Chapter 189 Yujiang VS Dijiang

But the opposite Yu Jiang had already converged, his face was dismissive, and his expression was much more serious.

Qin Hao looked at Yu Jiang and found that this monster race was not all reckless.

Looking at it this way now, this first game is not necessarily the winner.

Qin Hao’s heart followed suit.

I knew in my heart that he had brought Luohu, the Lord of the Nether two great powers, and also opened the Ancestral Witch Great Formation.

But even so, the strength of the Wu Clan is not at the upper hand.

It can only be said that the Wu Clan still only has the power of a war.

So this first battle is very, very important, if you lose.

Doomed to the final ending of the Wu clan.

But if he wins, maybe the Wu Clan can fight for the last time.

Qin Hao believed that Di Jiang must understand this truth.

The war is about to start.

Directly in the middle of the venue, Di Jiang bowed his hands and bowed.

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction, no matter what, our etiquette should not be lost.

First put the tone on the high end.

Qin Hao thought that the opposite Yu Jiang would dismiss it.

But what he didn’t expect was that Yu Jiang just nodded indifferently, which was regarded as a return.

Qin Hao couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes.

It seems that Yujiang’s strength cannot be underestimated, and he is able to deal with it calmly at this time.

It’s not the arrogant and unreasonable kind on the surface.

Qin Hao couldn’t help but sweat for Di Jiang.

Yu Jiang took the lead in launching an attack.

I saw the two snakes on Yu Jiang’s ears suddenly slipped down.

Following his arm, towards the opposite Yujiang, the body is good at facing the wind.

It became two green snakes about two meters long.

His body was green, and his eyes were deep green, just like that fine emerald.

One of them opened his mouth wide, and a hurricane condensed in the air.

Then he left the opposite Dijiang without hesitation.

The other one opened his mouth in the same way, except that the wind condensed in his mouth seemed a little different.

What’s in it?

Because Qin Hao was so far away, he couldn’t see clearly.

“That’s the plague.”

Luo Hui stood beside Qin Hao, as if seeing Qin Hao’s doubts, he began to explain.

Qin Hao turned his head back and looked at Luo Hu in a little surprise.

As if wanting to confirm with her again.

Luo Hui coldly cast aside Qin Hao, and didn’t say much.

Qin Hao’s mood sank instantly.

It turned out to be a plague, can this plague become a magical power to attack?

It seems that my mastery of generosity is still a bit too one-sided.

Qin Hao thought in his heart.

Then he left all this behind, because he saw Di Jiang slap a palm first.

These were pushed away in that storm.

When faced with the plague, Dijiang was a little bit unable to start.

Who dares to get this thing?

As far as Qin Hao knew, although their ancestor witches didn’t seem to be afraid of the plague.

The plague has always been directed solely at the human race.

But who hasn’t let the human race show up yet?

Therefore, I am afraid that it is not without any effect for other beings in the Great Wilderness Realm.

At this time, looking at the attitude of Dijiang, you can find out.

Di Jiang didn’t seem to dare to touch the slightest, and directly stretched out his palm and swiped in the air.

A whirlpool appeared in the air, instantly swept the plague into it, and disappeared.

This is the power of space!

Dijiang is the supernatural power of space speed.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hao was also relieved a lot.

But Yu Jiang didn’t feel anything, and the expression on his face was unchanged.

It seems that he didn’t feel distressed because of this blow being resolved by Dijiang.

Instead, he stared at the opposite Dijiang with great interest, which made a slight arc.

Qin Hao is here.

I thought to myself, what’s the situation?

The work done by Emperor Jiang is not solid anymore, how can I feel that Yu Jiang is so confident.

And now on the field, apart from the help of these two green snakes, it is basically one-on-three.

Qin Hao lowered his head and thought for a moment.

If it’s oneself, it’s not too easy to be as easy as Di Jiang just now.

It seems that both sides should have a back hand.

Qin Hao took the opportunity to take a look at Dongdonghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi’s expression did not change in any way, as if all this was a natural and normal thing.

No change is the biggest flaw.

It’s just that Qin Hao has no way to help Di Jiang on the field.

It only depends on his own good fortune.

With a flick of Di Jiang’s finger, a space blade slashed over.

The snake controlling the wind opened, and a wind blade protruded from its mouth.

In mid-air, it collided with Dijiang Space Blade.

It was instantly shattered by the power of the space people.

The snake that controls the wind doesn’t seem to be discouraged, but still spit out the wind blade one after another.

As if tireless.

And the plague snake is right now, slowly rotating in the field.

Encircled Dijiang and Yujiang in the middle.

It looked like he was looking for a chance to carry out a sneak attack.

Yu Jiang stood still and didn’t move, just watching his snake sparring with Dijiang quietly.

There is no fluctuation.

Qin Hao gritted his teeth, this is humiliation.

He actually photographed his own spirit beast against Dijiang.

Winning can naturally play a humiliating effect.

After losing, Di Jiang didn’t have much to be proud of, after all, he was just a spirit beast.

And in this way, Dijiang’s mana and physical strength can be consumed in advance.

In the end, he cares about playing at his peak, and winning is naturally easy and comfortable.

It’s really a good algorithm.

Qin Hao was really a little angry, and he had let Luo Hui play in the battle if he had known it a long time ago.

See if he dare to be as arrogant as he is now.

No wonder Qin Hao is anxious.

Although Dijiang is the dual supernatural power of space and speed.

But as far as Dijiang knew, because he was in charge of the minor and trivial matters of the Wu Clan, there were not many opportunities for cultivation.

Even if the supernatural powers are very powerful, it is still not as good as Zhu Rong, a natural war lunatic.

Luo Hui naturally saw the nervousness.

Although Qin Hao’s face was calm and unconcerned.

But from his tightness, Luo Hu, I can see how he thinks in his heart.

Luo Hui only recently discovered that he seemed to be able to easily feel Qin Hao’s mood.

I don’t know if it is a sequelae of Pangu’s essence and blood.

The East Emperor Taiyi on the opposite side looked admiring.

He nodded from time to time, as if he felt very exciting.

Di Jiang dodged again and escaped a storm.

Then disappeared in an instant, everyone on the field was stunned for a moment.

Subsequently, the figure of Dijiang appeared behind Yu Jiang.

It didn’t give Yu Jiang a reaction, it was just a space blade.

Just when Di Jiang thought that Yu Jiang would be wiped his neck by himself.

Yu Jiang suddenly turned his head, and at the same time, tilted his head forty-five degrees, avoiding this killer move.

Then Yu Jiang’s body leaped back gently.

But how could Dijiang give him a chance?

I saw Dijiang’s figure disappearing in place again, appearing next to Yu Jiang again.

This time, there was a space explosion directly beside Yu Jiang.

The green snake controlling the wind seemed to have noticed it and turned back immediately.

I want to explode that space with my tail.

But he underestimated Dijiang.

I saw a bang.

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