Chapter 225

Sure enough, the surname system was established, and after the Restrictions blood marriage, the situation of Xiantian diseases in the human race has been greatly improved.

Here, among the human race, a little golden light is constantly drifting towards the Feng clan.

Unknowingly, the Feng clan broke through the Daluo Jinxian shackles and stepped into the same quasi-sage as the Suiren clan.

When Suiren saw this child of own, he was both gratified and emotional. In the past, he was rewarded by the Father’s Merit and Nine Cycles Gold Core, and his cultivation speed was even faster than Feng’s.

But with own potential, the way of cultivating will stop here, and Feng’s future is boundless.

After solving the problem of Terran Xiantian, Feng began to reflect.

He believes that while the various tribes of the human race are divided and ruled, there should be a big leader who regularly summarizes and reports the situation in the tribe so that the human race can develop better.

The Feng clan said this to the Sui Ren clan, and the Sui Ren clan summoned the other two ancestors of the human clan, all of which recognized the Feng clan’s ideas.

After discussion, the three ancestors of the human race, as well as the Elder and the people of the tribe, all agreed that the Feng clan should be the leader.

After confirming the position of the chief leader, the Feng family created a new word specifically for this, that is, “king”.

The word Wang is composed of three horizontal lines and one vertical line.

The implication is that as the highest leader of the human race, that is, the king, he must lead the human race, seek harmony between the world and the people, and lead the human race to prosperity.

The leaders who divide and rule the tribes are called officials.

On that day, the Feng clan was elected as the king, and later known as “Fuxi succeeded to the sky by virtue of Mu De”.

At the moment when the Feng clan became the king, the situation between the heavens and the earth changed color, and the luck of the human race was surging.

The treasures of the human race, the town and clan’s treasure, the Jiuzhou Shending, and the Jiangshan Sheji map actually flew by themselves, gathering the human luck and blessing the body of the Feng clan.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky, standing proudly, Sage swept across the world, and it was actually the Primitive Heavenly Sovereign.

“Feng, now you are the king of men. Call me the master, and you can worship my interpreter. The deity is willing to accept you as a closed disciple!”

Primitive Tianzun did not comment, as if the so-called king of the human race was insignificant in his eyes.

To be able to worship Sage’s sect is a great opportunity for the primordial beings, let alone to be accepted as a closed disciple by his three-corpse Sage primordial heavenly master.

I saw that the Feng clan gained the luck of the human race. At this time, his eyes lighted up, stood up, facing the original Tianzun and said:

“Being a teacher for one day, and a father for life…”

When the original Tianzun heard these characters, he thought that the Feng Clan wanted to show his attitude, and couldn’t help smiling with satisfaction.

Who knows what Feng Clan said next, but the conversation changed: “I am the reincarnation of Fuxi, who is the master of Penglai Minghe. Now I am aware, how dare to betray the master? And I am the king of people, even if I want to worship, it is all right. It should be worshipped by others. Tianzun gave medicine and enlightenment in the past, I remember it in my heart. It’s just that Tianzun was apprentice and apprentice, I am afraid that Tianzun will be disappointed!”

Hearing this, Primordial Tianzun’s face changed drastically, and he only felt as if he had been palmed.

I thought that after the reincarnation of the Feng Clan, there would be no more memories of Fuxi. Who knew that now that he became a king, he actually realized that he was the reincarnation of Fuxi.

Although Feng’s words are peaceful, but his words, to the original Tianzun, are undoubtedly saying, what virtue and ability is your original Tianzun, can I be the king of people, into the sect! ?

“Humph! Since you are reincarnated, you have nothing to do with your previous life. How come the people of the Styx Gate say? What about the king? Is it possible for me to explain and teach you, and I can’t tolerate you alone?!”

Primitive Tianzun was sullen, but the heavens and the earth were shocked, the holy power was violent, and countless creatures and spirits were violently shocked and terrified.

Facing the pressure of Sage from the Primordial Celestial Venerable, the Feng Clan was not surprised. He actually ignored the Primitive Celestial Venerable and stepped forward:

“I am the King of Humans, Feng Fuxi! If I am entrusted with the teacher, the human race will be prosperous, and the humanity will stand!”

At this moment, Feng Shi, it should be said to be Fuxi, his breath rose sharply, and he was supposed to be an unbreakable quasi-sage bottleneck. To him, it was nothing but an astonishing sacred power that escaped in a blink of an eye.

“Sanctified!? How can this be possible!”

While the original Tianzun was shocked, he was also furious.

What Fuxi said in his mouth was not “Feng Tian accepts transport” but “Font teacher accepts transport”. The teacher in his mouth is undoubtedly the Styx.

Doesn’t this mean that his Patriarch of the River Styx is already able to keep pace with Heavenly Dao, or even replace it?

“You should not be sanctified!”

Primitive Tianzun was frightened and puzzled, but it was shot with a palm, and he wanted to suppress Fuxi in advance before he really stepped into the holy realm.

“Primitive friends, don’t ask for trouble.”

At this moment, there was a leisurely sound, and a pure white figure appeared between the heavens and the earth. It was actually the leader of the man, Sage Shirakawa.

“Huh! You dare to stop me even if you are a little different?”

Primitive Tianzun has a hideous face, and the three corpses come out together, to be born under Baihe Sage’s hand to suppress Fuxi.

“I don’t know what to do!”

Facing the incomparable three-corpse Sage primitive, Sage Shirakawa’s eyes flashed coldly, turning his hand to put the Kyushu Ding and Jiangshan Sheji Tu in his hands.

“Under humanity, avoid Sage!”

Sage Baihe spoke, saying that he followed the law, and saw countless golden awns emerging from the prehistoric tribal tribes, gathering together like fireflies, just as dazzling and brilliant as the sun.

A powerful existence that is unimaginable and indescribable for all beings appeared above Fuxi out of thin air.

Among them, various visions are reflected, such as the Styx Nuwa hand in hand to create human beings, the human race has gone through great tribulations, and the birth of Fuxi… all the visions are actually depicting the ancient and modern human race.

“This, this after all!”

Primitive Tianzun only felt an incomparable mysterious power enveloped himself, and his Sage power could not be displayed all of a sudden, which was greatly reduced.

“This is humanity! Among heaven, earth and people, there is Heavenly Dao, and there are tunnels. In the past, the underground palaces were established and the tunnels were revived. Now that the king of humanity has emerged, the humanity is established!”

Shirakawa Sage seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said with a smile like a spring breeze.

Under the blessing of humanity, Fuxi has already entered the holy realm, becoming the first humane Sage in the prehistoric world.

The original Tianzun who intends to suppress Fuxi is regarded as a threat by humanity.

Just like the old Dao Hongjun, although he was Heavenly Dao Sage, in the underworld, he was also held hostage by Hou Tu Sage.

“Feng’er, it was the reincarnation of that Fuxi god-tier!”

When Suiren saw this scene, he felt gratified, and at the same time, it was extremely shocked.

And countless human races are also exhilarating and ecstatic.

To this day, the other race finally has a Sage, and it has a humanitarian asylum.

The human race that has flourished in the first place will surely usher in unprecedented glory.


Hearing this, the original Tianzun was also shocked by eyes reveal.

At this point, he only understood what the golden light he got when Fuxi made contributions to the human race.

That is humanitarian merit!

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