Chapter 146

One song per person, and soon came to the top of Shi Ji’s head.

Qin Hao sat on Bai Ze’s back and looked down.

Shi Ji struggled to get up.

But Shi Ji, who lacks her right arm and left leg, is not so easy to master her balance.

Shi Ji’s head is fast, and the weight of his body is naturally not small, so the small balance will affect his overall coordination.

Shi Ji immediately found Qin Hao and Bai Ze above her head.

He opened his mouth and roared at them.

Qin Hao immediately felt his brain buzzing.

How come sonic attacks come when this can’t be beaten?

Never seen such a brazen trick.

Bai Ze couldn’t stand it, not only the sound attack, but at the same time, the aura he sent out should not be underestimated.

The Baize blows to the east and west, like a boat encountering a storm on the sea.

Unable to control his own direction of travel, he can only follow the trend.

Even Qin Hao, who carried him on his back, looked like a broken doll in a boat, and was dizzy as he was blown away.

Fortunately, Bai Ze, the beast is the beast.

Use divine power to control his body.

Flew upwards, leaving the range of Shi Ji’s attack.

It wasn’t until this time that Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief and found his sense of direction.

Raising his hand and wiping his face, he threw out the dizziness in his mind.

Qin Hao took a final look. Shi Ji, who was half lying on the ground and still struggling to get up, narrowed his eyes.

Qin Hao felt the chaotic energy in his body, almost consumed.

If this continues, their odds of winning will get smaller and smaller.

Feeling the lower part of the body, Bai Ze’s physical strength was almost consumed.

“This is the weight of us together. Be careful and go around in a circle, around the front of him, to the back of his head.”

Qin Hao thought for a while and said to this.

“I see, I understand.”

Bai Ze took a deep breath.

Simulate the angle at which you are about to fly in your mind.

Seeing the right time, ready to go, rushed out with a swish.

This time it was perfect. Bai Ze drew past Shi Ji’s eyes and circled a few times.

Shi Ji’s head followed Bai Ze’s body back and forth.

A little angry for a while.

Qin Hao looked at the timing and patted Bai Ze’s body under him.

Bai Ze reacted immediately and turned 90 degrees in an instant.

The moment Qin Hao Baize changed direction, he continued to infuse the power of chaos on the Pangu God Axe.

Visually inspected the approximate position of the eyes.

A ridge directly horizontally, behind Shi Ji’s head, runs through the entire head.

Separate the two halves directly from the position of the eyes, exactly, in one go.

Looking at Bai Ze, he couldn’t help but cried out in his heart.

Bai Ze didn’t care, and immediately led Qin Hao to a high place, staying far away.

Qin Hao was very satisfied with Bai Ze being so cautious and interested.

Seen in mid-air, in the middle of his head, a brown stone keeps flashing.

The stone was also chopped in half by Qin Hao.

So only half of it was in the head, and it shattered slowly after dozens of flashes.

As the brown stone shattered.

Shi Ji’s body stiffened, and then it seemed as if she had suddenly turned into sand.

Flowing rushing all over the ground.

Qin Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief and put away the Pangu God Axe.

Bai Zeyi tried to find the location of the Ksitigarbha and Di listen.

Luo Hu was still standing beside him, and they were hiding in the woods a little further away.

Bai Ze took Qin Hao and flew in their direction, and then slowly landed on the ground.

The Ksitigarbha King came over with concern.

Looked down at Qin Hao and Bai Ze.

It was confirmed that neither of them was injured, and then smiled and said the Buddha’s name.

“Amitabha Buddha, thank you Qin donor for your help.”

Qin Hao waved his hand without paying attention.

Even if there is no Ksitigarbha King, I am afraid that if they want to enter the Well of Gods and Demons, they will have to pass this level.

Qin Hao patted the hair on Bai Ze’s body and said encouragingly: “Good job. Beautiful!”

White Pond! I was also very happy, shook the hair on his body, and shook his tail.

After their greetings, they simply cleaned up their image.

Mainly Qin Hao tidied up.

But because Qin Hao consumes too much, he is worried about the next trip.

Luo Huo first rested for a while, then continued to move forward after replenishing energy.

Qin Hao seized the time to restore his chaotic energy.

After Qin Hao rested, they continued to follow Di Ting and walked forward. At this time, they had actually shifted their direction.

After all, everyone was panicking just now.

Just listen to the truth, no matter where you can find the exact location.

This time it went smoothly, did you encounter any other obstacles on the way?

All the way to the Nether Well in the middle of the forest smoothly.

Qin Hao carefully observed the Nether Well.

There is nothing special, but a well appeared on the flat ground.

Qin Hao inspected it visually, and found a circular well head about three meters in diameter.

Although there is nothing special in appearance.

But as soon as I approached, I felt the difference in power.

The mouth of the well is open, and if you feel the deep gloomy air inside, there is also strong strength and grievances.

It seems that all the negative forces are gathering here.

Crowded and live together in the Nether Well, it is hard to separate.

Just looking at it outside, you can feel the powerful force in it.

Not to mention going in and walking inside.

What does this nether look like? Some are like the Demon Sealing Tower.

Inside, the ghosts of the previous powerful bosses are all sealed in it.

Qin Hao heard that although he was also called a confidant, he did not have any formal jurisdiction.

But I don’t know why, but anyone who has great karma enters the realm of Netherworld after death.

Will be uncontrollably, gradually, approaching the Nether Well.

Then it was swallowed by the Nether Well and imprisoned in it.

Qin Hao didn’t expect this. It turned out to be like this, so it was said that Hou Tu brought the Lord of the Nether here back then.

In this way, I want to use the power of the ghost to imprison the Lord of the Nether.

Then Tu, at the time definitely didn’t think that he could come out again.

Qin Hao felt a little moved.

Although it has been a long time since I have been here, I am also very clear about my faith.

But he was still moved by the spirit of being able to dedicate himself to this world.

Because he had seen so many, the ancestor Hongjun ruined the inheritance of the demon clan in order to be able to break through the realm.

Only one Luo Hu was left.

If I said that before, Qin Hao simply wanted to retrieve Hou Tu’s previous life and present life, in order to achieve the 12th Ancestral Witch Array against the Monster Race.

So at this time, Qin Hao Xinzhong still held a trace of admiration and respect.

Di listened to wander around the Nether Well back and forth a few times.

“Where’s the Lord of Nether? Why can’t I feel his breath? Just now I clearly felt that he was here.”

The purpose of Qin Hao’s trip was to enter the Nether Well.

The purpose of the Ksitigarbha King is to meet the Lord of the Nether.

Dihe couldn’t feel the Lord of the Nether nearby. Then there is only one reason.

The Lord of the Nether is in the Well of the Nether.

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