Chapter 231

Hearing the old man’s words, Jiang Yan couldn’t help but stunned.

This fierce mountain is steep and there are often poisonous snakes and beasts. How can there be such a spotless old man?

Obviously, this old man is extraordinary.

“This old man, this is wrong. I picked Medicinal herbs, not for fun, but for healing and saving people. For example, the rehmannia in my hand can cure vomiting, thirst, and carbuncle. Hemorrhoids. I bring it back to the clan to help the clan to reduce the pain and suffering.”

Although he guessed that the other party was an immortal, Jiang Yan had already embarked on the path of cultivation. He was neither humble nor arrogant towards the old man, and proudly took out a Medicinal herb to show it to the old man.

The old man shook his head and smiled: “Sit on the well and watch the sky, blindfolded.”

With that said, the old man turned his head on crutches and left.

Being so scolded by the elders, Jiang Yan was naturally uneasy, and at the same time he was so curious that he couldn’t help stepping forward and questioning:

“Old man, I have no grievances with you, so why bother to ridicule?”

The old man turned around, squinted at Jiang Yan, a Medicinal herbs appeared out of thin air in his hand: “You, can you recognize this medicine?”

Looking at the Medicinal herbs in the hands of the old man, Jiang Yan had never seen him before, so he could only shook his head.

“This is licorice. It is mostly born in desert hills. It is also a tonic Chinese herbal medicine. It can cure spleen and stomach deficiency, heart palpitations and asthma, and has many magical effects.”

Listening to the old man, Jiang Yan’s eyes staring at the licorice couldn’t help but gleam slightly.

If this licorice is as magical as the old man said, it is definitely a good medicine.

“In this wild world, there are countless Medicinal herbs like licorice. Although the human race is Xiantian Taoism, mortals are weak and sick, and there are countless problems. You only know a few kinds of Medicinal herbs, which can only cure people in a village. If you know the world Medicinal Herbs can save a family of people, save thousands of people!”

The old man said leisurely, but when Jiang Yan heard it, he was shocked, which made him feel excited and excited.

“I also hope that senior will point to a clear road! Boy Jiang Yan, has the heart to save thousands of people!”

Since he cured his mother at home, Jiang Yan felt that the road ahead was a bit confused, but now, the road in front of him seemed to suddenly become clear.

Compared with Xunxianwendao, he can save thousands of people, which is what he desires more!

“Yes! The old man will show you a clear way!”

The old man’s complexion changed, his eyebrows were kind, and he smiled and took out a simple book from his arms:

“This is my recent trip to the fierce mountains. I observed the Medicinal herbs recorded along the way. I just don’t know the medicinal herbs. I can only infer from experience. This booklet is given to you. I can find out all the Medicinal herbs in this fierce mountain.”

Jiang Yan took the booklet, and after flipping it through one or two, he couldn’t help but thanked him overjoyed: “Thank you senior for your advice!”

When Jiang Yan raised his head again, he saw that the old man had disappeared.

“The fairy, he is indeed a fairy!”

Jiang Yan was grateful, sitting on the ground directly, flipping through this booklet.

As the old man said, there are no less than a hundred kinds of Medicinal herbs in Lieshan, but their medicinal properties are not yet fully clear.

Holding the booklet, Jiang Yan searched among the fierce mountains.

“This medicine is called Aconitum, which can expel wind and dampness, dispel cold and relieve pain. It is suspected of being poisonous, and it must be burned to reduce its toxicity.”

Not long after, Jiang Yan found a kind of herbal medicine recorded in the booklet on the hillside.

“Master once said that after taking ginseng fruit, I am already a body of longevity, which can be said to be non-invasive. However, my Cultivation Base is very low, and I am still a mortal body. I try the medicine by myself, and I can best understand this. Toxicity and medicinal properties of the head.”

After Jiang Yan hesitated for a while, he pulled up the aconite and chewed it in his mouth.

Soon, Jiang Yan felt dizzy and dizzy. He actually fell to the ground, convulsing and convulsing all over. At the same time, he also felt an unbearable headache and his chest was stuffy.

After another while, Jiang Yan broke out a lot of cold sweat, and felt the effect of the medicine began to come on, and the original pain was replaced by a slight numbness.

“I see!”

Jiang Yan was overjoyed and hurriedly wrote down the toxicity and medicinal properties of this aconite.

At the same time, he wiped his sweat with lingering fears. If he had not taken ginseng fruit before, and already had some Cultivation Base, he would probably die here.

This is why, there are no less than a hundred kinds of herbs on Mount Lieshan, but only a few Medicinal herbs are widely recognized.

But Jiang Yan was greatly shaken. He realized that the few herbs used by the Lieshan tribe were also tested by the immortal at the risk of his life.

Many of those immortals are just mortals, like this aconite, they can easily kill them.

The more so, the greater Jiang Yan’s ambition.

“My Jiang Yan, I must taste the herbs and write a medicinal scripture that can benefit thousands of people! And the Medicinal herbs in the fierce mountain is the first step!”

Just as Jiang Yan followed the booklet and tasted the Medicinal herbs of Lieshan.

The old man has been observing in secret.

“Master is really clever, knowing that Jiang Yan will definitely try the medicine, but I didn’t expect that the town veteran would actually take the lead, accept him as a disciple, and give him the ginseng fairy fruit. Otherwise, just the aconite will be able to get it. His life.”

The old man squinted his eyes slightly. It seemed that Jiang Yan was able to resist poison.

“Fortunately, I laid out the calculations in advance. As long as Jiang Yan swallows the immortal grass that can even be poisoned by the Golden Immortal Daluo, everything will be fine.”

Whispering to himself, the old man actually squeezed a sweat.

Although he designed to poison Jiang Yan by the order of his master, he was also taking great risks.

If Zhen Yuanzi and Patriarch Styx knew that Jiang Yan was poisoned to death by his design, I am afraid they would not give up.

After the incident is completed, I can only leave here quickly, praying that the incident will not happen, or that Master Own will be able to save himself.


Seeing Jiang Yan finally found the poisonous fairy grass, the old man’s breathing became slightly quicker.


Jiang Yan took the Medicinal herbs and chewed twice before he fell straight to the ground. Spiritual Qi continued to rout and disperse. In no time, it would be a dead end!

“It’s done!”

The old man was overjoyed, and he was about to leave immediately, but there was an invisible wall in front of him, trapping him in place.


The old man was taken aback. With his Cultivation Base magical powers, what could stop him, but made him unconscious. Could it be Sage’s action?

At this moment, countless golden light spots gathered from all directions and rushed to Jiang Yan, who fell to the ground.

“Humanity appears!”

Under the shocking pressure, the old man couldn’t help but trembled in his heart. Unexpectedly, this Jiang Yan’s dying would actually attract humanity!

Humanitarian virtues flowed into Jiang Yan’s body, and the vitality Cultivation Base, instead of continuing to escape, began to continue to rise.

This is not over yet.

Before the old man recovered his senses, he heard a loud roar, which exploded like thunder:

“Who is it! Dare to harm my disciple Jiang Yan!”

The surrounding space was distorted for a while, and a Daoist wearing a purple and gold crown was full of anger. He stepped on the Shattering Void and came across an unknown number of miles to Wuzhuang.

“Jin Yuanzi!”

The old man saw Daoist’s face and the surprisingly fluctuating earth book in his hands, and his heart sank continuously.

“Where is the evildoer, show me!”

Zhen Yuanzi rushed into the crown, his eyes wide-opened, and the earth book in his hand urged, the mountains and rivers gathered together, turned into a Qilin, and stepped on the old man fiercely!

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