Chapter 226 Humane Sage

Seeing that Fuxi had already achieved the humane Sage, the Primitive Tianzun felt helpless.

With the blessings of humanity, Fuxi and him are still in a battle, and Baihe Sage is here. Even if he continues to shoot, what can he do?

At this moment, the wind and clouds entangled in the sky, thunder and thunder rolled, showing a shocking change, unexpectedly the eyes of the sky converged, glaring down below.

Seeing this, the original Tianzun couldn’t help but be overjoyed, this is Heavenly Dao about to make a move!

“Heavenly Dao is in order, and the primordial land is under the control of Heavenly Dao. The tunnel has already existed, and now it is awakened, and it is only in charge of the dungeon. Now the human race is self-reliant and humane, I am afraid it will disrupt the primitive order!”

I saw the voice of Daozu Hongjun, coming from above the sky, with the supreme Sage majesty.

All the predecessors were shocked in their hearts, and their souls shook wildly.

Could it be that a Deva battle is going to be staged in this predicament?

“Hongjun fellow daoist, you worry too much.”

I saw that Baihe Sage stepped on the white lotus to clean the world, the Kyushu tripod surrounded his body, and the map of Jiangshan Sheji was held in his hands, and his face remained unchanged and he faced Hongjun.

Seeing this scene, the original Tianzun couldn’t help but snorted coldly.

Xin said that Sage Baihe was just a benevolent corpse of Styx. He was almost annihilated by Master’s Three Thousand Heavenly Tribulation, but now he dares to be called fellow daoist with Master and sits on an equal footing.

However, this Sage of the White River, after all, represents the will of the Styx. Even Tao Zu Hongjun didn’t say much, and his Primordial Heavenly Lord couldn’t say anything.

“Oh?” Hongjun appeared between the world and the earth, squinting at Baihe Sage, “I wonder what fellow daoist has to say?”

Sage Baihe had a spring breeze on his face, but he sneered in his heart. Seeing that Human Dao was born, Hongjun couldn’t sit still and wanted to intervene.

However, since the deity Styx had a plan, how could Hongjun grab the handle?

“The way of human beings emphasizes harmony. Heaven, earth and people are harmonious, the use of rituals, harmony is the most precious, the way of kings, the beauty of Sri Lanka.”

Sage Shirakawa said in a whisper. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and waved, and saw that the humanity that was horizontal between the heaven and the earth suddenly fell somewhere in the prehistoric place, revealing a palace of Immortal Cave. On the plaque, it was impressively written The three characters “Fire Cloud Palace”.

“Soon, Fuxi will enter the Fire Cloud Cave and take control of the human luck. If the human race suffers the catastrophe, it will not escape the world.”

Sage Shirakawa announced.

And Fu Xi did not complain: “Now I have completed my merits and have been sanctified. If I stay in the human race, it will affect Deva’s harmony.”

Hearing this, the original Tianzun’s eyes moved, and he felt a moment of rejoicing.

In this way, Fuxi is just like the original Sage back soil, can only settle in a corner, and it is difficult to have much impact on the prehistoric land.

However, there is one more Sage under the Patriarch of the Styx after all, and it is a decisive force at the critical moment.

At the same time, Human Race has Fuxi, Sage, sitting in town, and almost no one can touch its roots.

“Good! So Deva harmony, it couldn’t be better!”

Hongjun, who represents Heavenly Dao’s will, nodded after seeing this arrangement, and his figure dissipated between heaven and earth.

“Old Hongjun!”

Shirakawa Sage smiled slightly and shook his head, with a clear smile.

Immediately afterwards, Baihe Sage sacrificed a piano and fell into Fuxi’s hands: “Fuxi, this is your previous life, Magic Treasures, Parasol Tree, and today it will return to the original owner!”

Fuxi took the Shenhuo Parasol Tree piano, and the whole person was full of vigor and grace.

As a king, he has the blessing of humanity. He is surrounded by the holy power, and the emperor’s way is magnificent.

Now that the Shenhuo Parasol Tree piano is in hand, the perception of the avenue in the past life seems to be passed on through this piano.

The way of the emperor has taken a step further, and it is also aided by the blessings of the avenues such as Shenhuo, Music and Universe. The avenue runs through the world and fully demonstrates the humane Sage style.

Thousands of human races branded this scene in their eyes, all shouting at King Xi’s divine might, and their admiration for Fuxi reached an unprecedented peak.

“Fuxi, it’s really a sage of my human race!” The Suiren clan was extremely excited and gratified.

After seeing this scene, the original Tianzun snorted, and finally escaped quietly.

“Goodness, Fuxi became a holy man.”

Far away in the Styx of Penglai, stepped out of Immortal Cave, smiled slightly, this disciple really lived up to expectations.

The disciples of the whole Penglai also rushed to tell each other and celebrated with joy.

Nowadays, even though Fuxi has been reincarnated from the human race, he has become the king of humans, Feng Fuxi, but in their minds, he still exists like a big brother.

“That Fuxi, really sanctified!”

In the Netherworld Mansion, Xuan Ming and others who witnessed Fuxi’s reincarnation in the past felt envied and surprised.

Hou Tu Sage smiled and reminded Xuan Ming: “Sister Xuan Ming, why should you be so surprised? Didn’t you forget, how did my authentic Sage achieve it?”

Hearing this, Xuan Ming smiled relieved, and the emotions in his heart turned into awe and worship of Master Styx.

Authentic Sage, Humane Sage, how beautiful is it?

But if there is no instruction from Master Styx, how can Hou Tu become holy? How did Fuxi become holy?

Moreover, after Fuxi became a holy, he did not return to Yin Huoyun Cave for the first time, but stayed in the human race for a period of time to deal with his afterlife.

At the same time, through the Shenhuo Parasol Tree piano, he also brought the rhythm into the human life.

Through the rhythm, the human race expresses emotions, inspires people, and celebrates the festival.

Some of these human races even specialize in the way of music, and their music is even the same as that of Nafuxi, forming a mysterious technique.

After Fuxi left, in order to commemorate him, the Human Race called the sacred fire Parasol Tree piano he used, which was also called Fuxi Qin.

After leaving the human race, Fuxi went back to Penglai. Without him, he would return to the teacher’s gate and meet Styx.

This move also made the cultivators of the predecessors understand that although his Fuxi has been reincarnated from the human race, his connection with Penglai and the Penglai Patriarch’s Karma has not been broken.

Suddenly, the momentum of Penglai and the Patriarch of Styx became more and more high in the predicament.

Some practitioners even directly refer to Styx as the sage master, not referring to the wizard sage, but the Sage master.

Today, Penglai’s position as the top of Xianjia resorts in the prehistoric land is almost unshakable.

The number of practitioners who went to Penglai to find a teacher and ask questions was really endless, hard to count.

When Fuxi formally hid in the Fire Cloud Cave and was unable to escape from the world, Styx quietly set off to return to the Netherworld Palace.

“My friend Hongyun, fortune is here!

After Zhen Yuanzi received a letter, he was fidgeting with excitement, pacing back and forth.

I don’t know how many years have passed, and his best friend Hongyun finally ushered in the opportunity of reincarnation.

“This is a great opportunity given by the Patriarch! Hongyun, you are a fool and a blessing!”

Recalling Hongyun’s voice and smile in the past, Zhen Yuanzi asked the boy to bring ginseng fruit, pour the clear spirit tea, and muttered to drink alone.

“It is at this table, Pang Dao and Hong Yun, you are asking your ancestor together! Hong Yun, Pang Dao wait until the day you reach the right fruit, I will invite you and the ancestor to eat this ginseng fairy fruit together!”

As he talked, Zhen Yuanzi, who was a quasi-sage power, slowly moistened his eyes.

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