Chapter 222

I saw a figure falling from the sky and floating there.

This person has the bones of immortal wind, and a quasi-sage coercion permeates the entire human tribe, causing everyone to kneel and admire the impulse.

“Master Xuandu!”

This quasi-sage is surprisingly the great disciple of the human teacher from Shouyang Mountain, the great master of Xuandu.

When everyone saw Xuandu, they all bowed in awe.

“Is the immortal coming to my Yellow River tribe to get rid of the evil spirit in the belly of the Huaxu family?”

The Elder’s eyes moved, and he thought.

“Huh! Stubbornly stubborn!”

Unexpectedly, the Great Master Xuandu’s face grew heavy, and he slammed the Elder to the ground.

“The fetus in the womb of the Huaxu family was arranged by the holy father for the human race. From now on, he will make great achievements for the holy sages. How can it be said that the evildoer!”

Hearing this, Elder was struck by lightning, and said: “Holy, sage! The villain is ignorant and almost made a big mistake. It is even more embarrassing to the Father!”

He finally understood that the visions just now were not the anger from the sky, but the sign that the sage was about to be born.

As he said, he struggled with his eyes, as if he was determined, and said angrily: “The villain is very sinful, and I wish to apologize with death!”

At the same time, everyone who supported this Elder also turned pale, and they were ashamed and blamed: “I am willing to be punished!”

“You are gullible about rumors, and you don’t ask right and wrong, and you will kill you. If the Holy Father had expected me to come and take care of it, I am afraid it would be a big mistake. Since you are pious atonement, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable. I punished you not to listen to your ears and not to speak with your mouth!”

The Great Master Xuandu waved his sleeves, casting mysticism.

I saw that Elder, as well as those involved in this matter, changed in his body.

According to the severity of the guilt, some of them are completely deaf and mute, while others are only stammer in their ears.

“This…” Seeing this scene, Sui Ren couldn’t bear it.

But seeing that Elder showed shame and regret at him, and signaled Sui Renshi not to intercede for them.

Seeing this, the Great Master Xuandu couldn’t help sighing slightly: “Knowing mistakes can make corrections, and doing good things is great. If you are right in the future, you will have a chance to recover.”

Hearing that, everyone who was punished worshipped Great Master Xie Xuandu.

At this time, the Suiren clan also showed gratitude and relief.

It turns out that what Own’s wife and children bear is not suffering, but blessing, and it is also a gift from the Father Styx.

Afterwards, the Great Master Xuandu personally took care of him and helped the Huaxu clan to give birth smoothly.

After the child was born, everyone found that the child was handsome and well-founded. He was a natural talent and showed his love.

Suiren came to Master Xuandu with the child in his arms and asked for a name.

The Great Master Xuandu never cried when he saw this birth. Instead, he was a child with an innocent smile, and said with a slight smile:

“The Holy Father gave you the fire stick, which means that the human race fires the fire. And wood can make fire, and the wind can help the fire. You child, born with wood, call the style!”

Upon hearing this, the Suiren nodded and exclaimed: “Feng, just what the Master said!”

With the birth of the Feng clan, all the saints in the predicament all felt something.

“I see.”

Taiqing daddy sits in Shouyang Mountain. As the deputy head teacher, he finally understands why his own disciple Xuandu suddenly left Shouyang Mountain.

At the same time, Taiqing Daddy showed a slight look of helplessness.

This great master of Xuandu, apparently a disciple of own, is also a disciple of Sage Shirakawa.

In other words, Xuan Du is the person of the Patriarch Styx.

Therefore, for Xuandu, he can only give pointers, but he can’t control it.

But for this matter, Taiqing Daddy smiled comfortably after a little deduction.

Fuxi was reincarnated as the son of the Suiren clan, the Feng clan, and was under the care of the Xuantu, which is equivalent to forming Karma with other teachers.

In the future, if the human race is prosperous, and the Feng clan can do something, he is too clear and daddy can get some luck with free points.

Just when Taiqing Daddy was a little bit complacent, he saw Sage Shirakawa with a smile on his face, slowly walking towards him.

Taiqing Daddy’s eyes twitched involuntarily, and he probably understood that this luck might not really be a reward for nothing.

Kunlun Mountain.

The original Tianzun felt that Fuxi’s reincarnation was successful, and his eyes moved.

“The Feng Clan, if it can worship my profound door…”

Primitive Tianzun nodded secretly and began to take action.

Jin’ao Island, Biyou Palace.

The Master Tongtian was preaching, and after receiving some thoughts, he kept silent and set off immediately. Obviously, there was something important to do.

As for the two westerners in the Sumeru Mountain, after looking at each other, they did nothing.

Time flies.

Now that Suiren’s son, Feng, has just happened to be in the world for ten years, and is already a small child.

On that day, Feng Clan suddenly noticed and asked the people around him:

“Why is there someone in the tribe who can’t hear with ears and can’t speak with their mouths?”

Hearing that, the people who accompanied him showed embarrassment, because this matter was the work of the Great Master Xuandu, and it was closely related to the birth of the Feng family.

However, under repeated questioning by Feng, the person who accompanied him still told the truth.

“So that’s the case, then don’t they suffer because of me?”

After Feng’s listening, his brows frowned and he felt very self-blame.

He was kind by nature, as he said I didn’t kill Bole, but Bole died because of me, and he was brooding about this matter.

So the Feng clan found the Suiren clan and volunteered to go to Shouyang Mountain to find the Great Master Xuandu, and asked him to remove the punishment.

But Suiren didn’t nod his head, just because Shouyang Mountain was so far away that it was by no means a ten-year-old child could do it. This trip was extremely dangerous.

Ten years, a full ten years.

Feng Shi felt very unbearable when he thought that if he could not speak and hear things for ten years.

So Feng found the right opportunity, packed his bags, and ignoring Sui Ren’s dissuasion, he wanted to leave quietly.

But it was bumped by Elder who was punished in the past.

Elder couldn’t hear or speak, but he already knew Feng’s intentions, and immediately dissuaded him.

“Elder, don’t want to persuade you. They say that I will become a sage of the human race in the future. If it is because I watched you suffer, how can I stand the name of a sage?”

Feng’s intention to go has been decided.

Seeing that the Feng clan was about to leave the tribe, Elder was anxious and could suddenly speak:

“Fengshi! This is a dangerous and dangerous trip, and we have suffered your intentions! But I am waiting for the sufferings, and I am willing to suffer! If there is anything wrong with you, how can we bear it!”

As soon as he spoke, Elder was stunned.

I can actually speak!

“Are you able to speak?” Feng Shi was also pleasantly surprised.

Elder was stunned, and his voice trembled, “Feng, the villain can hear you!”

With that said, Elder actually bowed to the ground with excitement, expressing his kindness to Feng Clan with gratitude.

Feng Clan also had an epiphany. It turned out that the punishments given by the Great Master of Xuandu in the past could be solved in this way.

Firstly, the punished person really repented, and secondly, it was his Fengshi’s sincere understanding!

Sure enough, not only this Elder, but the people who were punished by the Great Master of Xuandu in the past, have also recovered.

“Feng Clan, I will definitely be a sage of my human race!”

From then on, that Elder, and those who were punished, became Feng’s staunch supporters.

The Feng’s virtue of tolerance is also obvious to all, but this child who is only ten years old has been respected by everyone.

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