Chapter 195: The Lord of the Nether Won

The Lord of Nether gradually showed a smile on his face.

His hands tightened tighter and tighter.

In the midair, the phantom holding Jiu Ying’s neck became tighter and tighter.

Jiuying couldn’t move instantly.

Hearing the power, he confined him.

Jiu Ying desperately wanted to absorb the spiritual power around him.

But to no avail.

Jiuying’s breathing became more and more difficult, and his eyes were a little fuzzy.

Can’t see the Lord of Nether on the opposite side.

Jiuying felt that he was weak, and his head slowly arrived.

It seems that the strength of the whole body has been exhausted.

Only by shaking from time to time, can people know that he is not dead.

“How? Give up?”

The Lord of Nether’s voice was faint.

Jiuying lifted the middle head with the last strength of his body and shook it slightly.

“I think.”

The Nether Lord slowly released his hand.

Throwing Jiuying’s body towards the monster clan.

Di Jun couldn’t help it anymore and flew into the air.

Jiuying took it down.

“So far, the Lord of the Nether will win the battle!”

Qin Hao took a step forward and announced in a loud voice.

Donghuang Taiyi did not say anything.

Everyone of the Yaozu looked at each other.

It seemed that he was still immersed in the atmosphere of punishment from the heaven just now, and he didn’t return to his senses.

But the Witches are all excited.


Qin Hao was also very happy in his heart, and walked forward.

A thumbs up towards the Lord of Nether.

“The Lord of Nether is really powerful, and his name is well-deserved.”

The Lord of Nether nodded his head rare, proud.

After a while, Donghuang Taiyi walked out again.

“Holy Lord, can we start this third game?”

Qin Hao turned his head and nodded.

I started thinking about it in my heart.

This third game is estimated to be very tragic.

Donghuang Taiyi would not let them lose so ugly.

Otherwise, isn’t this battle between the two clans of the Lich a joke?

This third game should be a desperate fight.

Now there are two remaining ones who have not played in the battle, that is, the fight against iron and misfortune.

The five groups who need to challenge here are Zhu Ronghe Gonggong.

Qin Hao was a little worried at this moment.

Zhu Ronghe Gonggong can’t do anything.

If not, the twelve ancestor witch formation will probably be difficult to reshape.

Or change two people.

Neither Luo Hui nor himself played.

Just as Qin Hao wanted to speak, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who was opposite said loudly.

“We are going to shoot the fight next time. I don’t know who is from the Wu Clan? Let me guess, it should be Gonggong.”

Donghuang Taiyi’s words changed Qin Hao’s expression.

Turning to see Gonggong.

“Don’t be on this one, let me come!”

Gonggong seems to have understood.

The situation at this time and why Qin Hao said so.

He shook his head gently.

“I understand, the Holy Lord, rest assured, I am not that impulsive character. Our Wu Clan has won two games this time. The remaining two games are dispensable. I will not let myself be injured. The final victory was given to the opponent in vain.”

Qin Hao heard Gonggong say this, although he was very pleased.

But the heart of holding still didn’t let go.

Wanting to fight again, Gonggong stretched out his hand and held Qin Hao’s shoulder.

With a smile on his face, Gong Gong directly stepped forward and walked out.

“Yes, the Demon Sovereign really expected things like a god. This time it’s me working together to challenge.”

After the Gonggong finished speaking, he looked back at everyone from the Wu tribe.

Showed a confident smile.

Qin Hao can only let go of his anxiety and believe in Gonggong.

At this time, Zhu Rong got in front of him.

“Holy Lord! I want to say okay with you, I have to fight in a while, don’t stop me.”

Zhu Rong Yilian really stared at Qin Hao closely.

Don’t let go of any expression on his face.

Qin Hao was a little bit dumbfounded.

Just about to say something, Zhu Rong interrupted him.

“I know that the holy lord is concerned about the safety of the Witch Clan, but now, the Witch Clan is very different from before. I can fight him with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. What’s more, I know this little beast. Don’t worry about the Lord.”

Qin Hao looked at the fighting spirit on his face.

So I stopped to persuade him.

Indeed, these characters have been circulated for thousands of years.

In the future, the existence of this god-level boss.

Now they have more and more shadows from behind.

Especially the recent Zhu Rong, as if the whole person was completely reborn.

I should also believe in them.

Qin Hao nodded thinking of this.

“Okay, I get it, then in the next game, while saving myself, give me a hard hit. Isn’t it okay?”

Zhu Rong heard Qin Hao say this.

The mood is particularly comfortable immediately.

It’s like drinking Qiongye Yuye.

Zhu Rong could hear the trust of the Holy Lord in him.

Zhu Rong laughed loudly: “Don’t worry, Holy Lord, your subordinates obey.”

Qin Hao’s dialogue here did not affect the situation on the scene.

Gonggong among the twelve ancestral witches, it can be said that the sense of existence is relatively low.

This is not to say the ability to work together, or the influence.

It’s about his character.

Prudent and gentle, Qin Hao is at ease with what Gonggong says and does.

At this moment, Midou opened his mouth, showing his fangs.

The claws on the ground gave birth to long sharp nails.

With force on his hind legs, he bounced up and threw directly at the Gonggong front door.

Gonggong immediately ducked sideways.

Misou is worthy of being a fierce beast, relying on the instinct and flexible body of the fierce beast.

Directly reverse the direction at the moment of landing.

Without hesitation, he continued to move behind Gonggong.

The moment Gonggong escaped the attack of the misfortune.

Flip the palm of his hand, a wave of water floated towards the misfortune.

The misfortune is in the midair, with the help of the air, stepping on the void, like two flames bursting out.

With these two flames, Wodou jumped up a little bit.

Directly avoided this wave of water.

Qin Hao couldn’t help sighing when he saw this.

These monsters really didn’t dare to look down upon them.

He didn’t panic about the misfortune and failure, but took a few steps back.

The predecessor lowered his body slightly, lying close to the ground.

Just like a dog, about to attack, he made a threatening sound.

Gonggong was at ease.

If you say that this misfortune is not waiting for you.

Although there is nothing particularly powerful, it is really big here.

The size is like an elephant now.

Standing with Gonggong, that kind of shocking contrast.

Gonggong Yun was light and breezy, with a faint smile on his face, calm and relaxed.

That kind of attitude seemed to provoke misfortune.

Midou no longer waited, and rushed forward again.

This time, he opened his mouth wide and aimed at Gonggong’s neck.

Gonggong naturally discovered that he wanted to throw a water polo into a misfortune.

Midou turned his head slightly to avoid it, and escaped the water polo.

Then he rotated his body, and his long tail swept towards Gonggong.

The Gonggong did not notice and flew out.

What Qin Hao was relieved at this time was that Gonggong was simply lifted off by the misfortune.

It was not hurt.

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