Chapter 114

Ziyi’s mood is very complicated at this time.

Say forgive me, it’s impossible.

But if you really want to blame Luo Hu, Luo Hu was also punished.

So Ziyi sat on the spot with a cold face, silently, without any indication.

Qin Hao knew that everyone should have understood it.

“And apart from the emotional reasons, I asked her to come back, there are three other most important aspects.”

Qin Hao’s sonorous words also reminded everyone.

He first invited everyone to the Witch Clan Hall to say what he said.

Everyone of the Witch tribe showed their listening expressions.

“First, this matter has been defeated, Eastern Emperor Taiyi already knew, so he rushed to the Well of Gods and Demons, and took the opportunity to kill Luo Hu.”

Everyone showed surprised expressions.

Yun Ning’er only reacted at this time, why the Holy Lord had left the Wu Clan in a hurry before.

I think I just want to understand this, so let’s save Luohu.

There was something uncomfortable in his heart, but he quickly suppressed the feeling.

Others don’t know, they just have doubts in their hearts.

According to the Holy Lord, how could he and Luo Hu return safely? !

Qin Hao seemed to see through everyone’s minds and explained.

“I used some tactics to make Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun think that Luo Hu was injured by me, and I chased the Well of the Gods and Demons to improve the killing, and I was sure that I was not injured.”

Everyone suddenly realized it, and they sighed in their hearts.

These two people are in the wild, but they are notoriously insidious and cunning, with weird minds.

The holy lord was able to live in Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun!

What wisdom, what courage this is!

Sure enough, the Holy Lord is extremely wise, and it is not comparable to ordinary people.


“Shock from Dijiang!”

“Shock from Zhu Rong!”

“Shock from Jumang!


“Reward the host for 300,000 years of cultivation!

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect to have a windfall, so he was shocked?

Qin Hao became more and more satisfied with his subordinates.

He coughed softly and attracted everyone’s attention before continuing his analysis.

“You said, if Luo Hu really died, who would benefit in the end?”

Zhu Rong said without hesitation: “Do you still need to talk about it? Of course it’s the Yaozu.”

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction.

“That’s the case. It is our Wu Clan that is losing. Now it is the time when the Lich Clan is fighting. Could it be that the Wu Clan stupidly pushes out such a big help? Extinguish one’s own power and help the enemy’s momentum? This is one of them. .”

Di Jiang asked suspiciously: “What else?”

“Secondly, I want to take all the tricks and let the monster clan think that we have lost a general here. They have the chance to win, and naturally they won’t think about the others. Therefore, Luohu can’t be outside, but can only return to the Witch clan. It’s the safest one.”

Qin Hao said it, then frowned.

“It’s just that this matter reached the ears of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and others so quickly. Among our Wu Clan, there is an internal response or the eyeliner of the Demon Clan.”

Qin Hao looked at Dijiang seriously.

“Dijiang, you, as the chief ancestor of the ancestor witch, leave this to you. Be sure to find out who this person is as soon as possible.”

Submit a step forward, solemnly hand in hand.

“It’s the Holy Lord, the subordinates obey.”

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction: “But don’t be stunned, watch it secretly, and you can use it when necessary.”

Di Jiang was stunned, and didn’t react at once.

The corner of Qin Hao’s mouth raised a smirk.

“I hope from this moment on, the information that Donghuang Taiyi knows is what I want him to know, understand?”

Not only Dijiang, but others also suddenly realized.

At the same time, the admiration in the hearts of the Wu people is like a surging river, surging.


“Little shock from Dijiang!”

“A little shock from Zhu Rong!”

“A little shock from Gonggong!


“Reward the host for one hundred thousand years of cultivation!

Qin Hao was suddenly in a very good mood, but he didn’t expect this to work.

Now Qin Hao is more and more satisfied with this group of men, it is simply too good.

Naturally, Qin Hao didn’t bother to sell Guanzi anymore, so he went on.

“As for the third point?”

Qin Hao turned his gaze to Yun Ning’er, who tilted his head and looked at Qin Hao puzzled.

But others reacted one after another.

“If our five teams want to win this battle, they must also borrow the power of the Ancestral Witch Great Formation, so this formation must be completed! Hou Tu must also be returned.”

Yun Ning’er, I came to understand, and lowered my head, not knowing what was thinking in my heart.

Qin Hao ignored it and continued to speak.

“Now what we have to do next is to take advantage of the time when Eastern Emperor Taiyi was jealous of me, while Eastern Emperor Taiyi was looking for Luo Hu everywhere and wanted to kill Luo Hu. Luo and I sneaked into the Nether Realm quietly. Past life and present life!”

Hearing this, everyone in the Witch tribe cheered up.

Kneeling directly on the ground: “The Holy Lord is wise!”

The neat and loud voice echoed in the Ancestral Witch Hall.

Qin Hao looked at Dijiang helplessly, “Have you said that before? Don’t move, just bow down. Let’s get up and get up soon!”

Di Jiang explained with a smile: “Holy Lord, this is a sincere thanks to his subordinates, and the performance of worshiping the Holy Lord in his heart is not a etiquette!”

Qin Hao was also amused.

Well, this reason really makes him unable to refute.

The misunderstanding was finally solved.

The Wu Clan can also sincerely accommodate Luo Hu.

Qin Hao was full of joy, feeling that he was really a little eloquent genius.

Afterwards, Qin Hao waved his hand at everyone.

“You all go back. Other people will also help Dijiang to find the inner ghost. The sooner the better, I will also set off for the Netherworld. During my absence, the Wu Clan will ask you all. ”

After the greeting, everyone dispersed.

Only Yun Ning’er walked slowly at the end.

Qin Hao naturally saw that she seemed to have something to say.

“What’s the matter? Is there anything I want to say? Just say it, no need to hesitate.”

Yun Ning’er looked at Qin Hao with watery eyes open, and she stopped talking, as if she didn’t know where to start.

There was a bitter smile, and finally he sighed.

He raised his head and looked at Qin Hao affectionately.

Qin Hao was frightened by the emotion in her eyes, and there was a trace of panic in her heart.

At the same time, there are some inexplicable things.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you look like this?”

Yun Ning’er breathed out softly, making up his mind at that time.

He bowed his head and murmured, “I don’t want to be a Hou Tu.”

What? Qin Hao stood up from his seat excitedly, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Looking up and down carefully, Yun Ning’er, who lowered her head and said nothing, was silent.

He was amazed in his heart, he really didn’t understand women!

How can anyone not want higher strength? Break through your own realm?

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