Chapter 235 The Name of Shennong

Upon hearing the words, Zhen Yuanzi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “Also!”

After the reincarnation of Jiang Yan, Hong Yun was still good, but he was a bit more intelligent and spiritual.

Not long after, Zhen Yuanzi carried Jiang Yan with his hand, and used his shrinking magical powers to start searching for fruit trees near the Lieshan tribe and transplanting them into the tribe.

If you see some unseen Medicinal herbs along the way, Jiang Yan will stop, try the medicine by himself, and record the characteristics of the medicine, so as to perfect his Baicao Jing.

“How do the fruit trees in the wild reproduce?”

When Jiang Yan transplanted various fruit trees into the tribe, he fell into thinking again.

This transplantation is based on the supernatural powers of his master Zhen Yuanzi.

It is true that he can solve the urgent need of the Lieshan tribe, but it is a drop in the bucket for the famine of the entire prehistoric tribe.

Jiang Yan wanted to find a way to allow the human races everywhere in the primordial land to transplant and plant fruit trees.

“Seeds are seeds. The fruit trees at the entrance of the tribe are not planted by humans, but by birds that hold the seeds and take root.”

An old man in the tribe told what he had seen in the past.


After Jiang Yan learned of this, he was very happy.

After some groping, it was discovered that the seeds of each fruit tree were hidden.

After he planted the seeds, he converged Spiritual Qi to irrigate them with spells. As expected, the seeds germinated and quickly grew into a sapling.

“Really doable!”

Jiang Yan was overjoyed.

Soon, he discovered that the time for different plants to grow to maturity is not the same.

To solve the human famine as soon as possible, it is necessary to select the ones with the shortest maturity time and the most hungry fruits from among the countless varieties.

Just when Zhen Yuanzi and Jiang Yan were about to set off again to search for qualified wild fruits, they saw two people drifting up and blocking their way.

“I am a member of Jiejiao, under the master of Tongtian, Daoist is the same, this is my junior sister Gui Ling. Both of me are specially ordered by the Patriarch of Styx to help you Jiang Yan to help you to relieve the famine of the human race.”

Daoist said with a smile.

And the turtle spirit who was standing by, looked at Jiang Yan with some curiosity.

“Stop teaching?”

Zhen Yuanzi frowned. Wasn’t that teaching inherited from the Profound School, a line in the Three Qings?

There is an Antarctic fairy and weng first, and Zhen Yuanzi is wary of Daoist and Gui Ling at this time.

“This is the token of my ancestor temporarily lent me.”

When Daoist Daoist stretched out his hand, a copper coin was lying in the palm of his hand. The mystery was infinite, and the Heavenly Dao inscription was looming.

The tortoise spirit is holding a ruler in his hand, shining with the golden light of merit and the aura of majesty.

Seeing the Luobaoqian held by Styx and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler appeared in front of him at the same time, Zhenyuanzi believed that what they said was conclusive.

In this whole world, who would dare to steal the treasures of the patriarch? As for the counterfeit, it is almost impossible. This Luobaoqian and Hongmeng Measuring Ruler are extraordinary things, Zhen Yuanzi can tell the authenticity at a glance!

“It turned out to be assigned by the Holy Father! Please also enlighten me!”

After seeing Zhen Yuanzi put down his guard, Jiang Yan readily accepted the arrival of Daoist and Gui Ling.

“This Dao is a multi-treasure golden toad, who is naturally good at treasure hunting. I heard that you are searching for wild fruits and Medicinal herbs. With my help, you can get twice the result with half the effort.”

Daoist recommended himself.

Zhen Yuanzi was also overjoyed when he heard that, although he could shrink to an inch, he could only shorten the time spent on the journey.

Nowadays, Daoist is helping, whether it is searching for wild fruits or searching for Medicinal herbs, it will be targeted.

Not long after, a few people set off.

Sure enough, as Daoist said, he easily found several wild fruits that he hadn’t found before.

In the end, Jiang Yan listed five wild fruits, namely rice, millet, rice, wheat, and sunn.

Since these five wild fruits are suitable for growing in valleys with water, in order to distinguish them from other wild fruits, Jiang Yan called them grains, collectively called five grains.

“Although these five grains mature quickly, it does take several years. Although the fruits are very fruity, it is difficult to satisfy the huge number of human races…”

Jiang Yan paced back and forth, after all, he felt that these five grains were far from his expectations, and were not as meaningful.

At this moment, Daoist smiled, and actually spit out a burning Xiantian spirit fruit, which is the god fruit of hibiscus.

“The patriarch had long expected that I would bring this hibiscus fruit. This is the result of the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots hibiscus sacred tree. It is bred on the sun and is mysterious and extraordinary. If you extract the essence of the hibiscus fruit, inject it into five grains. In it, five grains can be transformed!”

“Fusang divine fruit!”

Hearing this, Jiang Yan couldn’t help but his eyes moved.

“And if you swallow this fruit by yourself, you can increase the countless Cultivation Base, even more…”

Before Daoist finished speaking, he saw Jiang Yan rushing forward: “It shouldn’t be too late, let these five grains change quickly!”

Hearing this, Daoist couldn’t help but was taken aback.

This is the fruit of hibiscus, and it is of great value to Sage. Did Jiang Yan actually have no intention of seeking selfishness?

Zhen Yuanzi saw Duobao Daoist’s astonishment, but only smiled, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

Soon, everyone started to extract the essence of the hibiscus fruit and infused it into the five grains.

In an instant, the five grains burned like a fire, and they absorbed the Spiritual Qi between the heavens and the earth, causing a reborn mutation.

The original sparse fruit suddenly became big and full, the roots, branches and leaves became thick and luxuriant, and the whole grain exuded vigorous vitality and attractive aroma.

“It’s done, it’s done!”

Jiang Yan excitedly took down the seeds of the five grains that had absorbed the essence of the fruit of hibiscus, and was very excited.

He opened up some land in the open area of ​​the tribe, sprinkled some seeds, and matured with Magic power.

I saw that the five grains after the metamorphosis were able to absorb the energy from the sunlight, grow rapidly, and the results were fruitful, which made Jiang Yan overjoyed.

“Good! Good! Now, if five grains are planted by mortal methods, it only takes three months at the fastest! Human famine can be saved!”

Afterwards, Jiang Yan asked the tribesmen to distribute the seeds of the five grains.

After the surrounding tribes planted them, the famine problem was resolved and continued to spread.

One pass to ten, ten pass to a hundred. In less than half a year, the entire prehistoric tribe began to plant five grains.

In order to cultivate the land for planting five grains, the Lieshan tribe first perfected a tool called Lei Lei.

Seeing Jiang Yan as the leader of the tribe, but personally waving Lei Lei over the land, Gui Ling was not only thoughtful.

In the past, she helped the Fuxi family to create characters, but now she is also familiar with it. She drew the character “nong” on the mud ground, which is exactly in accordance with the image of Jiang Yan’s farming.

In an instant, the humanitarian virtues appeared, and they were actually gathered into a golden word “nong”, hovering above the Lieshan tribe, and finally embedded in Jiang Yan’s body.

At this moment, Jiang Yan’s eyes were clear, and he enlightened: “Agriculture, farming! From now on, farming will become agriculture. Those who are farmers are farmers! Now the humanity gives me the name, it is Shennong!”

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