Chapter 234 Receiving the Sun Star

I saw Zhu Xianjian sword formation is strong and unparalleled, suppressing the sun star formation for a while.

But soon, a violent backlash force came from the sun star, and it became more and more intense.

The strength of this backlash is not enough to overthrow the Zhuxian Sword Array, but the problem is that the Sun Star Array does not need to overthrow the Zhu Xian Sword Array. It only needs to explode its formation, destroying the Xiantian Fusang Shenmu and even the entire Sun Star. , Then Di Jun’s goal has been achieved.

And Patriarch Styx’s abacus will fail.

Not only that, but that Emperor Jun laid part of the mystery of the Universe Star Array in the solar array. At this moment, he is pulling the power of the Universe Star Dou to continuously enhance the power of the entire formation.

Suddenly, the Lord Tongtian felt that he was so powerless in the face of such a situation.

“Don’t panic.”

But at this moment, Styx and its three external incarnations are all shot.

“The pearl shines through the heaven road, and Kim Seok opens the door of The Underworld!”

Ksitigarbha Sage holds the Pearl of Great Wishes, the golden tin rod in his hand is a little volley, and a path is straight into the sun and stars.

And under the shining shining pearl of Great Hope, the originally restless solar constellation also calmed down a bit.


Sage Baihe turned his hand to sacrifice the pure white lotus, forming a pure Minor World on its own, shrouded in the sun star, suppressing one position.

At the same time, it actually called the treasures of the Terran Town and Clan, the Jiuzhou Ding and the pictures of the mountains and rivers.

The human race transforms the dragon into the tiger, nine gods circling around, and the pictures of mountains and rivers and shrines unfold slowly, and the amazing suppression and governance have once again dimmed the solar array.

“Strike down!”

Pan King Sage yelled and sacrificed Pangu flags, sky-breaking bow, sky-shaking stick, sky-splitting knife, four Pangu treasures, merged into the god-opening axe.

The axe of the god of open sky is shaking the world, and Sage is also very frightened.

The old ancestor Witch Da Yi reappeared the power of the sky-opening axe and slaughtered Emperor Jun with one blow. Now Pan King Sage has the real Father Pangu, and I am afraid that even Sage can hardly resist his edge.

The god of open axe appeared, King Pan, Sage held the god of axe, horizontally pressing on the solar star array.

This action is Styx’s instructing to keep his hands, otherwise, under the majesty of the axe, let alone the sun star array, the sun star will be split in half, and the cart will be upside down!

Several Sages shot in no particular order, while Styx stepped away leisurely and headed towards the sun star.

Now that the solar array is completely suppressed, Styx stepping into the solar star will not trigger Restrictions, causing the entire solar star to self-destruct.

Only that the sun is really raging, which is also a natural level, but for Styx, who has the Pangu body, it is not itchy at all.

With a thought in mind, Styx offered the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, which has the magical effect of assisting and breaking the formation.

Originally, Styx’s formation attainments had reached its peak, and with the blessing of the treasures, it was easy to find the position of the star formation of the sun.

Gently stretched out his hand, Di Jun’s meticulously deployed means disappeared in smoke, and the entire solar array calmed down.

Then he stretched out his hand and played a few magic tricks, and the entire Sun Star changed hands and became the stuff in the Styx’s sac.

The Master Tongtian and the other three Sages felt that they all received magical powers in unison.

Soon, Styx found the Xiantian hibiscus sacred tree, which has not been picked for thousands of years. On this hibiscus sacred tree, several of the most essential fruits have begun to grow.

As soon as Styx raised his hand, he played tens of millions of merits, sprinkled three lights of divine water, and ripened the fruits of the hibiscus in front of him.

Subsequently, he ordered the two lunar goddesses to pick them up and distribute them to everyone present.

The leader of Tongtian, the three external incarnations, the two goddesses of the Taiyin, and even the two disciples brought by Tongtian, all share the fruit.

“Thank you Patriarch!”

“Thank you husband!”

Everyone received the reward and thanked one after another.

“Tongtian, Jiang Yan has something to do with me. My Patriarch has a few things to explain. If you manage it well, you will definitely gain something from your teaching.”

After taking a piece of hibiscus sacred tree, Styx only felt very delicious, and his body was relieved. At this time, he said lightly.

“Tongtian will live up to the expectations of the patriarch!”

Master Tongtian was overjoyed, knowing that Styx was going to fulfill his promise and instructed him to intercept teachings and seek humanitarian merit.

Decades of the world passed by in a hurry.

That day, the Lieshan tribe of the predecessor Jiangshui nominated a new leader, Jiang Yan.

The tribes also affectionately call Jiang Yan the Lieshan clan, praising his contributions to the Lieshan tribe over the past decades.

After Jiang Yan tasted all the herbs in the Lieshan Mountains, he practiced medicine and cloth medicine. I don’t know how many tribesmen were saved. He even spread the book that recorded the characteristics of Medicinal herbs. It is called the Scripture of Herbs by the world.

This Jiang Shui Lieshan clan is now also famous among the entire prehistoric human race.

It is also worth mentioning that Jiang Yan’s current Cultivation Base, under the careful guidance of Zhen Yuanzi, has also come to Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, which can be described as leaps and bounds.

However, this year, the entire prehistoric human race has ushered in an unprecedented famine.

Perhaps the human race is multiplying rapidly, hunting and picking excessively, so that the beasts in the wild are gradually decreasing, the fish and shrimps in the rivers are also rare, and even the number of wild fruits to satisfy the hunger is increasingly scarce.

Jiang Yan couldn’t help but frown.

The Jiangshui area where the Talieshan tribe is located has poor resources and few livestock in captivity. The hunting in the wild, the fish and shrimps that can be fished, and the wild fruits that can be picked are barely maintaining the life of the tribe.

Now the entire prehistoric human race is welcoming a famine, and the Lieshan tribe is even more in the midst of fire and water.

But fortunately, because he Lieshan is rich in herbs, he can exchange some livestock and food with the tribe outside, but it is not a long-term solution after all.

“How should this be good?”

Jiang Yan is now the leader of the tribe, but he can’t help but feel worried.

Today, the tribesmen in the tribe are so hungry that they gnaw on weeds and bark. There are even rumors from the outside world that some places that are even barren than ginger water have experienced the tragic phenomenon of changing children and eating.

“The Holy Father and Our Lady will definitely not abandon our human race, and abandon our human race!” Some people prayed to the sky.

Jiang Yan sighed secretly. Although the Human Race was created by the Holy Father and Our Lady, as far as he knew, the Holy Father always wanted the Human Race to be self-reliant and self-reliant.

And Human Race has always been greeted by the Holy Father, but it has not disappointed.

Nowadays, other peoples should find their own way out.

“Disciple, how about transplanting some fruit trees from the prehistoric land to your Lieshan tribe as a teacher?”

Seeing Jiang Yancha not thinking about food, Zhen Yuanzi said with some pity.

But Zhen Yuanzi’s words, but Jiang Yan’s inspiration came to light, like a divine initiation, he slapped his forehead, and eyes reveal excitedly said:

“Master is wise! I understand! In the past, the Fuxi family kept wild beasts as domestic animals for meat. Since wild beasts can be used as domestic animals, why can’t wild fruits be home fruits? If there are enough fruit trees in the tribe, how can the tribe be hungry? ”

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