Chapter 209


With the infusion of tens of billions of merits, the golden light of merits in Styx’s body almost turned into substance, converging into an astonishing storm, sweeping across this wild world.

At this moment, Styx, bathed in radiance, even forms a realm of its own, in the eyes of all beings, it is a true god.

Seeing such surging and vast merits, all the saints couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Even though the merits given by Heavenly Dao are massive, it is not so. I think it is the merits of Heavenly Dao that merge into Styx’s own merits, which are fully manifested at this moment.

It’s just that this Styx, where such a number of merits came from, is also puzzled by all the saints.


For Styx, these merits are already something outside of the body.

Anyway, there is almost no use up, and no matter how much merit, it is just a number.

After just a joy, he chose to open the gift of patching the sky.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the gift of patching up the sky and get: Shennongding! Mountain and river Sheji map! Lost treasure money!”

Along with the system prompt, three pieces of shining spirit treasures appeared in front of Styx.

I saw the Shennong Ding is a blue jade cauldron with enlightenment and fragrance of medicine. It contains extremely mysterious laws. By virtue of this thing, refining medicine is impossible, and it can make all the beasts surrender.

The picture of Shanhe Sheji is a picture scroll depicting the prehistoric mountains and rivers, including the great trends of the great famine, the principles of the heavens and the earth, and in addition, it also reveals the laws of the emperor’s avenue, which is closely related to the fate of the human race.

As for the Luobao money, it is a Xiantian spirit treasure, in the shape of a copper coin with a round square hole, with mysterious inscriptions looming on it. With this object, you can drop all the treasures in the world and calculate the secrets of heaven.

Seeing the three Magic Treasures appearing out of thin air in front of Styx, all the saints couldn’t help but their gazes. Although these three Magic Treasures are not top treasures like the Chaos Clock, they are indeed very extraordinary. What is the purpose.

I saw Styx staring at these three Magic Treasures, already having a plan in his heart, and at this moment slowly said:

“The great tribulations of the great lands and the earth have brought disasters to life and suffered heavy casualties. Today, the ancestor used this Shennong cauldron to refine the world’s great medicine, so as to save the dead and heal the wounded!”

After all, when Styx flipped his hands, his magical powers were fully revealed.

At this moment, the two Sages, Shirakawa and Jizo, still belong to his body, so when they shoot, they are the real Sage magical powers.

Astonishing laws of space enveloped the wilderness, and accompanied by an elusive powerful force, the remaining Spiritual herbs above the wilderness all rose out of thin air and flew toward the Styx.

At the same time, in Penglai, there are also the Three Lights of Divine Water and countless elixir, converging into a small bridge, leading directly to Shennongding.

Thousands of Spiritual herbs are poured into the Shennong Cauldron along with the Sanguang Divine Water.

Styx stretched out his hand and placed the Shennongding on the sky.

The next moment, there are two sets of jade scrolls hovering out, and it is the Nahetu Luoshu.

Seeing this scene, all the saints couldn’t help but change their expressions.

Sure enough, the demon master Kunpeng rebelled against the demon clan, and it was this Styx that led the way.

The surviving demon races above the prehistoric land are also extremely complicated when seeing this. The treasure of their demon race, the companion spirit treasure of Heavenly Emperor, actually fell into the hands of the ancestor of the Styx River.

Youdao is the winner and the loser.

Now, even if the monster clan is unwilling to do so, he is helpless!

At this moment, Styx sacrificed the Hetu Luoshu, using it as an array of eyes to evolve an astonishing array.

“Universe star battle array!”

All the saints and all sentient beings, especially those monster races, were surprised to see countless Stars shining in the wilderness.

You must know that the Universe Star Battle Array is a peerless formation of the Monster Race. If the Monster Race wants to sacrifice, it will also cost a lot of manpower and material resources to arrange enough Star Banners.

And this Patriarch of Styx, it is nothing new to have the Universe Star Dou Array.

However, he can evolve the great formation with the help of one person. How can this make sentient beings not surprised?

“This is the ancestor’s supernatural power!” The shocking admiration in the hearts of sentient beings is already beyond words.

With the formation of the Universe star formation, the Shennong Ding hangs in the center of the array, surrounded by two stars in the sun.


Stygian stretched out his hand, and there was a blazing sun in the sun star bursting out.

And in the lunar star, there is lunar moon flower poured into the furnace.

One yin and one yang, under the coordination of Yin & Yang, Shennong Ding is a masterpiece, in which the fragrance of medicine escapes and drifts to the entire predicament.

All sentient beings just smell the fragrance of the medicine, and feel that their pains and injuries have been relieved. Those who are mentally exhausted are also becoming vigorous at this moment.


Stygian repeats the old skills, raising his hand is to throw thousands of merits into the furnace.

Even though the long years were nothing but a passing gap for Sage, Styx didn’t want to wait here in a flash.

What’s more, for those seriously injured beings, when this pot of medicine is normally trained, I’m afraid it will have long since turned into dead bones.

“The patriarch’s virtue!”

When all beings saw this scene, they were all grateful and chanting.

“The Patriarch is worthy of the Heavenly Dao merits, and now he has spent so much time and effort only to relieve the suffering of sentient beings. It is really compassionate!”

With the infusion of merit, the process of refining the medicine accelerated, and the fragrance of the medicine was almost condensed into substance in a blink of an eye.

“The furnace is on!”

As Styx reached out his hand, Shennongding trembled and spit out tens of millions of Medicine Pill.


With a wave of Styx’s big sleeves, countless Medicine Pills spilled over the land.

“Patriarch’s mercy!”

The sentient beings took Medicine Pill and swallowed it, but if they still had a breath, they were completely healed within a few breaths.

Those who were physically mutilated in the catastrophe began to grow new limbs after swallowing Medicine Pill.

Styx can even practice magical medicines such as Nine Cycles Xuan Dan, and is assisted by Shennongding. Right now, these Medicine Pills can have such an effect, and it is only natural.

“With the power of one person to set up the Universe star battle array, the lunar sun is used as the fire, and he will not hesitate to catalyze the merits of thousands of merits to refine the great medicine for the sacred beings. This kind of handwork, the saints dare not easily promise!”

Zhen Yuanzi saw a scene, could not help but tremble violently, extremely excited.

When the saints saw this, their eyes were different.

That too clear daddy eyes reveal admiration color, at this moment I can’t help but nod.

He is particularly enthusiastic about Medicine Pill’s way. Pill refining attainments can be regarded as the top in the wild, but seeing Styx’s handwriting, he can’t help but bow down to the wind.

Tongtian Sage looked ashamed when he saw Styx’s profusion of medicine.

He supported the sky with the four swords of Zhuxian, and participated in the refining of the Tianzhu, and obtained a lot of Heavenly Dao merits.

But if he was asked to give such a massive amount of merits one after another, just to help the predecessors, and ask himself, he would not be able to do it!

“Patriarch…” The two western sages glanced at each other, with a look of sorrow on their face.

He was already barren in the West, and not to mention the merits, even if they wanted to imitate Styx, they would not be able to come up with a refining treasure like Shennongding.

As for the Universe Star Dou formation, let alone the secrets of the monster race, the peerless formation, it is difficult for them as Sages to penetrate one or two.

“Husband!” Nuwa looked at Styx at this moment, but her eyes were like a star, full of tender affection.

As for the primitive Tianzun and Daozu Hongjun, they were all choking silently at this moment.

This Styx acted so recklessly, where should they go from the Profound Sect?

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