Chapter 221

I saw that it was a golden tortoise, hiding in a corner of Jin’ao Island, staring round eyes, looking at Styx and the others.

“Oh? Patriarch, the appearance of this spirit turtle is very extraordinary. If it is in the eyes of Patriarch’s Dharma, Tongtian will get it for Patriarch.”

Master Tongtian saw that Styx was particularly concerned about this golden tortoise, and that Styx was kind to him, he became involuntarily diligent at this time.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes were moved.

Xin said that in the midst of this predicament, they can intercept the leader of the religion, as Sage’s Tongtian is so good, except for the Dao Hongjun, there is only this Styx Master!


Styx readily accepted the goodwill of the Master Tongtian.

I saw the Master of the Heavens overjoyed, flipped his hand to grab the tortoise, and brought it to Styx.

Styx squinted his eyes and looked at this ten thousand-year-old turtle, knowing it in his heart.

This spiritual tortoise is probably the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit, one of the four great virgins of the later generations.

“Tongtian, this tortoise is predestined with you, so it should be to join the school of Jiejiao, and you should accept it as a disciple. But the ancestor saw that this turtle is very pleasing, so he gave millions of merits to help it transform into shape! ”

After all, Styx raised his hand and sent a dazzling merit into the turtle’s body.

The Golden Tortoise transformed into an eleven or twelve-year-old girl with gold ornaments on her head and a light dress, and she was surprised to feel her own changes on her face.

“Thank you, Patriarch Styx for giving me merit!”

The golden tortoise recovered, but knelt on the ground, thanking Styx.

At this time, the Lord Tongtian also opened his mouth to accept the golden turtle under the door according to Styx’s words.

The Golden Tortoise is even more grateful. This Tongtian leader is Sage, the leader of the dignified religion. It is really a great opportunity to be accepted as a disciple by him.

And if it hadn’t been for Patriarch Styx to speak, it would not be so easy to get into this Sage Dharma Eye.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord Tongtian flipped his hand, Sage’s magical powers evolved, and a palace was built on the Golden Ao Island, called the Biyou Palace.

To banquet Styx as a guest at Biyou Palace, the leader of Tongtian took the initiative to speak: “If there were no ancestors to help today, Tongtian would not have been able to find such a suitable dojo. If the ancestor had explained it, Tongtian would definitely do his best.”

“Goodness.” Styx smiled, this Tongtian is very interesting, and he is also about to explain something.

After the two had a discussion, Styx left in a hurry.

After that, the master of Tongtian sought out the Patriarch of the Styx for the matter of the dojo, and then Styx gifted Tongtian with the stone turtle shell of the re-refined Tianzhu. As an anecdote of the dojo of Jinao Island, it spread quickly in the prehistoric.

“Huh! Junior Brother Tongtian is really shameless. He actually turned to the Styx for help. It really humiliated my Profound Clan reputation and swept Sage’s face!”

After hearing of this, the original Tianzun showed no disgust in front of the disciples of the interpreter.

But in private, the Primitive Tianzun looked at Jin’ao Island in the East China Sea, and saw the majestic luck on Jin’ao Island and the full Spiritual Qi soaring into the sky. He couldn’t help showing a bit of envy.

That Jinao Island was the stone tortoise shell left over when the Styx was refining the Tianzhu, so extraordinary, compared to the Kunlun Mountain where he was, it was even worse!

After the Master Tongtian opened the Biyou Palace Taoist Temple on Jin’ao Island, the speed of the development of the teachings has also risen sharply.

Many cultivators humorously said that the Patriarch of Styx and the Master of Tongtian are really a good pair of neighbors.

Both are taught without distinction, and treat all living beings equally.

All beings want to ask.

When the Lord Tongtian opened the altar, he went to the Jin’ao Island.

When Patriarch Styx opened the altar, he went to Penglai Island.

As a result, the entire East China Sea has become a treasure trove of immortality that everyone is famous for.

Terran, in Leize, thousands of miles away from the Yellow River tribe.

“Is this the footprint of that giant?”

Huaxu looked at the huge footprints the size of a pond, and curiously stepped forward to look at it.

“Madam, you are fun again.”

Looking at the innocent and active girl, Suiren couldn’t help showing a petting smile.

Huaxu is his wife who has just left the house.

Now they came to Lei Ze, intending to crusade against the monster called “Giant”.

The Suiren clan is a quasi-sage Cultivation Base. Although it uses the Nine Cycles Gold Core given by the Great Master of Xuandu to forcefully break through and become a sage, it is also one of the best in the human race.

He personally set off, almost effortlessly, took off the giant’s head and returned to the tribe.

However, a few days later, Huaxu’s belly suddenly grew bigger.

At first, Suiren thought it was a disease, so he asked the doctor in the tribe for consultation.

As a result, after the doctor’s consultation, he was sweating profusely and hesitated.

After Suiren forced her to question, she learned that Huaxu was actually pregnant.

As the ancestor, the well-informed Sui Ren clan, he couldn’t help but feel surprised.

Generally speaking, after the humans have sex, they have to conceive in October at the earliest before they can give birth to offspring.

But how long did she have sex with Huaxu after marrying Huaxu, how could she be pregnant?

Suiren frowned for a moment, and he was puzzled. If he didn’t believe in Huaxu, he would definitely doubt the other party’s chastity.

But even if the Suiren clan was not suspicious, rumors about the Huaxu clan’s badness soon spread among the tribe.

There are rumors that the Huaxu clan was improper. Before marrying the Suiren clan, he had an affair with other men and was not suitable for being the Suiren clan’s wife. He should have aborted the fetus in the womb and expelled from the tribe.

There are also rumors that this is because the Huaxu family stepped on the footprints of giants in Lei Ze, so that they were invaded by the giants. The children in her belly are the children of the monsters, which should be removed!

Seeing all kinds of rumors spreading from the tribe, it made people panic, and the Suiren clan was also helpless.

In the end, a force was actually assembled in the tribe, forcing the Suiren clan to surrender the Huaxu clan and the fetus in the abdomen, otherwise it would bring uncertainty to the human race.

“Who dares! Huaxu is my wife, who dares to touch her hair!”

Suiren was furious, raised the fire stick high, and stood in front of Huaxu.

However, I saw an Elder in the tribe screaming with a cane: “This fire stick was given by the Holy Father, for the sake of the human race. Suiren, your Cultivation Base is also given by the Holy Father, for Human race inheritance. Do you want to ignore the safety of the entire human race for your own personal gain today!”

Sui Ren was so scolded, his frown and the fire stick in his hand fell softly.

“Why, why did my Suiren clan make all the effort for the human race. But my wife and children have to suffer so much!”

The Suiren clan looked up to the sky and shouted.

At this moment, there was a thunder and explosion between the heaven and the earth, and the human luck was surging, turning a dragon into a tiger, hovering above the Yellow River tribe.

“Husband, husband, I’m going to give birth!” Huaxu’s face was like gold paper, sweating profusely.

Then Elder roared: “Do it! The sky is angry, the fetus in this belly must be an evildoer! I can’t give birth!”

Following Elder’s urging, everyone looked at each other and rushed forward to apprehend Huaxu.

Sui Ren clan frightened and angered, and was even more at a loss.

If he were to face foreign enemies, he would have swept away with the fire stick in his hand, killed countless enemies, and saved his wife and children well.

But there are all the own people in front of me. What should I do for myself?


At this very moment, a distant and majestic voice sounded leisurely, and fell in the ears of everyone, but it exploded like thunder.

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