Chapter 105 The Angry Little Haotian

Yun Ning’er exclaimed and ran up

Zi Yi just came out of her grief, and the moment Qin Hao fell down, tears couldn’t stop flowing down.

Everyone in the Wu Clan didn’t recognize this scene.

Even though they all knew that Luo Hu and Qin Hao’s relationship was unusual, but things had developed to this point, they all had an expectation of the worst outcome.

But it really happened and it was unacceptable one by one.

“Luo Hui, I played it with you.”

Zhu Rong was the first to stand up, not afraid of Luo Hu’s might.


Dijiang suddenly stood in front of Zhu Rong, watching Zhu Rong take a deep breath: “Have you forgotten the Holy Lord’s instructions?”

Of course Zhu Rong had not forgotten, but the lives of his and co-workers were given to the Holy Lord.

Qin Hao is down now, and the only thing they can do is to avenge Qin Hao.

Even if it’s a life, it doesn’t matter!

“Dijiang, it has nothing to do with you.”

Zhu Rong shouted angrily, stared at Dijiang, and turned his attention to Gong Gong.

“Gonggong, are you persuaded?”

Gonggong’s face was not good-looking, and he turned his gaze away from Qin Hao.

“The orders of the Holy Lord cannot be violated.”

Gonggong is not greedy for life or death, but for the sake of the overall situation.

“Being greedy for life and fear of death is greedy for life and fear of death. Don’t make many excuses.”

Zhu Rong snorted coldly, no longer paid attention to Gonggong, turned around, facing Luo Hu with awe-inspiring righteousness.

“Others are afraid of you, but I wish Rong will not be afraid!”

Luo Hu stared at Zhu Rong without any expression on his face, then narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Since you want to die, don’t blame me.”

Luo Hu gently cast his eyes at Qin Hao on the ground, a strange expression flashed in his eyes.

Zhu Rong took advantage of the opportunity, and the flames in his hand burst into flames, and he stabbed towards Luohu.

In a panic, the flame sharp spear pierced Luo Hu’s forehead.

This blow concealed all Zhu Rong’s skill, but it was Luo Hu that he encountered.

Luo Hui came back to his senses, without any movement, but black air lingered between his eyebrows.

It was this black air that entangled the blazing gun in Zhu Rong’s hand.

The black air and the firelight entangled each other, and suddenly countless sparks popped out.

The blazing gun in Zhu Rong’s hand was shattered, and his person was shocked by a powerful air current, spouting a mouthful of old blood.

Luo Hui gave a light “hum”, and stretched out two green jade fingers, pressing Zhu Rong’s throat anxiously.

The wind is like a knife, and the cold light flashes.

This scene shocked everyone!

Qin Hao’s life and death were unknown, if Zhu Rong had any further mistakes, even the ancestral witch formation would be in vain.

The hope of the Wu Clan was completely shattered.

This kind of ending was unbearable by everyone, but facing the devil ancestor Luo Hu, they couldn’t change anything at all.

Because of absolute strength, they can do nothing.

But Gong Gong stood up, no matter what, he couldn’t watch Zhu Rong die in front of him.

He was the first to impress the attack, broke away with the staff in his hand, and hit Luohu’s jade finger.

Although Gong Gong had already prepared himself, he was still shocked.

Luo Hui seemed to have pointed a finger, but there was a powerful magic hidden behind him. When he hit the wand, he suddenly burst out with a ray of light.

The moment Gonggong condensed his eyebrows in shock, the staff in his hand was shaken and flew away, and his people also smashed out.

Before Zhu Rong could react, he was hit by a co-worker who flew upside down, and the two flew out at the same time.

Di Jiang was shocked and flew up. He wanted to catch the two, but was bumped.

Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other before determined to take action.

They both sacrificed their magic weapons at the same time, creating a spiritual net in the air, dragging the bodies of the three of them.

When the three of them landed steadily, both Nuwa and Fuxi were secretly alarmed.

If it weren’t for offering a magic weapon, the power of his flying upside down for three days alone would be enough to injure the two of them.

This shows the horror of Demon Zu Luohu!

As soon as Luo Hui shot, three people were seriously injured, making the rest of the Witch Clan people frightened.

This is simply against the sky.

“If you still want to come to die, just go together.”

Luo Hui stared at the crowd, and when he saw Nu Wa, his expression was very clear.

Among the entire Witch Clan, only Nuwa and Qin Hao could make Luo Hui look right.

Only at this time, Qin Hao was lying on the ground dying.

Xiao Haotian cried like a tearful person, holding the master’s hand, constantly inputting his own special healing power.

It’s just that the half stick of incense has passed, and Qin Hao hasn’t improved at all, so Xiao Hao genius cried bitterly.

Although the master and apprentice had met not long after two days, Xiao Haotian had already regarded the master as his closest person.

He called Master, but he was actually no different from his father, Abba.

Xiao Haotian can save a lot of serious injuries, and even bring them back to life.

But the only master who couldn’t save him made him not only sad, but also very guilty.

“You are too Damn it!”

In the silent scene, Xiao Haotian’s immature voice seemed particularly abrupt.

But it attracted everyone’s attention.

Xiao Haotian pointed at Luo Hu and stared at her fiercely, tears still falling on his cheeks.

Zi Yi stood in front of Xiao Haotian first, turning his head back and whispering: “Stop talking!”

Xiao Haotian pushed aside the purple clothes. Although he was not tall, he was really strong.

Ziyi was pushed out by him!

“Others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you!”

Xiao Haotian continued to point at Luo Hu angrily, not listening to Ziyi’s admonition at all.

Luo Hui stared at Xiao Haotian and laughed unexpectedly.

“The deity never thought about making others afraid.”

After a smile, Luo Hulian changed his name, and his temperament also changed.

If she is a ruthless demon, since she came to the Witch Clan, she has had such a chic and cold femininity instead.

At this moment, he returned to his old temperament, with a cold-blooded woman.

“I want to avenge my master.”

Xiao Haotian suddenly roared, and rushed forward without fear.

His move made everyone dare to be surprised, and there was no time to stop it.

They all watched Xiao Haotian rush towards Luo Huo with anger, obviously he was going to die.

Qin Hao’s death was powerless, and his only apprentice was also in danger. It seemed like a nightmare.

Luo Hui didn’t even look at Xiao Haotian, but with a wave of his big hand, he waved Xiao Haotian who was about to get close.

Xiao Haotian’s body fell in front of everyone, and there was no more movement.

This scene caused everyone’s anger, and she refused to let go of even a child, and she was able to do it.

It’s not as good as a beast.

Just when everyone was preparing to attack in a group, Xiao Haotian let out a breath of blood and got up from the ground with a “huh”.

Everyone was stunned.

Luo Hui was also stunned.

Luo Hui could see through Xiao Haotian’s special ability early in the morning.

Even though he knew that this child was not a mortal womb, he did not expect that he would be able to withstand his three successful powers and still stand up.

In the entire Primordial Land, there are few who can have this ability.

Xiao Haotian got up from the ground, wiped the blood sacrifice at the corner of his mouth, and stared at Luo Hu with gritted teeth.

“How can this be?”

“It’s incredible!”

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