269 ​​Crusade against He Bo

Let’s say that Xuanyuan set off on a boat, but the waves were rough along the way, and the water even overturned the boat, causing countless warriors to drown.

Fire and water are merciless. In this big wave, the tiny human race was almost instantly swallowed, disappearing without a trace with the torrent, almost without life.

The enthusiastic warriors before they set off couldn’t help feeling terrified at this moment.

Coupled with the wetness of the water waves, the body temperature drops, and the warriors feel cold, which can be said to be tested both physically and mentally.

After sacrificing nearly one-third of the warriors and boats, Xuanyuan’s team finally came to the center of Luoshui, but He Bo was not seen.

The Warriors couldn’t help feeling a little desperate.

They are just mortals, even if there are some cultivators, they can’t be compared with He Bo.

That is the god bestowed by the Heavenly Emperor. The geometry of its Cultivation Base is unknown, but it is absolutely unfathomable.

If He Bo doesn’t show up, what can they do?

Could it be that after sacrificing such a tribe and coming here after untold hardships, is it a waste of water from a bamboo basket?

“He Bo! I Xuanyuan came to crusade you! You are a god, but why are you like a rat, dare not come out to fight? You will only use some insidious methods behind your back!”

Xuanyuan roared and roared, waving the stone sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the entire Luoshui shook, and above the water, a vortex began to appear, and it expanded to the point of invisible at a glance at an astonishing speed.

The current in the whirlpool is so fierce. Under the influence of the whirlpool, the boats and boats of Xuanyuan began to collide with each other, and even were directly overturned. Even the people and the boats were swallowed by the whirlpool, almost silently, and there was no spray. Splashed.

At this moment, even Xuanyuan felt a little desperate.

After all, he underestimated the power of He Bo.


Finally, a column of water rose in the whirlpool, and He Bo stood on top and appeared, “Also dare to provoke the gods!”

He Bo waved his hand, a huge wave came, and another boat was overturned.


With a wave of the stone sword in Xuanyuan’s hand, all the people of the tribe drew their bows and shot arrows.

When the arrow rain hit, He Bo couldn’t help but his face changed, but the water waves under his feet rose from the ground, forming a water curtain, blocking the countless arrow rain.

Only the arrows of Xuanyuan and a few cultivators were able to penetrate the water curtain, but they had also become soft and weak, and they were blocked by He Bo waved, or simply dodged.

“Damn it!”

Xuanyuan gritted his teeth and continued to order arrows to shoot.

However, their attacks were not painful when He Bo was on his guard, and He Bo could overturn their boats and devour their lives as soon as He Bo urged the waves.

After just a few confrontations, Xuanyuan’s team had more than 80% of the casualties. At this time, it was already a defeated general and no morale.

He Bo laughed again:

“Xuanyuan, you still take your people, go back, and then get some young girls from the clan to honor me. From now on, let’s steal a life!”

Hearing this, Xuanyuan’s eyes burned with anger, and his lips were bitten and bleeding.

At this moment, Xuanyuan thought of the Holy Father of the Human Race, Styx!

“Holy Father! You said that the human race should continue to strive for self-improvement. I Xuanyuan has tried my best. Is it because I Xuanyuan is about to die here? Could this uncle He behave mischievously and cause harm for thousands of years!”

Xuanyuan didn’t want to die, but he was not afraid of death either.

In an instant, Xuanyuan’s fighting spirit was violent, and his eyes fell on the debris of the remnant boat on the water. He retreated to the stern of the boat. After a run-up, he mobilized the insignificant Magic power in his body and charged towards He Bo. .

“court death!”

He Bo never expected that Xuanyuan would have the courage to make such a desperate move under repeated blows.

I saw Xuanyuan stepping on the floating objects on the water, almost coming on the waves, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Uncle He, leaped high, and slashed fiercely with the stone sword in his hand.


He Bo was very angry, “How can you hurt me!?”

Before he finished his words, he saw He Bo mobilize the water to entangle himself, forming a flowing water armor.

However, as Xuanyuan roared, the blood on his lips dripped on the stone sword, and there was a flash of golden light, and a burst of dragon chants erupted from the stone sword, and at the same time a large worm appeared.

He Boda was shocked, he never thought that Xuanyuan’s blood actually had such an effect.

I saw the stone sword easily penetrated his flowing water armor, and almost cut his whole body in half along his shoulders.


Almost at the same time, He Bo’s hand pierced Xuanyuan’s chest, and Xuanyuan’s heart was taken out abruptly!

Afraid of this, Xuanyuan’s eyes were also fierce and fierce, struggling to lower the stone sword in his hand, as if he was about to split He Bo completely.

Only the heart was taken out, Xuanyuan quickly lost his strength, and the whole person began to fall backward.

“Your Highness!”

Witnessing Xuanyuan’s heartache with his own eyes, all his people were in grief and indignation.

But when Xuanyuan was falling down, he raised his arm with his last strength and made an arrow gesture.

Seeing this scene, He Bo’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t help being frightened and angry: “Xuanyuan kid!”

This Xuanyuan, his death was approaching, he did not forget to give orders to his clansmen to crusade himself!

In fact, when He Bo was struck by Xuanyuan’s blood-soaked sword, his vitality was severely wounded, he was seriously injured, and even dying.

“Archery! Archery!”

Just before the people of the tribe had recovered their senses, Xuanyuan’s attendants roared and at the same time grabbed a pair of bows and arrows and shot them towards He Bo.

Whoosh whoosh!

There are not many warriors left, but those who survived are all elites, even cultivators.

This arrow that could not be called a rain of arrows, in the eyes of He Bo, who was seriously injured and dying, was very deadly. He had no more energy to push the waves to resist.

Suddenly, Haber smiled, showing the sharp, sharp teeth of Aomori Mori.

He was aware of Xuanyuan’s extraordinaryness, and his blood seemed to contain astonishing power.

Thinking of this, He Bo actually sent Xuanyuan’s still beating heart to his mouth, chewing with big mouthfuls.


An astonishing mighty force flowed through his throat, and He Bo felt an unprecedented strength. His Cultivation Base aura continued to rise, and the original fatal injury was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Xuanyuan! I didn’t expect your heart to be so magical!”

He Bo laughed wildly, “You can die with peace of mind! From now on, who will dare to beat me!”

As he said, He Bo’s breath shook, and the water waves soared into the sky, smashing all those arrows down, and then turned to overwhelm the remaining human warriors.

And all of this happened in front of Xuanyuan’s eyes.

Xuanyuan’s eyes widened, his life was fading quickly, like a candle in the wind, he refused to accept it, he could not die!

The human race also felt unprecedented despair.

I thought that Xuanyuan could die with He Bo, but who would have thought that He Bo ate Xuanyuan’s heart, not only healed his injuries, but also became stronger than before!

“His Royal Highness!” Xuanyuan’s attendants burst into tears, but did not put down their weapons like other tribesmen. At the last moment of this life, he seemed to have inherited Xuanyuan’s spirit, still shooting arrows at He Bo bow.

“Dahong, I’m sorry.”

When he was dying, Xuanyuan heard the roar of his attendants, recalling the rhetoric that the two had said, and couldn’t help feeling a little guilty and regretful.

It coincides with this time.

Golden light suddenly appeared, a dragon chant, resounding through the world!

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