Chapter 145

Qin Hao didn’t react at once.

“Quickly cut off his head, I will help you up.”

This is Bai Ze’s voice.

Looking down, it’s not Bai Ze below him, who is it?

Qin Hao adjusted his posture and rode on Bai Ze’s back.

“Is Jizo okay?”

Qin Hao asked on Bai Ze’s back.

“Master is okay, you just attracted attention, Luo Hu saved us.”

Bai Ze carried Qin Hao in a big circle, from Shi Ji’s side to the front.

At this moment, the surrounding mountains began to vibrate.

The wind in the mid-air was even more violent, and the blowing Bai Ze swayed to the west.

Qin Hao half-squinted his eyes to prevent the wind and sand in front of him.

This piece of windy sand, smoke-filled haziness.

Qin Hao saw that Shi Ji’s arm that had been chopped off by him turned out to be alive again, constantly shaking on the ground.

Obviously he fell and fell apart.

Suddenly they gathered together again, and then, as before, finally flew towards Shi Ji’s shoulders.

Shi Ji turned back to her original state.

Qin Hao saw the tone, and the situation he least wanted to see appeared.

When playing online games before, monsters like this kind of stone were the most strenuous.

The blood is very thick, and the defense is also super thick.

The most criticized thing is that they can instantly restore their body to its original state.

Even if you give him thousands of pieces of corpse, he can be restored to his original state in an instant.

And Shi Ji in front of her did not escape this setting.

It seems that he can only find his core energy or his weaknesses to attack.

Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time and effort, repeated useless work.

In the end, I can only kill myself to exhaustion, without any benefit.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao asked Bai Ze loudly: “Where is the truth? He did not say, what is Shi Ji’s weakness?”

Bai Ze escaped the fist from Shi Ji’s attack.

While thinking back, pay attention to the directions around.

Seeing that Shi Ji had returned to her original state, Bai Ze felt like he was about to fly ahead for one or two flashes, and he had some breathing space.

Take the time to think about it, whether Di He has ever said about Shi Ji’s weakness.

But Shi Ji obviously didn’t give him a chance, and was chasing after him.

At first glance, Qin Hao couldn’t do this.

Said loudly to Bai Ze: “Lower the height and hover around his legs. I chopped off his legs first so that he can’t move.”

Being very obedient immediately, lowered his height.

It was in a semicircular shape and flew behind Shi Ji.

Qin Hao, holding the Pangu God Axe in your hand, looking at the timing, you cut each of the three points on the outer side of Shi Ji’s thigh.

Then quickly told Bai Ze: “Quick, fly forward!”

Bai Ze immediately speeded up and rushed forward.

Shi Ji thought about catching up with them, raised her legs, and planned to run.

But as soon as he landed on his left leg, he suddenly felt that his leg was unable to exert his strength.

With a click, Shi Ji tilted and fell to the left.

Shi Ji’s left leg had been smashed to the ground by his body, crushed to pieces.

Qin Hao looked back at the scene and blew a whistle.

Continue to greet Bai Ze: “Go back and go to the right.”

Shi Jiyong said that she quickly supported her body and wanted to stand up again.

But it seems a little powerless.

Qin Hao had discovered just now, when he first cut off Shi Ji’s arm.

Shi Ji did not press that arm immediately.

On the contrary, Shi Ji wanted to restore the original shape after seeing both arms at the same time.

Qin Hao judged from this, his legs were the same.

So Qin Hao didn’t slash the other leg in a hurry, but instead struck up his idea of ​​the other arm.

Just destroy the balance of your body and see how you can still play against me.

Shi Ji had obviously seen Bai Ze flying towards her with Qin Hao.

Shi Ji’s left leg was broken, so the left arm was supported on the ground.

Without hesitation, he raised his right arm and attacked Bai Ze and Qin Hao.

At this time, something unexpected happened to Qin Hao.

I saw Shi Ji’s right hand suddenly left her wrist and turned into a round ball, smashing it over at a rapid speed.

Bai Ze widened his eyes in surprise, and this change caught him off guard.

You know, Bai Ze just heard Qin Hao’s order and flew quickly to Shi Ji’s right.

Shi Ji directly greeted her with fist. She really wanted to change direction or dodge, and it was too late.

Qin Hao naturally found out.

The wind around him was so loud that it disturbed Qin Hao’s hair and clothes.

Another characteristic of this wind is that the resistance is extremely high, and I want to pick up the Pangu God Axe in such a short time.

It is really harder to stop Shi Ji from attacking with his right hand.

Suddenly, Qin Hao’s inspiration suddenly appeared, and he shouted to Bai Ze.

“Fold your wings and don’t resist.”

Bai Ze did not react, but he was obediently obedient as soon as he heard the sound.

Bai Ze and Qin Hao fell down under the influence of gravity, easily avoiding Shi Ji’s attack.

Qin Hao couldn’t help but rejoice, but fortunately, it was Bai Ze who was dragging his wings.

If you listen carefully, you may not be able to be so obedient.

Seeing that he had avoided the attack, White reacted quickly and spread his wings.

Continue to fly towards Shi Ji’s right.

Qin Hao heard the wind behind him at this moment, and it seemed a little different.

Looking back slightly, Shi Ji’s hand did not give up, but seemed to have turned a corner.

Follow them behind.

Oh, this is also with navigation.

Qin Hao ignored it, seeing that his hand was still far away from them.

Look at Shi Ji, who is close at hand.

Qin Hao planned to ignore the attack behind him.

Raised the Pangu God Axe, aimed at Shi Ji’s shoulder and shoulder armor, and slashed it down fiercely.

Click! Rumble, familiar cracking sound.

Shi Ji shattered her right arm and hit the ground.

At this time, the hands that followed Bai Ze and Qin Hao also flew back.

“Take your wings!”

Qin Hao shouted without saying much, and at the same time bends over and put his body close to Bai Ze.

With my previous cooperation, the two of them have a tacit understanding.

Bai Ze immediately retracted his wings and fell down, successfully avoiding the attacking hand from behind.

Sure enough, it still depends on the acceleration of gravity.

But Shi Ji’s palm was too close to Shi Ji because of Qin Hao and the others.

Shi Ji couldn’t dodge the palm of her hand, and rushed directly to Shi Ji’s body under the influence of inertia, and smashed past.

With a click, Shi Ji’s palm broke into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

Shi Ji also fell to the ground on her back because of the unstable center of the impact.

Bai Ze also rang at this time: “Eyes, his weakness is his eyes, I remember.”

Qin Hao heard Bai Ze shout loudly.

“Okay, it’s a good opportunity now! It’s on him.”

Bai Ze heard Qin Hao’s sonorous and powerful voice on his back, and his blood boiled immediately.

Without hesitation, she flew away in the direction of Shi Ji’s head.

Qin Hao understood after a little thought.

Shi Ji had no heart at all, and had no internal organs. The only thing she used was her arms and legs.

When he woke up just now, his eyes lit up.

It shows that his main source of spiritual power is actually the head.

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