Chapter 230

“It turns out that Lu Yuxian helped me!”

After listening to Jiang Yan’s report, the patriarch finally realized.

Zhenyuanzi, who has been hiding his body with mysterious magical powers, also appeared in front of the middleman.

“The villain has seen the immortal long!”

When the patriarch and all the tribesmen saw the immortal Jin Yuanzi, they were all in awe and bowed to the ground.

The bamboo basket full of dried meat suspended in the air, and the appearance out of thin air, are all evidence of Zhen Yuanzi’s supernatural powers.

Zhen Yuanzi didn’t say much, but asked Jiang Yan to take the jerky he deserved and walk towards his home.

The rest of the jerky will be distributed by the patriarch.

“Jiang Yan, you saw it. Even if you are kind and plan to distribute the meat to everyone. But people’s hearts are separated by their belly, and people can’t see your kindness. What drives them is only human.”

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Jiang Yan, who bowed his head and said silently.

He noticed that this seemed to be an opportunity to raise Jiang Yan.

Hong Yun, a former friend of the previous life, did good deeds all his life, and was even kind to a bit ignorant. He had no motives, so that he was chased and killed by great powers such as Emperor Jun, and forced himself to explode to death.

Now that Hongyun is reincarnated, if he still hasn’t grown up, wouldn’t he betray the painstaking efforts of Patriarch Styx?

“Master, the disciples don’t understand. What is human nature.” Jiang Yan was unhappy.

Zhen Yuanzi pondered for one or two, and said: “Human nature is complicated. But whether human beings, demon, immortal, or all living beings, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages are all instincts. The dried meat in your hands is profit.”

“As the saying goes, all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit, and the prosperity of the world is for profit. If you are not guilty, you are guilty of crimes, and if you have jade in your hand, it will attract competition.”

Hearing this, Jiang Yan thoughtfully said: “I understand. You can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This is a benefit, so why do you harm?”

“This matter cannot be explained in a few words. But there is one thing, Jiang Yan, you have to understand that if you have jade, everyone will covet it. If you have power, everyone will be in awe.”

“People have seen the jade in your hand, but they have also seen your power. If they want to take the jade in your hand, they have to withstand your power. At that time, your power will be harmful to them.”

Zhen Yuanzi said with great heart, and I don’t know how much Jiang Yan can listen to.

“Master, I understand!”

Jiang Yan’s eyes were clear and clear, “If there is no clothes given by the master today, I am a calf, I am afraid that the people will be snatched into the abdomen, and the dried meat in my hands will not be able to keep half of it!”

“Now, everything can be done according to my wishes because of the strength in my hands!”

Zhen Yuanzi laughed when he heard the words, and said, “You can teach a child, and you can teach a child! Have you ever thought about it, if the world knows that you have a fruit in your hands, what will it be like?”

Hearing this, Jiang Yan couldn’t help feeling a chill, and his back was a little numb from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

Just some dried meat can attract competition among the tribe.

If it was the ginseng fruit, I am afraid that it would cause a bloody storm, let alone mortals, even the legendary immortals would come to fight.

“Master sits on such treasures as the book from the ground and the ginseng fruit tree, but no one is coveting it, because the master is the great power of the great power!”

Jiang Yan inferred from one another, and Daiguo enlightened.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled: “Not only that. I also borrowed the power of Patriarch Styx as a teacher. With Patriarch Styx’s prestige, who would dare to violate my Five Villages?”

“Holy Father!” As a human race, Jiang Yan has naturally heard the story of the holy father. At this moment, his eyes are bright, full of longing and awe.

Even the power of Master Zhen Yuanzi must be borrowed from the power of the sacred father of the other race. What kind of scenery and incredible is the Patriarch of Styx?

A sense of pride spontaneously emerged in Jiang Yan’s chest.

Come home.


Mother Jiang Yan sat up on the sickbed with support, her face was haggard, her cough continued, and her vitality was weakened.

“Mother! Your illness is saved!”

Jiang Yan stepped forward with excitement and joy, and then looked at Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded, and when he flipped his hand, the magical power of the universe was in his sleeve. A shining aura, like a baby’s fruit, jumped on it and floated to Jiang Yan.

“Xian, fairy!”

When Jiang Yan saw Zhenyuanzi’s supernatural powers, she got out of bed and bowed down.

But Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand and said, “No need to be polite. Ruer Jiang Yan has already worshipped the poor road. He has a pious and filial piety, and he can learn from the heavens. This ginseng fruit is what he asked for you, and he quickly accepted it! ”

“Mother, eat this ginseng fruit! Your illness will be cured, and you can live longer. I wonder if you can live a few hundred years longer!”

Jiang Yan held the ginseng fruit and brought it to his mother’s mouth.

But seeing the tears of the old mother’s eyes, she shed tears and said: “You child, I am a dying body, what is the use of eating this spiritual fruit? It is better for you to take it, wash the roots and bones, and then follow the immortal to cultivate the Tao!”

“Mother!” Jiang Yan couldn’t help feeling anxious when his mother refused to eat fruit.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and shook his head, stretched out two fingers and slashed down: “It’s not as good as half of a person!”

I saw the ginseng fruit split into two.

“Mother! If you don’t eat it, I won’t eat it either! But this ginseng fairy fruit is wasted! Compared to the mother’s safety, what is it to ask the immortal to ask!”

Seeing Jiang Yan as firm as iron, the mother swallowed the half of ginseng fruit with tears full of tears.

In fact, after smelling the scent of ginseng fruit, the old mother has turned a bit of vitality. Now she has swallowed half of the ginseng fruit, it is even more dead wood in spring, her vitality quickly rebounds, her white hair turns black, and wrinkles disappear.

The old mother, who was about to die, turned back into a girly posture in a blink of an eye, her skin was delicate and shiny, and her eyes were piercing. Even though there were years of vicissitudes in her eyes and the love of her mother, she was finally rejuvenated!

“Mother! You look so good!”

Jiang Yan was also overjoyed when he saw his mother’s rejuvenation, and immediately swallowed this ginseng fruit.

However, after Jiang Yan swallowed the ginseng fruit, he was also full of vitality, but his body grew sturdily, and immediately he grew his hair and shawl.

A young man who was originally a young man, he grew into a powerful and handsome young man in a blink of an eye. He has a solid body and full of Spiritual Qi, and his cultivating aptitude is hard to find in the world.

Jiang Yan’s mother looked at herself in the mirror and the reborn Jiang Yan, and couldn’t help being overjoyed.

At this moment, she pulled Jiang Yan with a plop and fell to her knees in front of Zhen Yuanzi, sincerely expressing her gratitude.

“Hurry up, please!”

Zhen Yuanzi didn’t put on a brave air, but just helped the two of them up.

Afterwards, Zhen Yuanzi used his magical powers to build a cottage not far from the Lieshan tribe for him and Jiang Yan to live and practice.

After more than ten years passed in a hurry, Jiang Yan officially embarked on the path of cultivation, and his cultivation progressed rapidly.

The people of the tribe also looked at him differently, and now Jiang Yan is already a lover of a master of Taoism!

“As a teacher, I have to go back to the Wuzhuang Temple. During this period, you should practice on your own.”

On that day, Zhen Yuanzi left such a sentence, and then floated away.

After Zhen Yuanzi left, Jiang Yan continued to practice every day. In his spare time, he rode the black cow up the mountain to collect medicine.

In a hurry for a few days, Jiang Yan was gathering medicine in the mountains, but he met an old man with a childlike face.

“Jiang Yan, there are many herbal medicines in this wild and wild, even in this fierce mountain, there are nearly a hundred kinds of herbal medicines, but you only pick so many kinds of herbs back and forth, what’s the fun?”

The old man leaned on a cane and asked with a smile.

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