Chapter 115 Going to the Nether Realm

Isn’t this the background? It’s not a fist here.

As far as he knew, the ancestor Hongjun, the first man in the wild, still tried every means to improve himself.

What is going on in this girl’s head?

But soon.

Yun Ning’er gave Qin Hao the answer he wanted to ask.

“I am me, um, I am Yun Ning’er under the seat of Empress Nuwa, if you really marry back to your previous life and this life, and I become Hou Tu, can I still be me?”

Qin Hao was taken aback when he heard this, and then reacted.

Unexpectedly, Yun Ning’er thought quite profoundly.

Isn’t this the most classic philosophical question? Recognition of self and id.

So many philosophers in the world have studied this question for hundreds of years, but they have not thoroughly studied it.

Where does Qin Hao know? How to explain it?

But looking at Yun Ning’er who looked at him expectantly, Qin Hao found helplessly.

If you don’t solve this problem, even if you have worked so hard to retrieve your previous life and present life from the Nether Realm.

This Hou Tu may not be able to return to his place willingly and successfully.

When you don’t know the answer, it’s easy, just use one trick to get it done.

That is to throw the problem back.

“Why do you think so? What do you think?”

Yun Ning’er didn’t look up, and said in a low voice, “Will I not know everyone anymore? Or, I don’t know you, the Holy Lord.”

Qin Hao laughed a little, he thought it was something important.

“Don’t worry, no, even if you really don’t remember it, we’ll just get to know it again. I will let you remember everyone, and of course I will also remember me.”

Yun Ning’er raised his head and looked at Qin Hao with bright eyes.

“Really? Then you have to speak up, don’t break your words.”

Qin Hao nodded, but he didn’t expect to see Yun Ning’er who got the promise and leave happily.

Qin Hao also got up and went to find Luo Hu.

Luo Hui was really obedient, staying in the room obediently, where he didn’t go.

Seeing Qin Hao coming in, he just raised his head.

“I’ll explain to them first. The Lich War is just around the corner. We need to complete the ancestral witch formation as soon as possible, so we must wake up the confusion and let her return to her place. Let’s go to the Underworld.”

Qin Hao’s words caught Luo Hu’s attention, and he nodded without refuting it.

“Shall we go now?”

Qin Hao replied: “Yes, let’s set off now, the sooner the better, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and still afraid of me, looking for you everywhere, this is also a rare opportunity for us.”

Luo Yu, you are not long-winded, just stand up and walk to the door: “Let’s go! Lead the way.”

Qin Hao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Although Luo Huo has a bad temper and a little impermanent personality, as a friend, Luo Hu is still very competent.

Qin Hao took Luo Hu to find the great witch.

After all, in the entire organization, I am afraid that only witches know the Nether Realm best.

“Is the Holy Lord going now?”

Qin Hao expressed his intention, and the big witch asked directly.

“Yes, the sooner the better, why is there any inconvenience?”

The witch paced slowly back and forth in the room.

“It turns out that the Witch Clan has a direct entrance to the Nether Well, but the Lord of the Nether wanted to cross the boundary and seek great ambitions, so after Houtu fell into the Nether Well, he used his remaining spiritual power to destroy the entire Nether World seal.”

Qin Hao was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect this.

It seems that Hou Tu was worried that after his death, the Lord of the Nether would harass the prehistoric again.

This way the seal can’t get out with one hand, but it might be a big problem for others to get in.

With that said, there is no way to get there directly.

The next words of the witch confirmed that things were exactly what Qin Hao had thought.

The witch did not procrastinate, and directly said: “If you want to enter the Nether Realm now, you need to have enough power to open this seal, but now, no one knows what the Nether Realm is like at this time?”

Qin Hao expressed his understanding.

Lord of the Nether, after being sealed for so many years, there must be a lot of grievances in his heart.

Going in now is equivalent to entering a tiger’s mouth, and he is still taking back the past and present of his dead opponent.

I am afraid the difficulty is even greater.

At this time, it was at the time of the battle between the two clans of the Lich, if the Nether King, take this opportunity to live in the prehistoric.

I don’t know what the consequences will be.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao frowned uncontrollably.

Luo Hu stood aside, flashed a trace of puzzlement, and snorted coldly, “What is there to be afraid of? Don’t worry, Nether King was not my opponent back then. Now that all these years have passed, he will naturally not be my opponent. .”

Luo Hu’s words reminded Qin Hao, Qin Hao suddenly opened his eyes and smiled.

How could I forget this big killer?

Besides, when the time comes, only the Nether King can be frightened, so that he can’t dare to set foot in the wilderness.

And by the way, you can also brush a wave of cultivation base, why not do it?

Thinking of this, Qin Hao stopped hesitating and asked directly.

“Witch, is there any way you can teach us to be sent to the Underworld?”

The witch nodded: “I can open the channel formation, but with my cultivation base, I can only find the weak point of the barrier between the two worlds and open the channel, but I can’t control the specific location, and I can come out of it. At that time I have no choice.”

Qin Hao understood, that is to say, it can only be teleported randomly and cannot specify a location.

It’s okay, as long as you can get in, it’s a big deal to look for it again.

As for coming out? I believe there will always be a way.

If it doesn’t work, let Nether King help, after all, Luo Hu is standing here, it’s not a display.

He was measured as the Nether King, and he didn’t dare to fight with him.

Without hesitation, Qin Hao directly ordered: “It’s okay, let’s send it over tonight, and we will solve the rest of the matter by ourselves.”

The witch nodded and took Qin Hao and Luo Hu to the divination place of the witch clan.

Then he took out the staff and said some words.

In an instant, Qin Hao felt the spirit power fluctuations around him.

The fluctuations are getting bigger and bigger, making the surrounding spiritual power very active, even boiling.

Qin Hao set up an enchantment casually to isolate him from the outside world.

After all, when the transmission channel between sisters is opened, the fluctuation of spiritual power will be very large.

They are going to sneak in secretly, and if there is a gap between Donghuang Taiyi and them, it will not be worth the gain.

As the speed of the spell in the witch’s mouth became faster and faster, gradually, a spiritual vortex formed in the air.

It looks like a funnel.

The pointed part of the funnel kept advancing more and more to the right, as if groping for something.

Suddenly the spiritual power around him stopped, the witch picked up the scepter and increased the input of witchcraft.

Visible to the naked eye, in the middle of the air, the low end of the funnel became bigger and bigger, as if it was holding something open.

A deep and gloomy passage was revealed.

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