When the Lord Tongtian first came, he didn’t realize that there were so many people around him.

Because he was so angry at the time, he didn’t have time to think about other things.

Now that I saw so many people like Qin Hao, I was shocked.


“Shock from the Master Tongtian!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

Master Tongtian stared at Qin Hao in disbelief.

“What are these? Terran? The same as you! How did it appear?”

Qin Hao was just those humans, explained.

“These human races were created by Nüwa, and they are also the main reason for Nüwa’s sanctification.”

Master Tongtian seemed unable to digest so much information at once.

Looking blankly at the group of people in front, carefully observe.

In the end, it seemed that he had figured out something before turning his head to look at Qin Hao for inquiries.

“What you mean is that if I don’t have these people, I can’t be sanctified. These human races were created by Nu Wa, and Nu Wa can be sanctified by creating human races. Is that true?”

Qin Hao nodded affirmatively, and replied positively.

“Yes, so no matter what, the leader, Nuwa will be sanctified before you. This is an unchangeable fact, and it is also the way of heaven… the default.”


Master Tongtian was silent, Qin Hao didn’t know what he was thinking.

Can only stand in place, waiting for the Master Tongtian to accept this fact.

Master Tongtian quickly adjusted his mentality, after all, it has become an established fact.

And most importantly, one of Qin Hao’s words made him seem a little excited at this time.

“Then is the time for me now?”

Qin Hao smiled and nodded.

“Master, even if you don’t come to me at this time, I’m afraid I will go to you soon, so now, the master, are you ready?”

Master Tongtian immediately became excited.

What Qin Hao said like this meant that at this time, he could really enter the realm of a saint? ! !

Master Tongtian took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.


Although the Lord Tongtian didn’t know why, only after the human race appeared, he could be sanctified.

But based on trust in Qin Hao.

The chairman of Tongtianjiao sat down and closed his eyes.

Try to feel the way of heaven between the world and the earth, and communicate with the way of heaven.

Before, whenever the Lord Tongtian was like this.

All can feel as if there is a thin film separating it from the heavens.

Obviously close at hand, but never touched.

But now, he actually felt the way of heaven easily.

It just seems to be a little worse.

Qin Hao naturally knew that Master Tongtian didn’t seem to have realized the true meaning of friendship.

Guide him in the ears of Master Tongtian.

“The avenue is fifty, and the sky is forty-nine, but to escape one, cut off the teachings, intercept the vitality of one line of the avenue, and evolve into the six ways. This is the so-called way of nature. ”

Master Tongtian heard what Qin Hao said.

Repeated silently several times in my heart.

It seems that the product has gradually come out a little different.

Taoism is natural…Heaven and man are one…

Master Tongtian began to feel the human race next to him.

Only then discovered that the original human race is fundamentally different from their existing race.

The origin is not the same.

These people existed because Father Pangu scattered his body. Transformed into.

Itself is the existence of destiny magical powers.

Master Tongtian had already noticed it at this time.

It seems that this human race is just taken from the soil on the ground and formed by condensing the river water in Jiāng Liú.

Dao Fa is natural, so it’s like that.

When water enters the soil, vegetation grows.

This human race seems to be born with the laws of nature implied.

The Lord Tongtian just thought of this, and he felt it.

Tiandao seemed to approve of him, and took the initiative to get close to him.

It turns out that this is the human race, without any supernatural powers, and this is the natural way of Taoism.

So what is the unity of nature and man?

Master Tongtian recalled that he had just seen Human Race.

It was during this period of time that he and Qin Hao resolved their conflicts.

The face of the human race seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Obviously, he didn’t know anything, and knew the human race running around with joy.

Within this short period of time, they began to live in groups and multiply their offspring.

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