Chapter 207 Arriving at Penglai Island

No way, Shennong could only bring Xingtian, saying that he would pay Xingtian when he found a better one.

At this time, Xing Tian and Shennong heard Qin Hao say that their destination was going to Penglai Xiandao.

The two were also very interested.

Shennong heard that Penglai Xiandao also has many immortal grasses, which can be picked in the past.

So after three rounds of wine.

The five people plan to go together, and of course Xiao Haotian must be added.

The magic weapon of the red cloud is the nine-nine red cloud scattered gourd.

The appearance is just a big gourd.

Originally, Hongyun invited them to ride in their own gourd.

But for Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian, it was too inconvenient.

And it’s not very comfortable.

Xingtian’s weapons were god axe and shield, and none of them were comfortable.

Originally, Qin Hao wanted to take out his Pangu banner.

Shennong smiled and took out a leaf from his sleeve.

Said to everyone: “This is my refining flying magic weapon, floating clouds and grass, comfortable and flat, and fast.”

Qin Hao put down his Pangu banner and went up with everyone.

Xiao Haotian couldn’t wait to step on it, and found that it was so.

It’s just to take a look at each other.

“Master, Master, I found that there is still a fragrance on it.”

Before Qin Hao spoke, Shennong smiled and nodded.

“It’s true. This is the fragrance of natural plants and woods. It can be calm and refreshing. It’s not easy for you little apprentice!”

Xiao Haotian was praised and was particularly happy.

So four adults and one child are called Shennong’s Floating Cloud Grass together.

Go to Penglai Fairy Island.

The speed of Floating Clouds is really fast, and there is no bumps.

After all, the Bangkok flag is not a flying weapon.

So the comfort level is still so bad.

Qin Hao muttered in his heart, it seemed that when he went back, he would look for any good flying magic weapon.

Otherwise, it is too inconvenient when traveling far.

By the time they arrived at Penglai Fairy Island, it was already two days later.

It was already late when Qin Hao set off.

So waiting for him and Xingtian, Shennong and the others arrived at Penglai Xian Island, and there has been a lot of great abilities around Penglai Island.

Shennong asked Qin Hao inquiringly: “Where do you think we landed?”

Qin Hao didn’t know exactly where it was, but he knew where there were many people, where the magic weapon was most likely to be.


Shennong nodded, and controlled the floating cloud grass to fall on the island with the most people.

Penglai Wonderland deserves to be Penglai Wonderland.

When Qin Hao first came to this area, he found that the scenery here was very beautiful.

And the aura is particularly rich.

Compared with the territories of the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan, this place can be said to be the blessing of heaven and earth.

The Netherworld is even more incomparable.

After a few of them got down from the floating clouds.

Many big people have already arrived around, and two or three walk out to greet them.

Of course most of them are with Hongyun.

Qin Hao also truly realized what Dahuang’s good old man is.

What does it mean to make friends deep and wide.

Qin Hao’s understanding of Hongyun.

This time the magic weapon was born, if it was this magic weapon, it would be enough to recognize the red cloud as the master.

If not, I am afraid whoever asks Hongyun, he can give it.

Wanwan will not go up and fight for it.

Qin Hao thought about other people, and he probably thought the same way.

Therefore, one after another stepped forward to greet Hongyun, without any suspicion or guard.

Qin Hao felt a little emotional.

Does this count as another sense of the Taoist who help more?

Among these people, there was another unexpected existence that Qin Hao did not expect.

Demon Emperor Dijun! ! !


“Shock from Di Jun!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on behalf of it, and it will be returned automatically after the sequelae is over.”

You hear the system tone near your ear.

Qin Hao is actually a little funny.

Qin Hao was not doing well yet, Di Jun was so surprised.

It seems that the Wu Clan has a very good schedule for itself, and did not reveal half of it.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Donghuang Taiyi not to notice his absence.

And how could Dijun, who had always been unable to do well with Donghuang Taiyi, not know that he was here?

But Donghuang Taiyi is really a good calculation.

Knowing that there is a Lingbao born here, for fear that the benefits will be lost in vain.

In addition, the things to be done are very strong, and it makes no difference whether Di Jun is or not.

Shooting the enemy here to grab the Lingbao is really a wonderful move.

Qin Hao now admires Donghuang Taiyi very much.

What is scheming? He is talking about this.

Di Jun walked towards Qin Hao.

Looking up and down Qin Hao, he took another look at Xiao Haotian next to him.

“Oh, who is this? This is not the holy master of the monster race. Why don’t you care about the Lich war?”

Di Jun’s tone was yin and yang strange.

Qin Hao thought to himself that Dijun was really easy to be impulsive, and if Donghuang Taiyi was here, he would definitely not come up to say hello.

Will definitely hide his voice.

Set up an ambush in private, trying to deal with yourself with crooked tricks.

Qin Hao nodded openly.

There is a light cloud and a light breeze, without any cover.

He smiled and said: “Yes! The Lich War has already begun, but we want the benefit of the Witch Clan to look forward to, so I don’t think it doesn’t matter if I don’t have me, just as they practice their hands, it’s okay if they lose.”

Qin Hao’s words reminded Di Jun of their four previous battles.

Two wins and two losses, and winning those two games, but the other party deliberately admit defeat.

When he thought of this, Di Jun’s anger came out from the bottom of his heart.

“The Holy Master probably doesn’t know yet. The five groups today are not as vigorous as they were at the beginning. Recently, I heard that many people have been injured. The Holy Master is not worried?”

Qin Hao said it was false not to worry.

But what about worrying, I can’t participate in it.

Being close is not so good for the Wu Clan.

Qin Hao stunned his shoulders: “You monster races are separate camps, with such a good mentality. We have a large array of twelve ancestors, so what am I afraid of?”

Dijun didn’t ask for any advantage.

Qin Hao gave Qin Hao a fierce look, then walked away.

Hong Yun came over: “This is the Demon Emperor Dijun of the Demon Race?”

Qin Hao nodded.

“It’s true. Although there is some impulsivity in the personality, the strength is really second to none, and people dare not despise it.”

Hong Yun looked at the back of the emperor leaving, and didn’t say anything.

Xing Tian came over at this time.

“When will this magic weapon be born in the future, should we find a place to live? It’s not a problem for so many people to wait here blindly.”

Shennong nodded repeatedly.

“I also want to go to the nearby island to see if there are any rare and exotic plants, what are your plans?”

Qin Hao looked up and looked around, and found that there was indeed nothing moving.

Waiting here, it seems a bit silly, and it’s useless.

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