Chapter 239

Here, the Lord Tongtian has just walked out of the house.

He was stopped by Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun who had been driven over.

“Junior Brother, please go slowly, where is this going?”

“Two brothers, I’m in a hurry. Let’s talk about the past.”

Taishang Laojun stretched out his hand to stop the Master Tongtian.

“Wait for Junior Brother, I know you are doing this for Nuwa’s sanctification. It seems that Junior Brother already has a spectrum in his heart, I don’t know if I can share it.”

At this time, the Master Tongtian was not in the mood to deal with these two teachers of his own.

Just thinking about finding Qin Hao afterwards.

So it shouldn’t be said at all.

“The two brothers also ask for forgiveness. I’m really in a hurry. I’ll talk about everything when I come back. I’ll leave now.”

After speaking, the Lord Tongtian turned around and flew away with a whistle.

Even Taishang Laojun didn’t have time to stop him.

He watched the disappearance of the Master Tongtian.

Yuanshi Tianzun asked Taishang Laojun: “Should we catch up and have a look?”

Taishang Laojun thought for a while and shook his head.

“Let’s wait and see, when he comes back, we don’t know what it is, and the past is of little significance now.”

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded.

So the two stayed at the residence of the Lord Tongtian.

Waiting for the return of Master Tongtian.

By the Yellow River.

At this time, Qin Hao didn’t know what kind of turbulent waves had been set off because of his own actions.

Even if he knew it, I’m afraid he wouldn’t take it to heart.

Because Qin Hao had basically considered this situation before.

It just can help him brush a wave of system cultivation.

At this time, Qin Hao’s whole body was also immersed in the golden glow.

Qin Hao’s incident has also entered a realm of profoundness and profoundness.

Mingming had just improved his cultivation level before.

Although Qin Hao didn’t say the feeling of improving his cultivation level, it seemed that the strength in his body had become different from before.

It feels like something has entered it.

But Qin Hao took a closer look.

It seems that there is not much difference except that the neighborhood is more condensed and thorough.

What Qin Hao didn’t know was that the same was on the third spine of his back.

At this time, he was slowly being washed and refined by these merits and spiritual powers.

Gradually, the outside was plated with a layer of golden light.

Finally, this golden light penetrated deep into the bones.

Qin Hao’s spine kept getting rid of impurities.

Finally, it was the same as Nuwa.

This bone exudes a pale golden light from the inside to the outside.

As if it was born like this, it should be like this.

Qin Hao opened his eyes and recovered from this feeling.

A series of system prompts came from my ears.

All of a sudden, Qin Hao’s brain was really buzzing.


“Shock from the ancestor of Hongjun!”

“Shock from the Master Tongtian!”

“Shock from Taishang Laojun!”

“Shock from Yuanshi Tianzun!”

“Shock from Luo Hu!”

“Shock from the Lord of Nether!”

“Shock from the 12th Ancestor Witch!”

“Shock from Donghuang Taiyi!”


“Ding, congratulations to the host for inspiring, shocking Huanyu’s achievements, and rewarding a stand-in doll.”

“Reward the host for 2,350,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao had a headache, listening to the sounds of various names coming from the system.

Although a little irritable, I still feel happy in my heart.

When Qin Hao finally heard that he had rewarded a stand-in doll.

Psychologically, it is overwhelming.

This is a good thing.

You know, after he came to Rhubarb, he got one at the very beginning.

Now that I have done so many tasks, I finally got the second one.

This thing is like a stand-in, which is equivalent to an extra life.

At the critical moment, the effect is extraordinary!

Qin Hao opened his eyes and looked at Nu Wa who had become a saint.

Asked with a smile.

“How about, I didn’t lie to you.”

Nu Wa, who had already taken it, looked up and down Qin Hao.

A hint of arrogance flashed across his face, and then disappeared again.


“Shock from Empress Nuwa!”

“Reward the host for 150,000 years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, she was shocked by Nuwa in the end.

In other words, Nuwa was just shocked.

This seems a bit interesting.

When I went to Nuwa, I looked down on Qin Hao when I first became holy.

This is not to blame Nuwa.

Because first, Nuwa had always considered a mysterious human being.

Only now did I know that it turned out that the person was created by her Nuwa.

Instead, it was created from the soil on the ground without any magical powers.

It is not a descendant of Pangu’s possession.

Second, in this great famine now.

In addition to Hongjun’s ancestor, her Nuwa is also a saint.

What can Qin Hao do?

According to why Nu Wa was shocked just now?

That’s because Nuwa just checked Qin Hao carefully.

It was discovered that she, who had become a saint, still couldn’t break Qin Hao.

Even if he knew that Qin Hao was a human race.

At this time, Nu Wa was correcting her mentality.

Seriously began to estimate how strong Qin Hao really is?

After Qin Hao’s casual guidance, he stepped directly into the realm of a saint.

What about the others?

Would it be so simple for other races to be sanctified?

Nu Wa shook her head, denying the idea in her mind.

If this is the case.

Why did Qin Hao wait until now?

Why has the Master Tongtian waited until now?

Nuwa had known the Master Tongtian for a long time, and helped Qin Hao in this way.

It was because Master Tongtian believed that Qin Hao could help him become holy.

The three of Sanqing are like this, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Throwing away the Wu Clan to form a two-group battle, and instead come to please this Qin Hao.

Thinking of this, Nu Wa got up and saluted.

“Thank you for the initiation of the Holy Lord, for helping me become a god in one fell swoop, Nuwa thanked me here.”

Qin Hao evaded the ceremony immediately.

A joke, this is a gift from a saint.

Can ordinary people bear it?

What’s more, this is the mother of mankind, Nuwa Empress.

Qin Hao couldn’t stand it.

But after listening to what Nu Wa said.

Qin Hao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

I always felt that this Nu Wa seemed to be a little different from what I had in my impression.

More indifferent.

Qin Hao changed his mind to think about it, what he knew was only passed down from books.

It has been continuously beautified by future generations.

Maybe Nuwa was like this.

Qin Hao thought a little bit by himself.

“You are welcome, this is what I should do, just like you created human beings, it is also what you should do.”

Nu Wa was taken aback when she heard this.

The guard in my heart increased by one point.

This is as if he already knew it.

Even the ancestor of Hongjun, I am afraid that he has no such confidence to say such a thing.

Qin Hao naturally saw Nu Wa’s serious caution.

Qin Hao smiled and didn’t care.

Nuwa looked around and felt that there should be nothing wrong with her, so she said goodbye.

Qin Hao didn’t hold back, so Nuwa left and went back.

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