Chapter 268

Regardless of the suffocation pain of drowning, Xuanyuan sat up and looked at the vast falling water. Thoughtfully, he gradually frowned.

Then he looked at own ankles, and suddenly noticed a pair of dark palm prints.

This is enough to prove that everything I have seen, heard, and experienced has actually happened.

“Your Highness, you really scared me to death! Let’s go back soon!”

The attendant was shocked by the weirdness.

Just now Xuanyuan suddenly jumped into Luoshui, and soon struggled, as if struggling with something in the water, and after a while, he completely sank into the water again, and there was no movement.

It wasn’t until a while later that Xuanyuan floated to the surface like a corpse.

Strangely, Xuanyuan floated above Luoshui, but it seemed that something was pushing him, pushing him to the shore.

Under all kinds of thrills and wonders, the attendant only hoped to leave as soon as possible.

Xuanyuan’s gaze sank, clicked a bit of the picture, and left with the attendant, but when he left, his gaze kept looking at the other side of Luoshui.

After returning home, Xuanyuan did not make a public statement about the incident, but investigated the incident secretly.

Sure enough, rumors of He Bo and Mi Concubine have been circulating near Luoshui.

In the original Luoshui, every time a young girl drowned.

And if there is no girl drowning for a long time, there will be floods, and the nearby tribes must jointly sacrifice a weak young girl before the floods will end.

Many people knew that this was He Bo in Luoshui who was doing the blame.

And until Concubine Mi drowned, drowning and flooding did not happen again, and there were even people who accidentally slipped and fell into the water and were about to drown. When they woke up, they found that they were already on the shore and claimed that they had dreamed of Concubine Mi.

Over time, people nearby called Concubine Mi a Luoshen.

“Mi, Luoshen.”

When Xuanyuan learned of these rumors, he was in a complex mood, feeling lost, and clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

If you can meet a woman like Concubine Mi, you must take her as your wife.

However, such a kind, beautiful, and benevolent woman was victimized by He Bo.

And that Uncle He did a lot of evil, not overnight.

“He Bo!”

After a long silence, Xuanyuan’s eyes seemed to burst into flames, “I, Xuanyuan, I must eliminate harm for the people!”

After that, Xuanyuanqin practiced martial arts, and even studied the book of practice in private.

Xuanyuan is extremely talented, and he has been trained by Tongtian Sage. The speed of cultivation is astonishing as Deva. In just two years, he is only one step away from the rumored Earth Immortals Realm.

As if the time was right, Xuanyuan came to the shore of Luoshui alone with a stone sword in his hand and a wooden skill on his back.

However, as soon as Xuanyuan approached Luoshui, he saw that Luoshui was turbulent, and the water quickly rose, filling the river bank, and it even started flooding towards Xuanyuan.

In the face of such a mighty force, Xuanyuan could only turn around and ran away, temporarily forcing him to retreat.

But he heard a big laugh from behind him:

“Zhuzi Xuanyuan, a mere mortal, dare to trouble the gods! It’s ridiculous!”

When Xuanyuan turned his head, he saw the ugly He Bo standing above the water. He couldn’t help being furious. When he turned around, he shot an arrow with a bow, and an arrow stabbed He Bo in one of the eyes.


He Bo screamed and wailed, with blood running through his eyes.

“Dead! I will drown you! Drown your people!”

With that, the water became more ferocious, and it soon spread to nearby tribes.

Even Xuanyuan was almost swallowed up by the wave and drowned. Fortunately, he hugged a driftwood and escaped.

Xuanyuan was riding on the driftwood, seeing the place where the water passed by, the creatures were covered with charcoal, and his eyes were red, showing extreme anger.

But he quickly regained his senses and appealed to his tribe to board driftwood and rescue those who were in distress.

In the end, Xuanyuan took the surviving clansmen near Luoshui and fled back to the Youxiong tribe.

Seeing Xuanyuan’s embarrassed appearance, after learning of the loss, Shao Dian felt distressed and angry.

After hearing what Xuanyuan said, Shao Dian was also furious: “Luo Shui He Uncle, it is simply lawless!”

For this matter, some elders in the clan blame Xuanyuan and should not provoke Na He Bo.

Xuanyuan knew that this happened because of him, and he was speechless.

But an old man said: “His Royal Highness Xuanyuan is born with a natural virtue, and the hit and the water are incompatible with each other. This is a catastrophe, but everything is up to life, not at all!”

“Now that Luoshui has soared, it has flooded a radius of tens of miles, and the creatures have become charcoal. What should I do?” Elder sighed leisurely.

Xuanyuan’s eyes sank:

“The uncle He was wounded by my bow and arrow. It is not invincible. When I fled, I was on a driftwood, but it was not flooded. Now I am a boat, and I can cross the water and crusade. He Bo, kill the harm in name!”

As he said, Xuanyuan’s eyes were full of warfare, and he raised the stone sword in his hand and threw the ground in a loud voice:

“There are warriors in the clan, go with me Xuanyuan!”

When Elder heard this, he was shocked and reprimanded: “Never, that He Bo is a god bestowed by the Heavenly Emperor, not to mention whether the crusade is successful or not, even if he slaughtered that He Bo, if it attracts the Heavenly Emperor Angry, the consequences would be disastrous!”

“Heavenly Emperor?” Xuanyuan sneered, “If he indulges He Bo to do evil, what kind of Heavenly Emperor is he! The former emperor was so handsome, and ended up in ashes. Now Heavenly Emperor, in front of my holy father of the human race, how dare to make a public appearance? I Xuanyuanwei It is the great righteousness of the people to eliminate harm, and the Father will definitely support it!”

At this time, some people from the tribe were infected by Xuanyuan’s courage, but they raised their arms and shouted, willing to go with Xuanyuan.

Shao Dian looked at Xuanyuan, both surprised and very pleased.

After all, I underestimated this child. I didn’t expect him to be smart and brave. Not only did he have such a righteousness, but he was also able to escape and see through this prehistoric pattern.

With such ambition and vision, especially for a teenage son Lang to have?

Xuanyuan was born extraordinary!

Thinking of Xuanyuan’s birth and what the Master Tongtian had said, Shao Dian was impassioned, and immediately said that he would also go to fight against He Bo with Xuanyuan.

But Xuanyuan said with a serious face: “Father, I have a bear tribe and I must have a leader. Once this trip is gone, it will be a lot of good luck. My Xuanyuan will die, but if my father and I are killed in battle, who can lead me Ji Shui? One family?”

Hearing that, Shao Dian gave up.

Let’s say that Xuanyuan’s wood is a boat, and the wood is a chrysanthemum. The driftwood is transformed to create a boat.

“His Royal Highness is really clever and extraordinary!” a member of the tribe sighed.

Xuanyuan waved his hand and said modestly: “The boat ferrying in the Netherworld Palace was created by the Holy Father. I Xuanyuan is just learning from it!”

It turned out that Xuanyuan had heard in books that the Netherworld Boat could cross the Three Way Rivers, and now he discovered that the driftwood could cross the water, he was inspired and invented the human boat!

When enough boats were built and a crusade team was assembled, Xuanyuan said goodbye to his parents and clan members, raised the stone sword high, and headed towards Luoshui.

“He Bo, it was not you who died today, or I was dead!”

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