Chapter 194

This is completely different from his previous style of Emperor Taiyi.

Dong Huang Taiyi was still not hurried, and turned towards Qin Hao very gently, showing a smile and nodding.

“Believe me, don’t forget that Sanqing needs his guidance. Do you think he really has a false name? If you don’t know yet, just look at Luo Hu next to him. He was not so good before.”

Donghuang Taiyi’s words made Dijun calm down.

Indeed, Qin Hao is really lucky if nothing else.

The emperor sighed for a long time and compromised.

Qin Hao looked at Donghuang Taiyi on the opposite side and did not answer.

Suddenly felt a bit boring again, but saw the anger on Di Jun’s face next to him.

The satisfaction and pride in my heart is less than a little bit of satisfaction.

But then he saw what Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi had said.

Soon, the anger on Di Jun’s face gradually dissipated.

Qin Hao also retracted his sight.

It seems that Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun really have something to ask for themselves.

They are all molested in this way, and they can do things wrong if they are already dyed.

Be so tolerant and pleased with myself.

Qin Hao was a bit distressed.

Originally, I didn’t plan to deliberately point out Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun.

Just follow the situation, give pointers when you encounter it, if the task is not met, then forget it.

But at this time, Qin Hao muttered in his heart, it seemed that he still had to use snacks.

“Hey, you have run out of fire. Isn’t it time to learn about me?”

Qin Hao was interrupted by the voice of the Lord of Nether.

The Lord of Nether raised his palm, like a snowball.

But a few flicks of hands back and forth.

The flames of hell that had just been arrogant.

In the hands of the Lord of his Nether, the very obedient group became a group.

The Lord of Nether didn’t seem to exert any strength, so he just threw it away: “Go!”

The group flew into the air below the flames, and then split into nine uniform groups.

He flew over to Jiu Ying’s open mouth.

Jiuying naturally did not dare to resist.

The nine-color flames he had just now had been swallowed.

Obviously more domineering than the opponent’s fire.

And the flames of hell rushed toward his mouth.

Can this thing be swallowed? After swallowing, I guess he will be over.

Jiu Ying thought of this, and immediately backed away.

And at the same time, I was still thinking about how to resolve this crisis.

Better than fire, we can’t compare, what about the water?

Jiuying raised his nine heads, straightened towards the sky, and breathed in hard with his mouth wide open.

Want to absorb all the surrounding water vapor.

Qin Hao immediately felt very hot around him.

The surrounding trees and plants gradually turned yellow.

Originally, the temperature of the flames of hell is very high, not a waiting flame.

In addition, Jiuying absorbed all Zhou Yu’s water vapor.

It is conceivable that the surrounding temperature will reach what level.

Those plants turned into shredded residues, and disappeared by the wind.

Gonggong just wanted to condense the water and relieve the pressure of the Wu people.

It was stopped by Qin Hao next to him.

“Not now! If you are condensing water vapor, won’t this help you be abused?”

Gonggong followed Qin Hao’s line of sight and looked at it, and the fire suddenly realized and he was very regretful.

“Thank you Holy Lord for the point.”

Qin Hao waved his hand indifferently.

“It’s okay, you care about everyone too, let’s bear it.”

After Jiuying took a few deep breaths, he felt full of water in his body.

Only then showed a triumphant expression, looking at the Nether Lord on the opposite side.

Without hesitation, the jet of water was sprayed over, and the nine hell flames were all wrapped up.

Overwhelmed their shadows.

At the same time, Jiuying did not let go of his guard, but cautiously moved a few steps backward.

Jiuying knew that just stopping it for a period of time would not completely destroy the flames of hell.

While retreating, Jiuying took advantage of the water column’s obscured vision.

He quickly walked around behind the Nether Lord, trying to sneak attack.

Jiuying naturally didn’t dare to directly bite like this.

After all, the Lord of the Nether is surrounded by the flames of hell.

So another nine jets of water sprayed out.

Jiuying used this nine water column to wrap the Lord of the Nether and the flames of hell together, and then he dared to open his mouth.

With the middle head, I want to swallow the Lord of the Nether in one bite.

The Lord of Nether has already noticed it.

Although the line of sight has been blocked.

But how could the Lord of Nether be afraid of this kind of trick?

The Lord of Nether instantly retracted the surrounding hell flames.

The body suddenly vacated and rose a little, the Lord of Nether then pinched the tactics with both hands.

With both hands up and down, he drew a big circle in front of him, and finally folded his hands on his chest.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Lightning loomed faintly in the clouds.

What is the Lord of the Nether doing?

Qin Hao looked at the situation in front of him in surprise.

“He is taking advantage of heaven to impose penalties.”

Luo Hui’s voice rang coldly.

“Ah? Punishment?! Use heaven?!!!”

Luo Hu nodded calmly.

“The Lord of the Netherworld, as the Lord of a realm, naturally has this ability, and the heavenly ways of the Netherworld are all placed on him.”

Qin Hao’s face was serious.

But here is the Great Wilderness! Did you make a mistake when you brought the Lord of the Nether here?

Luo Hui patted his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, this is just a technique, it won’t affect anything.”

I heard Luo Hui say this.

Qin Hao quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

This Nether Lord can really do things for him.

The Lord of Nether was surrounded by a halo at this time.

The halo is composed of black text.

No one can understand the words above, and Qin Hao is no exception.

It is a font that has never been seen before.

But you can feel the supreme divine power above.

With a force that makes people unable to resist and just want to surrender.

Jiuying regrets it very much.

What’s all this?

This is the power of heaven!

Is he a fierce beast in the great wilderness, able to resist it?

Jiuying’s mind was already shaken at this time.

As the saying goes! The two armies compete, and the brave wins if they meet on a narrow road.

Whenever one side shows cowardice, it naturally represents the coming of defeat.

The Lord of Nether suddenly opened his eyes.

The eyes are hollow and there is nothing, but it seems that there is everything.

The content inside makes people afraid to have the slightest prying heart.

Jiuying directly met these eyes.

Can’t help but shiver suddenly.

Nether Lord did not do any magic skills.

Just stretched out his right hand slowly.

Reached towards Jiuying who was standing in place.

In the void, the shadow of a palm gradually condensed.

It was transformed with words that no one could understand.

When everyone did not react.

One grasped Jiuying’s neck.

Holding the throat of Jiuying’s destiny.

Jiuying had already reacted at this time and began to struggle hard.

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