Chapter 208

The operation of the furnace for refining the sky is a series of visions, and the precious light reflects on the heavens, as if the entire prehistoric state is turned into a melting pot.

The scene in the melting pot is also clearly presented before the eyes of all beings.

All saints and sentient beings are all looking forward to seeing this unprecedented scene with more or less excitement in their hearts.

The giant that Styx transforms is engrossed in maintaining the furnace.

Refining the Tianzhu is by no means a trifle.

Even if he had the power to reach the sky, he turned the mountain pillars into rough stones, and he also had refining artifacts such as the refining furnace. If he was a little careless, he would fail.

At that time, the 100 million merits will be turned into nothing, or even the rough stone will be destroyed.

I saw the rough stone slowly deforming in the furnace.

Although it is slow, it is visible to the naked eye of sentient beings.

But at a deeper level, this is already the result of the acceleration of Styx’s 100 million merits.

Otherwise, if you want to refinish this imperfect mountain pillar, I’m afraid I don’t know how much Yuanhui it will cost.

Under the attention of all the people, the rough mountain pillar of Buzhou gradually took shape, and gradually formed the posture of the mysterious tortoise of the North Sea.

After another moment, the Beihai mysterious tortoise in the furnace gradually got eyeballs, and even the lines on the turtle shell and the details of the limbs became clear.

“Nuwa, you and I are living together!”

Styg whispered, and Nuwa Sage responded.

The two work together to evolve the amazing avenue of life to the extreme. The life and death of all beings and all things are changing in a flash.

“Holy Father! Our Lady!”

The human race on the primordial land saw such a scene, and the spirits and spirits shook violently, shouting with excitement, feeling extremely lofty and glorious.

This is the holy father and mother who created their human race, now for the sake of all living beings, refining the Tianzhu! What a merit, what a great achievement! Terran will always be remembered!

“Holy Master! This is my witch clan holy Master!”

Xuan Ming and other witch races also showed the color of worshiping pride in their eyes.

But those monster races have different expressions.

Among them, the demon god Baize Lion smiled bitterly: “The Witch Clan has such a powerful backing behind the scenes, my demon Clan is not unjustly defeated! Being under Nuwa Sage’s jurisdiction is not necessarily a bad thing!”

Seeing that the stone turtles in the furnace gradually came to life, as if they were about to come alive.

The two sages of the West, the Xuanmen people, were moved in their hearts, and their eyes flickered involuntarily.

Especially the primitive Tianzun and Daozu Hongjun, the expressions are quite complicated.

“Hongjun fellow daoist, refining the Tianzhu is no easy task. Please also Sage to help me.”

Just as all the saints were entangled in their hearts, Styx spoke indifferently.

Hearing that, the two sages of the West are overjoyed in their hearts.

Such a major event, if you can intervene in it, it will naturally be a merit.

It’s just that the two of them know the temperament of the Patriarch, and the two of them are careful to think through the Patriarch’s glance. If the Patriarch is unhappy with a rash move, the gain is not worth the loss.


After hearing the words, Na Tongtian quickly separated the Magic power and poured it into the furnace.


The same is true for daddy.

“Stay fellow daoist, really impressive!”

Na Hongjun sighed leisurely, also helping.


Primitive Tianzun’s complexion was uncertain, and after seeing Hongjun’s move, he followed suit.

“The measurement of Patriarch is really ashamed!”

Zhen Yuanzi couldn’t help but smile when he saw this scene.

The boy beside him was a little puzzled: “Master, what does this mean?”

“The Patriarch can even repair the sky, and the refining of the Tianzhu has reached the last step. He is calm and confident, do you really think you need all the saints and want to help!”

After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking, he laughed.

His boy scratched his head, and finally suddenly realized: “I understand! This is the step the ancestor gave to the profound door!”

At the moment the boy spoke, Zhen Yuanzi mobilized the ground book, blocked the voice, smiled and nodded.

In fact, there are many great abilities in the predicament, but also the doorway.

It’s just that even if you know it well, it’s mostly secretive.

Sage-level things, how can they speculate and point fingers?

That Dao Ancestor Hongjun, Primordial Heavenly Venerable, and even the entire Xuanmen, had been deflated in front of Patriarch Styx, and it was definitely not something that sentient beings could criticize.

At this moment, the two sages of the West, as well as Tongtian and Daddy, are full of gratitude in their hearts.

They were not able to participate in Patching the Sky, but now they can get a piece of the pie in the Refining Tianzhu, which is naturally good for Nian Styx.

In this way, not only can we obtain merit and luck, but also can be appreciated by all living beings.

You know, the existence of belief in sentient beings is nothing new among all the saints.

As for the original Tianzun and Daozu Hongjun, they have benefited at this time. Even if they are in a complicated mood, their expressions are greatly relaxed.

“Huh, what does Master mean? Why do you have to show Na Hongjun and the original old man a good face?”

Seeing this scene, Xuan Ming was slightly dissatisfied.

“The Lich battle, the sky collapsed, and such a catastrophe followed. If the master and the profound door intensify the conflict, what should the common people do?”

Fuxi said with a slight emotion, “As far as I can see, although this action did not kill anyone, it is indeed a condemnation. It is really convincing!”

“It turns out that it is!” Xuan Ming heard this, but his eyes brightened, and the worship of Styx in his heart became more surging.

Fuxi also smiled slightly. Where does a member of the Wu clan know these bends and turns?

At this moment, all the saints work together to pour Magic power into the furnace.

After the furnace trembled for a while, a strong brilliance burst out, reflecting the heavens, shaking the world, and pulling the power of the Universe Star into the furnace.

With a whistling, the stone tortoise burst out of the furnace, and it rose thousands of times in an instant, almost covering the sky and the sun, and it can be called the number one giant in the wild!

After the stone tortoise landed, its limbs actually flew out of their own accord and flee to the four poles.


The limbs fell to the ground and turned into magnificent pillars to support the sky.

And his body, dragged by the Styx, fell into the East China Sea and disappeared.

At this moment, the four extremes of the predicament are stable, the whole world is also settled down, and all beings are embracing and crying, bursting out cheers.

The name of the Patriarch of the River Styx resounded throughout the entire prehistoric land.

“The Tianzhu refined is different after all. From now on, the terrain is higher in the west and lower in the east, and the Jiāng Liú river flows eastward!”

Styx watched the four pole Tianzhu disappear by itself, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

After completing such a great cause, he was filled with emotion, and the sense of accomplishment and joy was self-evident.

The next moment, there are frequent visions between heaven and earth, and there are countless clouds of celebration condensing, golden lanterns hanging down, and thousands of golden lotus springing from the earth, it is the Heavenly Dao that has made the magnificent merits.

The merits of this film form a cloud of celebration, almost covering the sky and the sun, and its size is unprecedented!

More than half of the merits and virtues are divided into the clouds. At this moment, they flew towards the Styx and poured into his body.

A total of 390 million merits!

“Heavenly Dao, I’m finally fascinated this time.”

Styx smiled slightly, it was reasonable for him to get a big head with this merit.

Either the act of repairing the sky and refining the pillars is closely related to Heavenly Dao, or he gave Hongjun and Xuanmen a step, so Heavenly Dao did not stop as usual.

With the infusion of merit, the system prompt sounded in the ear:

“Ding! The host repairs the sky, refurbishes the heavenly pillars, saves the common people, is conducive to the promotion of the sect, and gives tens of billions of merits and a gift for repairing the sky. Will you open it now?”

Hearing the system prompt, Styx was overjoyed.

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