Chapter 206 Red Cloud Ancestor

Hongyun was once again known as the ancestor of Hongyun.

It was the first red cloud in the world after this world first opened.

The strength of the quasi-sage, once and the twelve great ancestor Wudong Huang Taiyi, Dijun, and Zhenyuanzi have all heard the preaching of Hongjun ancestor.

Hong Yun Tian is kind in nature, is the real great kind, and is willing to help others.

And in the Great Wilderness, it is extremely wide.

And I heard that Zhen Yuanzi and him are still good friends.

Everyone is even more familiar with Yuanzi in this town.

In “Journey to the West”, four masters and apprentices pass through a pavilion.

Monkey King stole the ginseng fruit and pulled out the ginseng fruit tree.

That Taoist temple belongs to Zhen Yuanzi.

And said Hongyun was unlucky, just because he was willing to take care of things.

And every time you encounter a dispute or something,

Patriarch Hongyun, the one who is willing to lose, never fights or grabs.

It can be said that in the words of later generations, it is truly silly and sweet.

Fight spiritually with the Bodhisattva who can cut flesh to feed the eagle.

Qin Hao worked hard to go back to the matter about Hongyun.

Although marriage is said to be very famous in the Great Wilderness.

But there are few legends about him in later generations.

Mainly because this guy died earlier because he was too kind.

It seems that the ancestor of Hongjun divides the holy position.

He gave Hongyun the last burst of great purple energy.

There was a forty-nine road in fifty days, and one escaped.

This one belongs to Hongyun.

But Hongyun was coveted by others when he was chasing heaven.

Hong Yun itself had no defensive heart, and was calculated, but was blocked by Kun Peng on the way.

Suffered an ambush.

Because the other party is fully prepared.

Naturally, Hong Yun couldn’t beat it, so he finally lost to Kunpeng, letting Kunpeng kill him.

But Kunpeng didn’t get any benefits either.

The heavenly way that escaped from birth, the grand and purple qi dissipated in this world, and no one knew where he had gone.

In short, his whereabouts are unknown.

Qin Hao remembered all the things about Hongyun, and couldn’t help feeling deeply.

The only lucky thing about this red cloud is that he is the first red cloud to appear between heaven and earth.

For the rest of his life, the luck was really bad, even if he died in the end, he was dead, very aggrieved.

Fortunately, there is still a long time before his death.

These saints are still waiting for Qin Hao’s guidance.

Qin Hao immediately bowed his hand in a salute: “It turns out that it is the ancestor of Hongyun, it is abrupt in the next.”

Later, Xing Tian and Shennong also introduced themselves to each other.

Today, Xing Tian is not a general under Shennong, and can only be regarded as a good friend.

Shennong hasn’t finished tasting Baicao now, and naturally he hasn’t been sanctified.

After the three mountains introduced each other, they looked at Qin Hao together.

The meaning couldn’t be more obvious: who are you? It’s time to introduce it.

Qin Hao thought for a while, these characters are all very important, so if you have a good relationship with them.

Maybe there will be unexpected benefits later.

Especially Shennong, he represents the human race.

Shennong was even named the ancestor by the human race!

Who dares to say that we are not descendants of Yan and Huang? This is the famous Emperor Yan!

Of course, not yet.

Qin Hao suppressed his excitement and solemnly introduced.

“The kid is not talented, my name is Qin Hao, and I have no name and no name. In terms of identity, the elder of the Master of Tongtian, the lonely lord, the owner of Jin’ao Island, these are all me.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he was a little nervous and looked at the three people who were extremely surprised.

What are they surprised to ask?

Qin Hao guessed but there was no system prompt.

It is probably also because of the name of oneself too much.

Some were bluffed for a while.

Qin Hao sat there waiting for them to return to his senses.

“Master! How did they get it? You are right. Is there such a surprise?”

Qin Hao touched Xiaohao’s head.

“Because your master is the least powerful among the four, so you have a better name.”

Qin Hao explained to Xiao Haotian like this.

It is true that the three people in front of you can tremble with any name.

It will affect the future for thousands of years.

Xiao Haotian disapproved with all his face: “Nonsense, Master, you are the best, and you are always the best in my heart.”

Qin Hao pinched the meat on Xiao Haotian’s cheek and pulled it outside.

“Don’t talk nonsense. What is great is great, and what is not great is not great. The real strong dare to admit their own shortcomings. Only those who are weak have to wrap themselves up and conceal themselves for fear that others will not value him.”

Xiao Haotian nodded thoughtfully.

“I see, Master, thank you Master for teaching.”

As soon as Xiao Haotian finished saying this, Qin Hao heard a surprised voice from the opposite Xing Tian.

“You are the Qin Hao who went to the Netherworld by himself and called Hou Tu’s previous life and present to bring it back?”

Qin Hao nodded subconsciously.

Xing Tian was even more excited this time, and continued to raise his hand and pointed at Qin Hao tremblingly.

“Or the one who instructed Sanqing to establish the three major religions?”

This time Xing Tian didn’t wait for Qin Hao to make a statement, so he continued.

“Nv Wa, using colorful stones to fill the sky, is it also through your suggestion?!”

Qin Hao looked at Xing Tian so excited, but he didn’t know what expression he should use to answer before.

So there was no answer.

“Yes, you are talking about my master, and these are all made by my master.”

Xiao Haotian couldn’t help but interrupt.


“Shock from Xingtian!”

“Shock from Shennong!”

“Shock from Hongyun!”

“Reward the host for 600,000 years of cultivation!”

“Ding, because the host is in sequelae, so the system will save the repair base on behalf of it, and it will be returned automatically after the sequelae is over.”

Qin Hao heard the long-lost system prompt with satisfaction.

He laughed and said modestly.

“So don’t get me wrong, I’m not that supernatural. These are just coincidences.”

Xing Tian murmured.

“It just so happens that this is not too good, this is much more powerful than the three of us, besides identity, what do you do that bothers us?”

Although Xing Tian was talking to himself, because his voice was loud and loud, everyone in the room was quite clear.

Qin Hao suddenly felt that he seemed a bit of Versailles. Is this the highest state of Versailles?

When both Shennong and Hong Yun calmed down, they looked at Qin Hao with surprise.

Qin Hao immediately took out the good spirit fruit wine: “Meeting is fate, share with you,”

The wine table culture has been established in the Great Wilderness since ancient times.

In conversation.

Only then did Qin Hao realize that Hong Yun had the same destination as his Qin Hao, and he wanted to go to Penglai Fairy Island.

As for Xingtian, Shennong and Shennong just follow the situation and go wherever they go.

More precisely.

Shennong is the one who lives in the world wherever he goes.

On the one hand, Xing Tian was responsible for protection, and on the other hand, he followed Shennong to ask for spiritual grass.

Before, Xingtian guarded the spirit grass.

After being stolen and tasted by Shennong, Xing Tian chased him to pay him.

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