Chapter 143 A Completely Different World

Qin Hao also had a slight doubt, could this be a blindfold?

Shouted and listened to the truth who ran ahead.

This place can identify the true and false Monkey King.

Even the Emperor of Heaven can’t recognize it, he can know that if this is really a blinding method, Di He should be the first to respond.

Di Ting stopped and looked at Qin Hao with a puzzled expression on his face.

Finally, he turned his head to look at his master.

I don’t know why I called myself over.

Aren’t you going to find the Nether Well?

“Die listen, look, what’s the scene here?”


Di Ting tilted his head and looked blank, wondering what the problem was.

What scene, can’t they see it?

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also nodded.

Di listen to see that his master agrees with this question.

He looked up and looked around and said cautiously.

“The surrounding atmosphere is very dense, with black smoke enveloping, the trunks are shriveled and leafless, and the ground is barren and desolate. It is no different from before.”

When Di Listening just said, Qin Hao showed a surprised expression on his face.

He was even more dumbfounded when Di Di heard it, and looked around in disbelief.

The Ksitigarbha King did not want to go anywhere in the future, the shock in his eyes was very obvious.

The only one who is more serious may be Luo Hu, who is indifferent by nature, but he has a cautious expression.

It also shows the unnaturalness at this time.

The appearance of these three people also puzzled Bai Ze.

Bai Ze and Diting glanced at each other, not knowing what was wrong with these scenery.

Bai Ze stepped forward: “Master, is there anything wrong?”

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva nodded, and then there was no more text.

Di was impatient and stomped at the premise, looking confused and impatient.

Qin Hao explained.

“The way you see it in your eyes is completely different from the way it looks in our eyes. In our eyes, it’s like a fairy atmosphere and the green grass is full of life.”

This time, Di Ting and Bai Ze were surprised.

Di Ting approached the Ksitigarbha for a few minutes: “Master, is this really in your eyes?”

The Ksitigarbha nodded heavily, indeed.

Qin Hao touched his chin, looked around, and pointed to a big rock in front of him.

Ask Truth: “What is this in your eyes?”

“The big pit.”

“what about this?”


“What about this one?”


Qin Hao and Di Ting were just like that, they asked and answered quickly.

Qin Hao slowly had a thought in his heart.

This is supposed to confuse them like this, lower their vigilance, and because the scene is completely different, so I don’t know what is dangerous, traps or big formations are also easy to be recruited.

Who would lie on the ground and turn over the grass?

Or uproot the grass lotus root and see what’s below?

This is all taking advantage of people’s blind spots of vision.

“What shall we do now?” Luo Hu frowned, and she did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Qin Hao walked to Di Ting’s side.

“I remember that you should bring a kind of herbal medicine on your body first. This kind of herbal medicine is what you usually eat. It can get rid of all the puzzles and take out three leaves.”


“A little shock from Diting!”

“A little shock from Bai Ze!”

“Congratulations to the host for activating the cross-border shock, and the reward is doubled!”

“Reward the host for 200,000 years of cultivation!”

Di Hearing stammered a bit, and took a step back.

“You, how do you know I have this kind of grass?”

Bai Ze also wanted to know.

Bai Ze knew that it was because he had lived with Di Ting for a long time, and only found out accidentally.

Qin Hao knows what the reason is? Moreover, Qin Hao suddenly recognized the three of them before.

It seems to be a master without a teacher.

There was a suspicion in Bai Ze’s heart, and he immediately blocked Di Ting.

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a displeased voice: “Die listen, Bai Ze, don’t be rude. It’s not trying to take advantage of you. If there is any, I will take it out for emergency, in order to get rid of the psychedelic formation at this time.”

Bai Ze shook his head and said eagerly.

“Master, that’s not what I meant. You don’t know when you were in a coma. When he saw the three of us and I didn’t say anything, he immediately recognized him. He also knew just now. I heard that there is this kind of herbal medicine. Who is he? How can you know so much?”

Qin Hao couldn’t laugh or cry, at least he had a misunderstanding of himself.

“I am a member of the Witch Clan, the elder and the Holy Master of the Witch Clan, you all know this!”

Bai Ze nodded.

“But these don’t mean that you know us. Have you investigated before?”

Luo Hui also looked at Qin Hao in confusion.

Yes, even Luo Hu was suspicious now.

Qin Hao thought for a while, of course he couldn’t tell them directly that he had traveled back hundreds of millions of years later.

And some of their materials are compiled into a book, read from the Internet.

Qin Hao’s mind flashed, looking at the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, there is still Bai Ze.

Maybe a wave of tasks can be brushed.

“Do you know what this is?”

Qin Hao took out the Pangu God Axe from the space.

As soon as the Pangu God Axe came out, Qin Hao immediately pulled a barrier to wrap it around.

Preventing Pangu Chaos Qi from leaking out, attracted the attention of the Lord of the Nether.

really. The system reminder sounded again.


“Shock from Diting!”

“Shock from Bai Ze!”

“Shock from Ksitigarbha!

“Congratulations to the host for activating the cross-border shock, and the reward is doubled!”

“Reward the host for one and six hundred thousand years of cultivation!”

Qin Hao suppressed the surprise in his heart. He didn’t expect so many cultivation base rewards this time.

“This…this, impossible! How could it be possible?!”

Bai Ze, who had always been calm, was the first to exclaim.

But the truth listener, who has always been blasted, was silent this time.

The Ksitigarbha King was also full of surprise, his pupils dilated, and he stared blankly at the Pangu God Axe in Qin Hao’s hand.

After Qin Hao was finished, he immediately took him back, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

Nodded inscrutablely.

“As you can see. I can use the Pangu God Axe. In fact, I got a little Pan Gu Essence and Blood. So you got a magical power. But the magical powers are not effective. The questions you ask, I am Known through magical powers.”

Bai Ze and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looked at the truth of silence at the same time.

Die raised his head like resigning.

“The Pangu God Axe is real. Since there is the blood of Emperor Pangu, it is naturally easy to know these things of us.”

Bai Ze also calmed down slowly at this time.

Before. What Qin Hao showed. And just see it for yourself. There is also a hint of explanation for the contradiction.

So he put down his guard.

This time, Qin Hao was truly and completely recognized.

The joke is not acceptable. What qualifications do they have to question the people recognized by the Pangu Emperor.

Qin Hao smirked in his heart. Also silently thanked Pangu the Great.

Once Pangu came out, who would dare to question?

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