Chapter 104: The Might of the Demon Ancestor

When Qin Hao and Xiao Haotian arrived, Huang Yi was already dying, looking at Qin Hao with tears in his eyes.

Tears in laughter!

“Holy Lord, the yellow clothes are the most…the happiest thing is that I have followed you…”

This is what a heartbreaking sentence.

Qin Hao’s heart was all held together.

“Yellow, don’t talk, I will definitely just be you…”

Qin Hao pulled Xiao Haotian and shouted heartbreakingly.

“Xiao Haotian, hurry, save her…”

The anxious Qin Hao didn’t have the time to pay attention to Luo Hu who was cold-eyed on the side, and put all his thoughts on the yellow clothes.

Although Xiao Haotian was young, he knew the priorities of the matter clearly, and he rushed forward without waiting for more instructions from his master.

It’s just that Xiao Haotian stretched out his hand and didn’t grab Huang Yi’s arm.

The yellow body gradually became transparent and disappeared little by little.

Xiao Haotian rushed up, only grabbing air.

He stretched out his hand and was stunned there, reacted and grabbed another hand, but still didn’t grab anything.

Qin Hao’s eyes were about to stick out.

He didn’t expect it to be like this, full of hope, but in the end he was slapped loudly.

“Yellow clothes…”

Qin Hao’s expression began to be dull, and he went on his body, looking at the transparent yellow clothes, feeling at a loss.

“Brother Qin…”

Huang Yi uttered the last shout, which was the first time she called it this way, but it became parting.

“Do not……”

Qin Hao suddenly knelt down and reached out to touch Huang Yi’s cheek, tears couldn’t stop flowing down.

When Qin Hao reached out his hand, Huang Yi’s face had already turned into countless stars.

She disappeared.

Disappeared in front of Qin Hao, and disappeared in this world.


Xiao Haotian bit his lip and looked at his master, not knowing how to comfort him.

This was the first time he saw his master burst into tears.

Luo Hui on the side glanced at Qin Hao, his expression a bit complicated.

“why why……”

Qin Hao knelt on the ground, yelling up to the sky, and then muttered to himself.

Although Huang Yi and Qin Hao have known each other not long ago, they are also the people who get along the most.

Not relatives are better than relatives.

This is the first time Qin Hao has come into this world to face the death of people around him.

He thought that in this world, death was just a concept.

I have enough psychological preparation, but when I face it, I still can’t control my emotions.

“Why did you do this?”

Qin Hao turned his head to stare at Luo Hu, at that moment he clenched his fist, killing him for the first time.

“There is no reason, I am a demon who kills people without blinking.”

Luo Hui didn’t look at Qin Hao, looked into the distance, and said something indifferently.

Qin Hao’s teeth were trembling, he slowly got up, and walked to Luo Hu’s face with difficulty.

The anger in his eyes was burning, and his murderous aura was steaming.

“She’s just a little girl, do you have to put such a heavy hand?”

Qin Hao glared at Luo Hu, and said every word.

I thought Luo Hu could be relied on, but didn’t want her to be so cruel.

“You want to kill me?”

Luo Hui’s eyes began to condense, and a cold breath came out.

Xiao Haotian on the side couldn’t help shrinking his neck, and moved back subconsciously.

Several girls in the Holy Lord’s Mansion also guessed that something was not good, and they all followed.

Almost all saw the moment when the yellow body disappeared.

Zi Yi and Huang Yi were in love with the sisters, their expressions turned pale and soft, and fell into Yun Ning’er’s arms.

Everyone stared at Luo Hu angrily, but no one dared to speak out.

Qin Hao stood up, he must stand up.

Although Huang Yi was only a servant girl, she was also Qin Hao’s servant girl.

Whether it’s reason or reason, he must turn it out.

It is not only an explanation to Huang Yi, but also not only to maintain the dignity of his own Holy Lord.

Also give an explanation to the Wu people.

“Go ahead!”

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Everyone knows Luo Hu’s strength, that is the preeminent existence.

Even if Qin Hao’s strength was also recognized by everyone, it was still far from Luo Hui.

Fuxi and Nuwa also arrived, following the twelve ancestor witches one after another.

“This is between Luo Hu and I. Don’t bother you.”

Qin Hao was not arrogant, but didn’t want to involve the innocent.

Even if these people add up, they are not necessarily Luo Hu’s opponents.

If someone else makes a mistake, Qin Hao really can’t stand such a blow.

“Holy Lord, we will unite with you.”

Zhu Rong stood up first and made his position clear.

After that, Nuwa also stood up, followed by everyone present.

Qin Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

“Manny Nuwa, if there is something wrong with me, the Wu Clan will count on you.”

Qin Hao stared at Nuwa and Fuxi, and spoke earnestly.

Then, without waiting for Nu Wa to speak, she walked in front of Zhu Rong.

“I understand your intentions, but the Witch Clan’s hope cannot be broken.”

Zhu Rong shook his head.

“Holy Lord, you are the hope of the Wu Clan.”

This sentence resonated, and everyone began to agree.

“This is an order!”

Qin Hao suddenly shouted angrily.

This was almost the first time Qin Hao officially issued an order in the name of the Holy Master since he took office.

Everyone looked at each other, but they couldn’t accept it.

“To shut up!”

Qin Hao glared at Zhu Rong, and he frightened him to stop talking with a scolding.

In this way, Qin Hao glanced around the crowd and turned to face Luo Huo.

“Even if you don’t know what you can do, this battle is unavoidable.”

Luo Hu lowered his head, looking at the ground and wondering what he was thinking.

With this sentence, she slowly raised her head, looked at Qin Hao, and suddenly smiled.

She remembered the scene of the casting of the Demon Cave, and also the scene of the Well of Gods and Demons.

As if everything happened yesterday.

Luo Hui suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

All the people present were frightened.

Being blown by this gust of wind, back again and again.

Even the saint Nuwa couldn’t stand a pause before barely standing in shape.

Qin Hao’s eyes were round, and he glared at Luo Huo.

A halo suddenly appeared in his body, strong against Luo Hu’s might.

Even if he used a ten percent cultivation base, he was still blown out a few steps.

Qi and blood rolled in his body, his throat suddenly sweetened, and blood squeezed out from the corner of his mouth.

Luo Hu at this moment has completely changed his appearance.

The whole body is surrounded by demonic energy, green silk is fluttering, and the clothes are fluttering.

There seemed to be a layer of black mist in his eyes, and he couldn’t see through the expression.

This is the demeanor of Demon Zu Luohu.

“Qin Hao, you will be responsible for what you said!”

The hoarse and resentful Luo Hu said, suddenly his figure flashed, and he came to Qin Hao in the blink of an eye.

This speed is like a ghost.

Qin Hao didn’t have time to fight back, his body was controlled by countless pairs of invisible hands, unable to move at all.

Luo Hu just flipped his hands and hit Qin Hao on the chest.

Silence, death-like silence.

Everyone held their breath.

They didn’t even have time to react when they saw Qin Hao being beaten through his heart with a palm.

When he fell, everyone reacted.

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