Chapter 188

Everyone in the Wu clan remained silent, waiting quietly for Qin Hao’s instructions.

“Do you know the demon races who fought on the other side?”

Qin Hao looked at everyone inquiringly.

“We are not playing at will, but to be able to restrain them completely.”

Further explanation.

“It’s best to analyze their attributes and abilities. Let’s go out and suppress them accordingly.”

Di Jiang nodded in agreement.

Finally, he introduced the four fierce beasts to Qin Hao.

If you don’t say anything, this monster race still has some instincts of being a beast.

The Wu Clan is close to the existence of human beings.

“Holy Lord, that body is full of black hair, it’s called misfortune.”

Qin Hao glanced back at Di Jiang’s description.

I immediately saw that among the four fierce beasts, there was indeed one, completely dark.

It looks exactly like a dog, but with black fur.

There was a faint red gleam between the movements.

“What are his characteristics? Let’s listen.”

Qin Hao was very interested.

Di Jiang nodded and continued.

“This fierce beast loves fire, and it lives by devouring flames, and its excrement is also flame, so it is often accompanied by fire wherever it goes.”

Qin Hao raised an eyebrow in surprise when he heard this.

Although I have read “Shan Hai Jing” before, probably some ancient beasts Qin Hao knows.

But after all, I haven’t studied this aspect carefully, and I can’t remember a few.

Hearing this, Qin Hao was very surprised.

The attributes of this mischief were just right, and Zhu Rong was restrained.

Qin Hao had a count in his heart, did not say a word, and continued to ask Di Jiang.

“Where are the rest?”

“The bird’s body has arms and legs, and a green snake hangs from each ear. That one is called Yujiang.”

Qin Hao glanced back and immediately recognized it.

Because he is among the murderers, the most reasonable group, with a human face.

Qin Hao was naturally impressed.

But he didn’t remember, there seemed to be a fierce beast who had seen this in the book before.

“What’s his trick?” Qin Hao asked subconsciously.

A trace of jealousy flashed across Di Jiang’s face.

“He is one of the four murderers with great strength. His supernatural power is mainly wind, and he can spread the plague.”

Qin Hao nodded, and it sounded the most powerful.

Qin Hao pointed to the monster with nine heads.

“What is that? Why are there so many heads?”

Di Jiang glanced back.

“The baby named Jiuying, the baby, because his voice is like a baby crying, so he is called Jiuying, can spray water and fire, and has the magical powers of water and fire! It is also the most powerful of these.”

After Di Jiang finished speaking, he didn’t wait for Qin Hao to continue to ask, so he continued to speak down.

“There is a cow who looks like a cow. It is called iron-biting or iron-biting. It eats iron as food and is hard and indestructible.”

Qin Hao nodded subconsciously.

Begin to think about how to distribute combat power.

Needless to say, the first one, since the fighting is to restrain fire, then he will fight the water.

Let Gong Gong treat him.

This second Yujiang was not particularly easy to deal with.

The third nine infants, water and fire dual system.

He knocked his own attributes, this guy also seemed to be very powerful.

The last one is simply like eating iron and having a hard body. This can make Zhu Ronglai.

The whole body is so hard, let’s see if Zhu Rong’s fire can temper him.

“Misfortune, you work together to deal with him, it’s okay, your attributes specifically restrain him.”

Gonggong nodded: “I will not humiliate my life.”

Qin Hao finally turned to Zhu Rong.

“I’ll leave it to you, the last one who loves to eat iron, right? Use your fire to see if you can get him to bake it.”

Zhu Rong smiled, very happy.

“Don’t worry, Holy Lord, it’s okay to leave it to me.”

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction, and finally felt a little distressed, looking at the few remaining people.

“Neither Yujiang nor Jiuying are easy to deal with. They belong to two supernatural powers…”

Qin Hao frowned as he spoke with some distress.

Di Jiang stepped forward and said, “Holy Lord, leave it to me, Yujiang, I can take it if I have confidence.”

Looking up at Dijiang, Qin Hao found that Dijiang’s eyes were very firm.

He nodded his head if he could.

That is, there will be the last nine infants left.

It really doesn’t work, why don’t you go on your own?

Qin Hao felt that after returning from the Netherworld, he hadn’t fought for a long time.

Netherworld? !

And the Lord of Nether, how did he forget it.

“Lord of Nether, how about it, do you want to come this last one? This is so powerful, I believe that Lord of Nether, such a high-level mana must not be a problem.”

The Lord of Nether revealed a wry smile in his heart.

What can I say? This face nodded calmly.

“no problem.”

The lord of one’s own realm, couldn’t even beat a murderer in the Great Wilderness?

Tell people a joke!

Originally, the Lord of Nether thought that if Qin Hao gave him a simple opponent, he would definitely not surrender his status and refused.

But he didn’t expect Qin Hao to be so cunning!

Give him the most entangled and most powerful one, and then give him a pass.

At this time, if the Lord of the Nether refuses any more, it seems a bit unreasonable.

Qin Hao didn’t know the Lord of Netherworld, so he thought so in his heart.

Before, the first three completely forgot to have him as the number one, and they didn’t think of it until the last step.

If the Lord of Nether knew what Qin Hao thought in his heart, he would definitely vomit blood.

Fortunately, the Lord of Nether did not know that Qin Hao had escaped indirectly.

After Qin Hao discussed with everyone from the Wu clan.

Luo Hui just smiled, and walked back, looking at the opposite Donghuang Taiyi.

“Thank you! If you want to be magnanimous, it is really broad-minded. We have already discussed it. Then, who should play first in the team?”

Qin Hao didn’t know whether Donghuang Taiyi was deliberate.

Pointing at the most powerful Yu Jiang: “Yu Jiang, leave it to you, won’t let me down.”

Yu Jiang stepped forward, his face full of confidence and madness.

“Don’t worry, the demon king, I’m sure to kill the Wu Clan.”

Qin Hao sneered in his heart.

I don’t know if you should not set any flag before the war.

Whenever it is erected, it is all one word, miserable!

Two words, face! !

It seems Donghuang Taiyi has already understood.

What does the first battle between these two races mean?

Won! The cohesion of the soldiers and things are naturally high, and when they lose, they are naturally depressed.

So this first battle must be won.

Qin Hao patted Dijiang: “I won’t say anything to encourage you, but I still want to tell you that you can’t lose in this battle. If you lose, you lose the momentum of this witch clan, you understand.”

Di Jiang nodded, he naturally understood.

The monster clan in the middle moved slowly backwards, and then vacated a space.

Seeing this, Qin Hao waved his hand backwards, and the monster clan also stepped back a certain distance, expanding the field.

Di Jiang came to the middle of the field with all his combat power.

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