Chapter 142

Later, because of the influence of the ancient wars, the battle between Dao and Demon.

So this ancestor of Styx became the realm of Netherworld.

At the time of the war, because there were no peanuts in the Six Paths of Reincarnation in Hou Tu.

Of course not so far.

Therefore, ghosts who have been defeated and died tragically between heaven and earth are wandering between heaven and earth.

So the ancestors of the River Styx provided a sea of ​​blood for these souls to live in, and became a realm of the nether to fill it, calling himself a realm.

It is said that there is a ray of his soul in this Nether Well, specifically to imprison those vicious ghosts.

And the Lord of the Nether, also known as the Great Emperor Tsinghua of Dongji.

Rumor has it that he is “the incarnation of Yu Qingying.”

In other words, he is the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and the essence of Nine Suns, and the secret refining is the clone.

It is also called Taiyi Saves the Suffering Tianzun, dominates the ghosts, and guards the two realms of Ming and Yang.

When it comes to being the master of a realm, it is actually a great good fortune, and the merits are boundless!

I just don’t know how back then, I wanted to cross the border and dominate.

As Qin Hao guessed, this Nether Lord wanted to cross the boundary.

It may also be because this Nether Tribulation is really barren of resources.

The sights are all desolate, and what you want is the same as if you are in jail.

Moreover, anyone who enters this Nether Realm will be picked away by others with great abilities.

It is commonly known as crossing the robbery and ying the robbery.

After this Nether Tribulation, he directly restored his identity.

And what can stay, except for the lonely wild ghost, is the lonely wild ghost.

Grumpy, not subject to discipline.

Later generations will become the Yin Cao Netherworld, and it will be much better after the six reincarnations.

But that’s something to be said.

I was defeated by Hou Tu before, and I believe I have not been aggrieved over the years.

You must know that there is a sentence that breaks out in silence, or perverts in silence.

Only knowing that the Lord retreats for so many years, retreats in a corner, silently, replenishes energy, really wants to get ready.

This time it seems likely to be an opportunity.

Qin Hao was very worried that he would take this opportunity to regain his strength and make a comeback.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao had a headache.

I hope that there will be no more waves in the past and present of Hou Tu this time.

Qin Hao glanced at Luo Hu who was staying beside him, and then relaxed.

This time he went out, Qin Hao could bring with him Luo Hu, who is the most powerful and powerful, and can have a fight with Hongjun’s ancestors.

Suddenly felt relieved a lot.

Luo Hui noticed Qin Hao’s gaze, raised his eyebrows, and asked with his eyes.

Qin Hao smiled and shook his head, and hooked his finger towards Luo Hu.

Luo Hu didn’t know why, so he approached him.

Qin Hao leaned over and whispered in Luohu’s ear: “This time I entered the Nether Well, it was all my sister’s help.”

After speaking, he blinked his eyes playfully.

Luo Huo was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned red visible to the naked eye.

But the expression on his face was even colder, and he turned his head and didn’t even look at Qin Hao.

The sudden grip of the hands on his knees revealed Luo Hu’s emotions.

Qin Hao snickered when he saw Luo Hu’s reaction like this.

Luo Hui naturally heard the laughter, and for some reason he became angry with a hint of irritation.

Trying to suppress the flushing on his face, he turned his head and stared at Qin Hao fiercely, and snorted coldly.

“It’s up to you.”

Luo Hui didn’t know that such expressions and such high-cold gestures, on the contrary, accentuated the delicate and charming characteristics of a young girl.

Qin Hao was taken aback when he was watching, and his heart moved.

An atmosphere of incomprehension was conceived instantly between the two of them.

People can’t help but blush and heartbeat.

Di Ting and Bai Ze, the two sacred beasts were completely incomprehensible.

Di listened to Bai Ze’s side: “Don’t you think these two people are a bit weird? What happened?”

Bai Ze shook his head.

“I don’t understand, I don’t know, look! Look at the master.”

Qin Hao also felt the fluctuations in the surrounding conditions at this time.

When I turned my head, I saw the place where the Ksitigarbha king was sitting, and the barrier in front of him was vacant with a high passageway.

And this is the Ksitigarbha King who also slowly put away the wooden fish and stood up.

Turning around and smiling to Qin Hao, Luo Hu said: “Two donors, it’s okay.”

Qin Hao immediately lowered his head and pulled Luohu up, and followed the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva through the barrier.

After the three of them and the two beasts passed, visible to the naked eye, the enchantment returned to its original appearance.

It seemed that everything just now was an illusion, and generally nothing happened.

Qin Hao couldn’t help giving a thumbs up to the Ksitigarbha King.

“The Ksitigarbha is so powerful, it breaks this barrier so calmly, and it can guarantee its intactness. It’s really superior.”

The Ksitigarbha King modestly bowed his head and nodded: “Thanks to the praise of the Qin donor.”

After speaking, the right side of his head looked at Di listen next to him.

“You lead the way ahead and take us to the Lord of the Nether.”

Hearing the order from the director, Di He immediately nodded, put his ear to the ground, and listened carefully.

After a while, he wagged his tail, his face was full of confidence.

“Come with me!”

After speaking, he ran forward.

Qin Hao, Luo Hu, and Ksitigarbha King followed closely behind.

The environment here can be said to be completely different from the outside.

If you were outside this enchantment, you would recognize it as the Nether Realm at a glance.

Then after entering the enchantment, he suddenly returned to the God Realm.

The black and ghostly air seen outside the machine turned into white smoke lingering in it.

The surrounding green grass is full of green grass, and the sun is shining brightly, exuding vitality.

There is no little place that seems to be directly linked to Youming.

Qin Hao came to this Nether Well for the first time.

So he looked at Luo Hu next to him blankly.

Luo Hui naturally accepted his gaze, but shook his head: “This is also the first time I have come to this Nether Realm. I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

Ksitigarbha nodded when he heard the conversation between the two of them.

“I’m here for the first time. I didn’t expect it to be so different from the outside.”

The three of them walked forward and looked around.

Although the surrounding fairy atmosphere is misty, it looks like a place of happiness for the fairy family.

But if you look closely, you will find that there is nothing in the green grass on the ground, there is nothing valuable in the green plants.

It’s just ordinary grass, and the surrounding trees are also ordinary trees.

Even the birds on the tree didn’t have any cultivation bases. They weren’t even monsters, they could only be said to be animals.

This phenomenon kept Qin Hao muttering in his heart.

Is this something that is too contradictory? It doesn’t mean that there is only Nether Qi in this Nether Well.

How can there be fairy spirit?

Qin Hao came to the Ksitigarbha King: “Kizo, can you feel the fairy qi around you?”

The Ksitigarbha King shook his head: “Just as I said it, I really can’t feel it. I just feel that there is still the nether air around here, and there is no change before.”

Qin Hao nodded, he felt the same way.

What we see and what we feel are two concepts. What can we do?

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